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Published byDane Revill Modified over 10 years ago
STAAR Assessment Accommodations for AI and VI Students
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students September 1, 2011 STAAR Assessment Accommodations for AI and VI Students Sharon ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students
RETN Etiquette Please turn OFF cell phones If you must take a call, please take it outside Be sure your microphones are muted. Remember… You may be seen or heard by other sites at any time, even if you are not speaking to the presenter. Candid Camera ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Attendance and Handouts
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students Attendance and Handouts Credit for Attendance Access to Handouts Your district site manager should provide you with a sign-in sheet Please be sure that all participants who want credit for attendance sign-in Coordinate with the site manager to return the sign- in sheet to ESC Region 11 Handouts are available online on the ESC Region 11 website at Click on “STAAR Assessment Accommodations AI and VI Students” on the left side menu ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students
After today, this session will be available for viewing via the VBrick system at ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Questions During or after today’s session
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students Questions During or after today’s session Post questions and comments on Today’s Meet Or, questions to one of the presenters ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
ESC Region 11 Today’s Presenters
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students ESC Region 11 Today’s Presenters Sharon Rutherford Special Education Assessments Susie Tiggs Auditory Impairments Stephanie Isbell Visual Impairments ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Objectives for this training
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students Objectives for this training Review responsibilities of ARD Committees and district/campus testing coordinators regarding assessment accommodations Review allowable assessment accommodations and accommodations resources for Students with auditory impairments Students with visual impairments ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Student Assessment Division
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students September 19, 2011 Student Assessment Division Assessment Resources Resource pages STAAR STAAR Modified STAAR Alternate STAAR L TELPAS TAKS TAKS Modified Student Assessment Resources A-Z Directory Subscribe to the Student Assessment Mailing List What’s New in Student Assessment ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students
September 19, 2011 Accommodations Resources STAAR and TELPAS Accommodations Accommodations for Students with Disabilities taking STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, STAAR Modified, and TELPAS ations/staar-telpas/ TAKS Accommodations Related Resources ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
State Assessment Options
Special Education State Assessments State Assessment Options STAAR General assessment for grades 3-8 and EOC STAAR L STAAR Spanish (Gr.3-5) ELL’s who meet participation requirements LPAC and ARD must collaborate for ELL students who are also receiving special education services. STAAR Modified Will not be available after Students with disabilities who meet participation requirements for assessment based on modified academic achievement standards STAAR Alternate Students with significant cognitive disabilities who meet participation requirements for assessment based on alternate achievement standards TAKS Exit Level General assessments for students entering grade 9 prior to TAKS (Accommodated) This is a list of the state assessments that are currently available to students in Texas. For all students, STAAR should always be the first consideration. The content of instruction should be used to determine the appropriate assessment. Therefore, a student who is receiving TEKS-based instruction on grade level should take the general assessment while a student who is receiving instruction based on alternate achievement standards (prerequisite skills) may be eligible for the STAAR Alternate. STAAR is the general assessment. STAAR stands for State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness. STAAR replaced the TAKS for all grade levels in , with the exception of students who entered grade 9 prior to For these students successful performance on the TAKS Exit level assessment or the TAKS (Accommodated) assessment is required in order to graduate from high school. STAAR includes assessments for grades 3-8 and for end-of-course assessments in high school. There are additional versions of the STAAR for students who are English Language Learners (ELL) [STAAR L and STAAR Spanish] and for students with disabilities receiving special education services [STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate]. For the school year, the STAAR Alternate will be redesigned and the STAAR Modified will no longer be available. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
STAAR End-of-Course Assessments (EOC) Based on COURSE enrollment
Special Education State Assessments September 19, 2011 STAAR End-of-Course Assessments (EOC) Based on COURSE enrollment NEW English Math Science Social Studies English I Algebra I Biology U.S History English II Geometry Chemistry World History English III Algebra II Physics World Geography Students on the Recommended High School Program or Distinguished Achievement Program will take all 12 assessments Students on the Minimum High School Program may take, but do not have to pass the EOC assessments for Algebra II, Chemistry or Physics (ARD). Default – Recommended program Remember, not all STAAR Alt and Modified will be “live” in 11-12 Includes modified and alternate assessments ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Students with an identified disability who meet established eligibility criteria for certain accommodations Students who receive special education services Students who receive Section 504 services Students with a disabling condition who do not receive special education or Section 504 services ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Routinely, Independently, and Effectively
