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How did Hitler Go From Power to Mo Power? How did the Nazis use that power to control information?

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Presentation on theme: "How did Hitler Go From Power to Mo Power? How did the Nazis use that power to control information?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did Hitler Go From Power to Mo Power? How did the Nazis use that power to control information?

2 Nazis and the Occult Identify Fascism What components, theories, and other events did the Nazis place into their ideology?

3 Your examples of American leaders being criticized

4 Homework Was the Nazi press free? T or F Hello my name is Max Amann. My job is to make sure all newspapers are supporting the Nazi cause. You newspaper owners are free.

5 What were the positive outcomes of controlling the German press? Generate a list

6 How could the United States benefit from adopting a similar control of the media and other news outlets? President bush did not respond fast enough. Obama is a socialist

7 Zo&feature=related KfqWNtRE

8 True or False Section or thumbs up/thumbs down

9 The video examples do not show national unity and allegiance to America

10 Painting our leaders negatively goes against American unity

11 Criticizing leaders should be allowed

12 The press and other sources should do a better job of unifying Americans around a common American culture

13 Max Aman was right

14 Consolidation of Power 1. Give each student a section 2. Each student should identify two changes made by the Nazis that helped the party consolidate power into one branch of government? 3. Create a political cartoon

15 Reichstag Fire


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