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Another Tool in the Toolbox Multiple Intelligences.

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1 Another Tool in the Toolbox Multiple Intelligences

2 Write your definition of intelligence. You can put aside the definition for now but later you will be asked to use it again. This will be the first entry in your MI reflection piece that you will turn in to WD. Don’t worry about the other entries. WD will give you a list of questions to which you should respond.

3 Howard Gardner Traditional View of Intelligence Multiple Intelligences View People are born with a fixed amount of intelligence. Human beings have all of the intelligences, but each person has a unique combination, or profile.

4 TraditionalMI Intelligence can be measured by short answer tests. Assessment of an individual’s multiple intelligences can foster learning and problem- solving styles. Short answer questions are not used because they tend to measure rote memorization.

5 TraditionalMI Intelligence does not change over a lifetime. We can all improve each of the intelligences, though some people will improve more readily in one intelligence area than in others.

6 TraditionalMI Intelligence consists of ability in logic and language. There are many more types of intelligence which reflect different ways of interacting with the world.

7 TraditionalMI Teachers teach a topic or “subject.” Teachers structure learning activities around an issue or question and connect subjects. Teachers develop strategies that allow for students to demonstrate multiple ways of understanding and value their uniqueness.

8 What do the critics say? It’s not new. Critics of multiple intelligences theory maintain that Gardner’s work isn’t groundbreaking – that what he calls “intelligences” are primary abilities that educators and cognitive psychologists have always acknowledge.

9 It isn’t well defined. Some critics wonder if the number of “intelligences” will continue to increase. These opposing theorists believe that notions such as bodily-kinesthetic or musical ability represent individual aptitude or talent rather than intelligence. Critics also believe that MI theory lacks the rigor and precision of a real science.

10 Discover Your Smarts! On the Wiki you will find an instrument you can use with young children. How I am Smart you can use with students Little info about all 9 intelligences

11 MI Reflection Entry #2 What do you consider your personal area(s) of strength? Were these reflected on the checklist? How do you think these strengths inform your teaching? How do you think these strengths might limit your teaching?

12 Articles 1. Making Students… 2. Integrating Learning Styles 3. Becoming a MI School 4. Variations on a Theme 5. Conversations with Gardner 6. Importance of MI 7. Using MI to design environment

13 Articles Groups Must include at least 3 of the intelligences as you “teach” us the article. You will be asked to identify the intelligences you used.

14 Let’s Talk What do you consider the most important features of MI theory? The most provocative features? How might using MI theory change your practices? What are the implications of MI theory for Gifted education? For working with students with learning difficulties?

15 MI Reflection Entry #3 Do the resources in my classroom allow for the expression of multiple talents? What can I do to make it better? How do you think using MI theory can influence student motivation? How do you think using a MI approach in the classroom can help to decrease behavior problems? Write a new definition for intelligence. How is it different from the first one?

16 MI Planning OPTIONAL Template on wiki Fairy tale example on wiki Many examples on internet

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