Type 1 Local decision Type 2 TEA Approval Requires “ARF” ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
READ every page of each document
Description of accommodation Assessments Student Eligibility Criteria Authority for Decision and Required Documentation Examples/Types Special Instructions/ Considerations ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Policies vs. Accommodations
Policies for ALL Students Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Calculators STAAR Math STAAR Science Calculation Devices Accommodations Triangle Dictionary STAAR Reading Grades 3-8 STAAR Writing STAAR English I, II, and III “Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials” in the 2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual Critical Information about Accommodations for Students with Disabilities ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Recording Accommodations on the Student’s Answer Document
GA = general accommodation BR = Braille administration LP = large print administration OA = oral administration XD = extra day LA = linguistic accommodation ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Use of Electronic Devices
Districts are required to have procedures in place to prevent the use of cell phones and personal electronic devices during test administrations. Electronic devices can disrupt the testing environment and compromise the security and confidentiality of the test. When using technology-based accommodations, students are NOT permitted Internet access during testing. Electronic devices with Internet or photographic capabilities are not allowable. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Type 1 Accommodations Local Decision
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students Type 1 Type 1 Accommodations Local Decision Susie ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Amplification Devices
Type 1 This accommodation is for students whose disability affects hearing or focus and can include (but is not limited to) speakers frequency-modulated (FM) system Any student can receive this accommodation if he/she meets the eligibility criteria. Routinely and effectively uses this accommodation during classroom instruction and testing. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Oral/Signed Administration
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students Oral/Signed Administration Type 1 This accommodation allows for reading support on certain state assessments via Oral administration Signing Online standardized oral administration Applies to The entire mathematics, science, and social studies tests The reading questions on all reading/English tests Any resource materials or allowable accommodations NEVER applies to Reading passages Writing passages Writing multiple-choice test questions Why can’t I read aloud the selections on a reading test? Reading aloud the STAAR reading selections at any grade makes the assessment an inappropriate and invalid measure, since no determination about a student’s reading comprehension can be made. The purpose of STAAR (based on the curriculum/TEKS) is to assess the degree to which students understand what they read; it is not intended to be a measure of listening comprehension, which is distinctly different from reading comprehension. For this reason, students are required to read the selections independently on STAAR reading tests (as they were on TAKS). Why can’t I read aloud passages and questions on a writing test? There are practical considerations unique to the writing test that make reading aloud the writing passages and answer choices problematic. For example, misspelled words and missing punctuation make it difficult to read the test aloud in a standardized way that ensures the TEKS content standards are being validly assessed. In actuality, if the test administrator reads aloud a misspelled word or an awkward sentence, the student is cued to the correct answer. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Oral/Signed Administration
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students Oral/Signed Administration Type 1 Any student can receive this accommodation if he/she meets the eligibility criteria. Routinely and effectively uses this accommodation during classroom instruction and testing, and Meets one of the following: Receives special education services and is identified with dyslexia or has evidence of reading difficulties. Receives Section 504 services and is identified with dyslexia or has evidence of reading difficulties. Does not receive special education or Section 504 services (i.e., general education) but is identified with dyslexia. For students receiving special education or Section 504 services, what does the eligibility criteria “evidence of reading difficulties” mean? A problem with reading The problem could be caused by a learning disability in reading. The problem could be caused by other conditions, for example ADHD Emotional or behavioral disability Processing or memory issue The ARD or Section 504 committee decides if the student exhibits evidence of a reading difficulty. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Oral/Signed Administration
Type 1 Levels of reading support Read parts of the test questions and/or answer choices at student request Read all test questions and answer choices throughout the test The appropriate committee (ARD, 504, RTI team) documents the level of reading support the student needs in the appropriate student paperwork. A student can request a change to the level of reading support provided during testing only if this option is documented. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Standardized Oral Administration (SOA)
For 2014, the following assessments are offered statewide as an online option for oral administration grade 4 reading and mathematics grade 7 reading and mathematics grade 8 science and social studies All guidelines for oral administration apply to SOA. Allows a student to independently select and change his or her level of reading support during the test administration. SOA should only be administered to an eligible student for whom the appropriateness of this type of oral administration has been discussed and documented. Type 1 Online tutorial ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Oral/Signed Administration
