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Harcourt Journeys: Story Selection

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Presentation on theme: "Harcourt Journeys: Story Selection"— Presentation transcript:

1 Harcourt Journeys: Story Selection
Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott 1

2 Unit 2: Lesson 9 “Dear Mr. Winston” Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott 2

3 Turn your Text Book to page 226.
Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott



6 1 2 3

7 What are some ways that you can apologize for something other than writing a letter?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

8 Answer: Send a card Buy a gift Send flowers Give a hug
Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

9 Why do you think Cara keeps saying her parents blame her or are making her apologize?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

10 Answer: She doesn’t want to admit that it was her fault; she’s not really sorry. Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

11 How does Cara try to convince Mr
How does Cara try to convince Mr. Winston that she had a good reason for bringing the snake into the library? Answer Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

12 Answer: She says she was trying to find out what kind of snake it was by comparing the real snake with snake pictures. Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott



15 4 5 6

16 Why might there be a rule that reference books cannot be removed from the library, “even for ten minutes”? Answer Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

17 Answer: They have to be available for anyone who needs them.
Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

18 How does Cara’s tone in the third paragraph differ from the first paragraph?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

19 Answer: In the first paragraph, she is still shifting blame to Mr. Winston. In the third paragraph, she is saying something that sounds friendly or helpful. Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

20 Why do you think the author chose to mention that the snake is still loose at this point in the letter, instead of at the beginning? Answer Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

21 Answer: To entertain the readers, to keep things interesting, and to move the plot forward. Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

22 7 8 9

23 What evidence does Cara provide that the snake was not dangerous?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

24 Answer: The book showed that it was not a type of deadly snake.
Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

25 Who is Cara trying to persuade and why? Is she convincing?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

26 Answer: Her father, because she knows he will read the letter and will decide her punishment. No, because she doesn’t accept any blame for what happened. Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

27 Why does Cara mention that Jake Lambert sold her the snake?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

28 She hopes to shift some of the blame somewhere else.
Answer: She hopes to shift some of the blame somewhere else. Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott



31 10 11 12

32 Describe the sequence of events from the time Cara brings the box into the library until Mr. Winston faints. Answer Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

33 Answer: Cara brings a box into the library.
Mr. Winston insists on looking in the box. He picks up the box, opens it, screams, and faints. Then the snake slithers out. Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

34 How is Cara’s tone on this page different from her tone on pp. 228-229?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

35 Answer: Earlier she said she was truly sorry, but kept blaming Mr. Winston for what happened. Here she mentions things she knows will upset Mr. Winston. Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

36 From what Cara suggests about efforts to find the snake, what is true about snakes most of the time?
Answer Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

37 They are difficult to find; they can hide in unusual places.
Answer: They are difficult to find; they can hide in unusual places. Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

38 13

39 Sometimes authors will repeat words or use repetitions, if they want the reader to pay close attention to those words. Do you believe Cara when she repeatedly says, “ I am genuinely sorry”? Why or why not? Answer Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

40 Answers: No, her letter seems to be insincere. She is still inquiring about the snake and doesn’t seem to care much about Mr. Winston’s feelings. Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

41 Projectable 9.3 Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott




45 Projectable 9.4 Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott



48 Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott

49 How did you do? Copyright © 2011 Kelly Mott


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