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Rabbis: 613 precepts on Sinai (negative) 365: as days of the sun year (negative) (positive) 248: as generations of men (positive) Which commandment was.

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Presentation on theme: "Rabbis: 613 precepts on Sinai (negative) 365: as days of the sun year (negative) (positive) 248: as generations of men (positive) Which commandment was."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rabbis: 613 precepts on Sinai (negative) 365: as days of the sun year (negative) (positive) 248: as generations of men (positive) Which commandment was greatest?

2 I. The Attack (Mt.22:34-36; Mk.12:28)

3 Mt.22:34-36 Mk.12:28 But when the Phari- sees heard that He had silenced the Sad- ducees, they gathered together. Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, test- ing Him, and saying, “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” Then one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, perceiving that He had answered them well, asked Him, "Which is the first command- ment of all?"

4 Primary and Secondary commands Commands of rabbis were more important than commands of Law  Ja.2:10 Obedience to one command does not atone for sin in another Eat with unclean hands Commit murder =

5 I. The Attack (Mt.22:34-36; Mk.12:28) II. The Answer (Mt.22:37-39; Mk.12:29-31a)

6 Mk.12:29-30 “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment” (< Dt.6:4-9) “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (12:31a) Answer is wider than question They stand or fall together

7 I. The Attack (Mt.22:34-36; Mk.12:28) II. The Answer (Mt.22:37-39; Mk.12:29-31a) III. The Application (Mt.22:40; Mk.12:31b)

8 “On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets“ (Mt.22:40) “There is no other commandment greater than these” (Mk.12:31b) A dangerous perversion:  “There is no law against things done in love. Therefore everything that is done in love is lawful”

9 Denominational writers disagree “In no case in the Gospels does love serve as grounds for abrogating any commandment... Nothing in Scripture can cohere or be truly obeyed unless these two are observed” (Moo; Carson)

10 Lk.10:27 A lawyer sums up Law w. two greatest commandments Jesus’ story about the Samaritan explains what it means to love a neighbor 28: do this… 37: go and do likewise

11 I. The Attack (Mt.22:34-36; Mk.12:28) II. The Answer (Mt.22:37-39; Mk.12:29-31a) III. The Application (Mt.22:40; Mk.12:31b) IV. The Agreement (Mk.12:32-34)

12 “Well!” (Mk.12:32a) Lord’s response: “You are not far from the kingdom of God” (34) Interpretation: “Great job!” “You are right!” “You have spoken the truth” Mk.12:32b-33

13 I. The Attack (Mt.22:34-36; Mk.12:28) II. The Answer (Mt.22:37-39; Mk.12:29-31a) III. The Application (Mt.22:40; Mk.12:31b) IV. The Agreement (Mk.12:32-34) V. The Assignment: A Love Triangle

14 1. Love ourselves 1. Not a command, just a fact 2. Self-love forms basis of comparison by which we love others  Ro.8:39; 15:30 Self-love is not self-indulgence 2 Tim.3:2-4

15 2. Love others 1. Love is not an emotion, but a policy 2. We love God by loving men 3. God loves our neighbors and brothers (Jn.3:16); commands same of us (the second greatest command) 4. 1 Jn.4:20-21, can’t love God if…

16 Jesus quotes Lv.19:18 “I am the Lord your God” Duties to Lord (2-8): “I am the Lord your God” “I am the Lord your God” Duties to neighbor (9-18): “I am the Lord your God”

17 Loving our neighbor (Lv.19) Charity, 9-10 Property, 11 Lying, 12 Mistreat, 14 Judgment, 15 Gossip, 16 Hatred 17 Grudges, 18 Love neighbor as yourself

18 Love Ro.13:8-10 fulfillssums up Love fulfills Law, 8, 10; sums up Law, 9 Advocates of “new morality” (“situation ethics”) insist that “nothing is pre- scribed except love” “The truth is that love cannot manage on its own w/o an objective moral standard…For law and love need each other. Love needs law for its direction, while law needs love for its inspiration”

19 3. Love God Jesus quotes Dt.6:5 Context: wholehearted love of God (4-5) 6: keep words He commands. Jn.14:15; 15:10; 1 Jn.5:2 7: Teach them to children. 3 Jn.4 8: bind them to yourself. 2 Jn.6, 9. Mt.16:19 9: review them often. 2 Pt.1:12

20 The Love Triangle God OthersSelf

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