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students Oral/Signed Administration Type 1 Special considerations It is the responsibility of the district/ campus to determine the most appropriate way to group students in order to provide a proper test administration. Plan for mixtures of support level and pace Consider students’ level of reading support, pace at which students work, and number of students one test administrator can handle Move around room and read aloud to students individually or to small groups of students working at a similar pace ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Oral/Signed Administration
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students Oral/Signed Administration Type 1 Grade 3 reading assistance on the mathematics test is an allowable test administration procedure and not considered an accommodation (2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual) If a student needs the entire mathematics test read aloud, this is an Oral Administration accommodation for eligible students. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Oral/Signed Administration
Type 1 Special considerations Most of the information related to test administration procedures has been deleted from the accommodation document. Ensure that test administrators are trained in the procedures specific to an oral administration. These can be found in the Oral/Signed Administration appendix of the appropriate test administrator manuals. For signed administrations, test administrators should also read the specific guidelines for signing test content included in the document titled “General Instructions for Administering State Assessments to Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing,” located on the Accommodation for Students with Disabilities webpage. Test administrators must sign the “Oath of Test Security,” including the bottom section. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
General Instructions for Administering State Assessments to Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Districts should plan accordingly to ensure that those who are administering a test to a student who is deaf or hard of hearing receive training to prepare for this type of test administration. Test Administrators Professionals who hold valid education credentials Professionals who are under the supervision of professionals who hold such credentials Certified sign language interpreters who are employees of the school district and hold valid education credentials or who are under the supervision professionals who hold such credentials Certified sign language interpreters who are not employees of the district may NOT administer tests, but may only facilitate communication between the test administrator and student. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
General Instructions for Administering State Assessments to Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Test Administration Directions: Signing, Projecting, Photocopying, or Amplifying Signing test administration directions is allowed (2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual). These may be further clarified or interpreted as long as the substance of the directions is not changed. Test administration directions do not contain secure information, and therefore may be projected or photocopied for students who want to read the print directions as the test administrator signs them. This is not an accommodation and an Accommodation Request Form is not required. A student who is identified as having a hearing impairment may use an amplification device, such as a frequency modulated (FM) system, as a Type 1 accommodation. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Test Content : Signing, Projecting, Photocopying, or Amplifying
General Instructions for Administering State Assessments to Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Test Content : Signing, Projecting, Photocopying, or Amplifying For students who are eligible for an oral/signed administration, the test administrator should employ the sign language that the student routinely uses as part of daily instruction. Refer to the section of this document titled “Procedures Specific to Signing Test Content.” If the test content is to be projected onto a screen so that the student can access the test in both print and sign, projection devices that do not involve the photocopying of secure test content are allowed as a Type 1 accommodation. It is a local responsibility to ensure that devices with recording capabilities have that capability disabled. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Test Content : Signing, Projecting, Photocopying, or Amplifying
General Instructions for Administering State Assessments to Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Test Content : Signing, Projecting, Photocopying, or Amplifying If test content needs to be photocopied in order to use the projection device, an Accommodation Request Form will need to be submitted. Refer to the Photocopying Test Materials accommodation policy for STAAR. A student who is identified as having a hearing impairment may use an amplification device, such as an FM system, as a Type 1 accommodation. The student may need to test in a separate setting to eliminate distractions to other students and to ensure the confidentiality of the test. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students
Basic Transcribing Type 1 This accommodation allows a test administrator to transfer student responses to the answer document. ONLY the following types of student responses may be used. Student writes, circles, or points to responses in the test booklet for multiple-choice and/or griddable questions Student dictates or signs responses for multiple-choice questions, griddable questions, and/or short-answer reading questions Student writes responses on scratch paper or another workspace or types responses on a word processor for multiple-choice questions, griddable questions, short-answer reading questions, and/or the writing prompts Student uses speech-to-text software to indicate responses for multiple-choice questions, griddable questions, short-answer reading questions, and/or the writing prompts Stephanie ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Basic Transcribing Type 1 Any student can receive this accommodation if he/she meets the eligibility criteria. Routinely and effectively uses this accommodation during classroom instruction and testing, and Meets one of the following: Has an impairment in vision that necessitates the use of Braille or large print test materials Has a disabling condition that prevents him or her from independently and effectively recording responses on the answer document ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Basic Transcribing Special Considerations
