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Aquí se habla Español. Ser Spanish has two verbs that are the equivalent of the English “to be”. One such verb is the irregular verb Ser. Ser is used.

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Presentation on theme: "Aquí se habla Español. Ser Spanish has two verbs that are the equivalent of the English “to be”. One such verb is the irregular verb Ser. Ser is used."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aquí se habla Español

2 Ser Spanish has two verbs that are the equivalent of the English “to be”. One such verb is the irregular verb Ser. Ser is used to identify or describe; to tell what something is (basic characteristics or its origin); things that are an integral part of you, of your identity. Aquí se habla Español

3 The acronym DOCTOR can be used to describe the verb SER: Descriptions Origins Characteristics Time / date Occupation Relationship Aquí se habla Español

4 Ser is used for all permanent/long-term and personal descriptions. Ser is used with the essential qualities that define a person or thing and that are not likely to change in the near future. These can be:  Soy alta y delgada. - I am tall and thin.  Silvia es pelirroja y baja. - Silvia is red- headed and short. Aquí se habla Español

5 Ser is used to describe the place a person is from or the material something is made from. To describe a person’s home country or location, use a conjugated form of the verb Ser + de + location.  Ella es de Honduras. (She is from Honduras)  Ella es peruana. (She is Peruvian) Aquí se habla Español

6 Characteristics are personality descriptions of a person. These would probably be the second thing you say to "What´s he/she or it like?“  Amalia es inteligente, atrevida, y amable. (Amalia is intelligent, daring, and friendly.)  Mi esposo es romántico y cariñoso. (My husband is romantic and caring.) Aquí se habla Español

7 Ser is used to point out Date and Time, which includes days, dates, and hours. For hours, use es for one o´clock and son for all other hours.  Hoy es el diez de marzo. (Today is March 10 th ; the 10 th of March)  Son las tres y quince de la tarde. (It is 3 pm)  Ayer fue mi cumpleaños. (Yesterday was my birthday.) Aquí se habla Español

8 Occupations are seen as life-long careers and are therefore seen as more "permanent" than many people would think in the United States.  Soy profesora del español. (I am a Spanish teacher.)  Ellos son estudiantes. (They are students.)  Mi padre era jardinero. (My father was a gardener.) Aquí se habla Español

9 Even after someone dies or someone breaks up, relationships are described using ser. Religion is considered a relationship with a higher power, with that said religions are also described using ser.  Lynne es mi madre. (Lynne is my mother.)  Marcos es mi ex-novio. (Marcos is my ex- boyfriend.)  Andrés es católico. (Andrés is Catholic.) Aquí se habla Español

10 Ser is used with most phrases beginning with de. Example: 1.Soy de Costa Rica.I’m from Costa Rica. 2.El libro es de Raul.The book is Raul’s. 3.La caja es de carton.The box is (made of) cardboard. Aquí se habla Español

11 Ser is used to link two nouns or pronouns or a noun and a pronoun. 1.El Sr. Lopez es profesor. Mr. Lopez is a teacher. The underlined words are nouns. 2.Nosotros somos estudiantes. We are students. The underlined words are a pronoun and a noun. Aquí se habla Español

12 SER (only describes permanent or nearly permanent states, such as being married or being tall or skinny.) SubjectPresentPreteriteImperfectFuture Yosoyfuieraseré Túeresfuisteerasserás Él / Ella / Ustedesfueeraserá Nosotrossomosfuimoséramosseremos Vosotrossoisfuisteiseraisseréis Ellos / Ellas / Ustedes sonfueroneranseran

13 The verb ser is an irregular verb that also means “to be” (estar is the other verb). Ser does not follow the pattern of regular verb conjugation. Ser is used to identify or describe personality, nationality, physical characteristics (permanent), race, gender, origin, identity, profession, events, time

14 Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the verb ser. 1.David _____ es un estudiante de Español. 2.Nosotros __________ de Puerto Rico. 3.Tu ________ un chico simpático. 4.¿De dónde _______ ustedes? 5.Yo _______ profesor de matemáticas. Aquí se habla Español


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