Electronic devices with internet or photographic capabilities are not allowable. Type 1 Special Considerations Test administrators should be trained in all transcription procedures located in this accommodation policy document and understand the boundaries of the assistance being provided. Test administrators must sign the “Oath of Test Security,” including the bottom section. Secure test materials and associated student responses cannot be photocopied, scanned, or saved in order to use this accommodation. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Basic Transcribing Special Considerations
Type 1 Special Considerations Refer to the Other accommodation policy if a student needs the test administrator to write for other reasons (e.g., make notes in the test booklet). Refer to the Complex Transcribing accommodation policy for information about the test administrator transcribing a student’s dictated or signed responses to the writing prompts (grades 4 and 7, English I and II only). Refer to the Mathematics Scribe accommodation policy for information about the test administrator recording a student’s dictated math scratch work. Refer to the Spelling Assistance accommodation policy if a student needs access to spell check, word predictor, or other special features. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Extra Time (Same Day) Type 1 This accommodation allows for extra time to test within the same school day (beyond the established time limit). 4 hour tests 5 hour tests Extra time testing sessions for grades 3–8 and EOC should start at the beginning of the school day and may go until the end of the regularly scheduled school day. Extra time testing sessions must never extend beyond a typical 7-hour school day for any one student. Schools that do not have typical 7-hour schedules should contact TEA for guidance. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Extra Time (Same Day) Type 1 Any student can receive this accommodation if he/she meets the eligibility criteria. Routinely and effectively uses this accommodation during classroom instruction and testing, and Is unable to effectively use other accommodations or any allowable test administration procedures or materials (2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual) to address this need, and… ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Extra Time (Same Day) Meets one of the following:
Type 1 Meets one of the following: Has an impairment in vision (e.g., uncorrected vision, nystagmus, qualifies for special education services with a Visual Impairment [VI]).identified with dyslexia Is receiving special education services and has evidence of reading difficulties… Has a behavioral or emotional disabling condition that affects attention and/or focus Has a physical disability or medical condition that requires a significant amount of time for treatment and/or recovery Is identified with an autism spectrum disorder and requires the entire school day to complete testing in order to maintain as much of his or her typical structure and routine as possible ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Projection Devices Type 1 This accommodation allows for enlarging text and graphics and can include (but is not limited to) closed-circuit television (CCTV) LCD projector (for tests administered online) Any student can receive this accommodation if he/she meets the eligibility criteria. Routinely and effectively uses this accommodation during classroom instruction and testing. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Projection Devices Special considerations
Type 1 Special considerations Secure test materials cannot be saved in any way. It is a local responsibility to ensure that devices with recording capabilities have that capability disabled. If secure test materials must be photocopied in order to use this accommodation, refer to the Photocopy accommodation policy. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Large Print Type 1 This accommodation allows for state-provided large-print test materials. Any student can receive this accommodation if he/she meets the eligibility criteria. Routinely and effectively uses this accommodation during classroom instruction and testing, and Meets one of the following: Has an impairment in vision (e.g., uncorrected vision, nystagmus, qualifies for special education services with a Visual Impairment [VI]). Has a disability that affects his or her accuracy in tracking letter to letter, word to word, and/or line to line. Has a physical disability which necessitates the use of large-print materials. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Large Print Special Considerations
Type 1 Special Considerations The ordering process of large-print materials will be closely monitored to ensure districts are ordering only for those students who meet the eligibility criteria. Student responses must be transcribed onto an answer document according to the procedures outlined in the Basic Transcribing and/or Complex Transcribing accommodation policies. If this is not done, the student’s test cannot be scored. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Large Print Special Considerations Helpful resources to refer to:
Type 1 Special Considerations Helpful resources to refer to: General Instructions for Administering Large-Print State Assessments Font and Point Sizes Matrices 2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual for more information about the special request process for a paper administration of TELPAS. If a student needs a test booklet in a larger print size than offered in the large-print test materials provided by the state, refer to the Photocopying Test Materials accommodation policy. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
General Instructions for Administering Large-Print State Assessments
This training document has been updated and is located on the Accommodations for Students with Disabilities website. Formerly known as “General Instructions for Administering Braille and Large-Print Assessments” Training Test administrators MUST receive training in the procedures and special instruction in this document prior to testing. It is important that test administrators be given their test administration materials in time to prepare for testing, especially if additional accommodations are needed. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
General Instructions for Administering Large-Print State Assessments
Transcribing Student responses must be transferred to the student’s answer document. If this is not done, the student’s test cannot be scored. Transcribing Griddable Questions (mathematics and science assessments) The “Transcribing Griddable Questions” student document MUST be provided to each student who does not use his or her answer document so that the student is aware of the maximum number of boxes available for an answer to a griddable question. Refer to the accommodation policies that address Basic Transcribing and/or Complex Transcribing (for STAAR and TELPAS) or Other Methods of Response/Transcribing (for TAKS). ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
General Instructions for Administering Large-Print State Assessments
If a student has a visual impairment and needs printed materials in a size larger than the state-supplied large-print materials, refer to the Photocopying Test Materials accommodation policy. Font and Point Size Matrices for all testing programs located on Accommodations Resources webpage ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Braille Type 1 This accommodation allows for state-provided Brailled test materials (STAAR and STAAR Modified only) for a student receiving special education services as a student with a Visual Impairment and who routinely uses Braille materials in the classroom. Contracted Braille test materials Uncontracted Braille test materials ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Braille Special Considerations
Type 1 Special Considerations Student responses on Braille tests must be transcribed onto an answer document according to the procedures outlined in the Basic Transcribing and/or Complex Transcribing accommodation policies. If this is not done, the student’s test cannot be scored. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Braille Type 1 Helpful resource: General Instructions for Administering Braille State Assessments Specific Braille Instructions (SBI) supplement the test administrator manuals. They are shipped with the individual Braille kits and posted online at Test administrators must review the SBIs prior to test day to ensure that the test is administered properly. Testing irregularities could result if the SBIs are not used. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
General Instructions for Administering Braille State Assessments
Type 1 This training document has been updated and is located on the Accommodations for Students with Disabilities website. Formerly known as “General Instructions for Administering Braille and Large-Print Assessments” Training Test administrators MUST receive training prior to testing. It is important that test administrators be given their test administration materials, including the Specific Braille Instructions (SBIs), in time to prepare for testing. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
General Instructions for Administering Braille State Assessments
Type 1 Specific Braille Instructions (SBIs): Braille tests are shipped with this special set of SECURE instructions. Also available two weeks prior to testing on Pearson website: After the Braille shipment arrives, but prior to the day of testing, test administrators MUST read the SBIs to determine which materials or procedures a student may need for testing. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
General Instructions for Administering Braille State Assessments
Type 1 SBIs provide test administrators with the following type of information Which test questions have been altered, replaced, or omitted Copies of replacement questions to be read aloud if student is receiving an Oral Administration Picture descriptions of graphics that can be read aloud if student requests Directions on which information to read aloud to students Example: Whether special symbols or Braille codes are used on test List of manipulatives student will need during test Examples: Braille ruler, three-dimensional geometric figures Instructions on how to transcribe the student’s responses onto the answer document ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
General Instructions for Administering Braille State Assessments
Type 1 Transcribing (Braille) Student responses must be transferred to the student’s answer document. If this is not done, the student’s test cannot be scored. The tests administrator must indicate to the student the space allotted for his/her written composition (26 lines) and/or short answer reading responses (10 lines). 26 lines of handwritten text = ~ 1,750 typed characters (including spaces) = ~ 3 or 4 Braille pages (depending on the size of Braille paper) 10 lines of handwritten text = ~675 typed characters (including spaces) = ~2-3 Braille pages (depending on the size of Braille paper) Refer to Basic Transcribing and/or Complex Transcribing (for STAAR) or Other Methods of Response/Transcribing (for TAKS). ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Type 2 Accommodations TEA Approval (ARF)
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students Type 2 Type 2 Accommodations TEA Approval (ARF) Susie ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Any other type of transcribing is Basic
Complex Transcribing Type 2 Applies ONLY to Grade 4 written composition Grade 7 written composition English I written composition English II written composition This accommodation allows a test administrator to record onto an answer document a student’s dictated or signed responses to the writing prompts when a student with a disability is unable to accomplish this task independently. Any other type of transcribing is Basic Transcribing! ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Complex Transcribing Type 2 An Accommodation Request Form may be submitted to TEA (with an attached student writing sample if appropriate) if the student meets the following eligibility criteria. Routinely and effectively uses this accommodation during classroom instruction and testing, and Is unable to effectively use Basic Transcribing to address this need, and Meets one of the following: Has an impairment in vision that necessitates the use of Braille or large-print test materials Has a physically disabling condition that prevents him or her from independently and effectively recording responses… ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Complex Transcribing Special Considerations
Type 2 Special Considerations Complex Transcribing is intended for students who are physically unable to produce a written response. This accommodation is not intended for students who have spelling deficits or poor handwriting. Approved Accommodation Request Forms are returned to the district with very specific guidelines about how to transcribe the student’s responses to the writing prompts, including how to indicate the student’s spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. A test administrator who transcribes for a student must be trained in these guidelines so that he or she understands the boundaries of the assistance being provided. Test administrators must sign the “Oath of Test Security,” including the bottom section. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students
Math Scribe Type 2 Applies ONLY to mathematics and science tests This accommodation allows a test administrator to record a student’s dictated scratch work and computations when a disabling condition prevents the student from accomplishing this task independently. The test administrator may write the student’s dictated scratch work and computations onto scratch paper chalkboard white board student’s test booklet Stephanie ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Math Scribe Type 2 An Accommodation Request Form may be submitted to TEA (with an attached student writing sample if appropriate) if the student meets the following eligibility criteria. Routinely and effectively uses this accommodation during classroom instruction and testing, and Is unable to effectively use test administration procedures or materials allowed for any student (e.g., various sizes or types of scratch paper/another workspace) or other accommodations (e.g., calculator) to address this need, and Meets one of the following: Has an impairment in vision that necessitates the use of Braille or large-print test materials Has a physically disabling condition that prevents him or her from independently and effectively recording scratch work/computations… ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Math Scribe Special Considerations
Type 2 Special Considerations Allowable test administration procedures and materials referred to in the "Student Eligibility Criteria" section of this document can be found in the 2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual. Approved Accommodation Request Forms are returned to the district with very specific guidelines about how to carry out this accommodation. A test administrator who serves as a Math Scribe must be trained in these guidelines so that he or she understands the boundaries of the assistance being provided. Test administrators must sign the “Oath of Test Security,” including the bottom section. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Photocopy Type 2 This accommodation allows for test materials to be photocopied for eligible students by a trained test administrator who has signed the “Oath of Test Security,” including the bottom section. Photocopying may be done in the following ways ONLY. enlarging the printed test materials to a size larger than the state-supplied, large-print test materials photocopying the double-sided test material into single-sided sheets ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Photocopy Type 2 An Accommodation Request Form may be submitted to TEA if the student receives special education services and meets the following eligibility criteria. Routinely and effectively uses this accommodation during classroom instruction and testing, and Is unable to effectively use other accommodations or any allowable test administration procedures or materials (2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual) to address this need, and Meets one of the following: Has an impairment in vision and requires test materials in a size larger than the state-supplied large-print test materials Has a physical disability that prevents him or her from effectively manipulating test materials printed on both sides of the paper and/or turning the pages in a test booklet ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Photocopy Special Considerations
Type 2 Special Considerations The test booklet may not be taken apart for photocopying and the memory on the copier must be deleted or cleared afterwards. Refer to the 2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual for more information about the special request process for a paper administration of TELPAS. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Documents that can be Photocopied without an Accommodation Request
If needed by the student… test administration directions blank answer documents state-supplied mathematics graph paper state-supplied reference materials for grade 8 science and Algebra I ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Extra Day This accommodation allows for one extra day to test.
Type 2 This accommodation allows for one extra day to test. Each day of testing must not extend beyond 7 hours. TEA will provide additional procedures specific to the requested accommodation with any approved Accommodation Request Form. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Extra Day Type 2 An Accommodation Request Form may be submitted to TEA if the student meets the following eligibility criteria. Routinely and effectively uses this accommodation during classroom instruction and testing, and Is unable to effectively use other accommodations or any allowable test administration procedures or materials (2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual) to address this need, and ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Extra Day Meets one of the following
Type 2 Meets one of the following Has a severe impairment in vision…including students who take the Braille test and require an extra day Has a severe behavioral or emotional disabling condition… unable to continue working for a prolonged period of time or during certain times of the day Has a severe physical disability or medical condition that limits the amount of time the student is able to continue working due to severe fatigue or decreased energy and stamina Is identified with an autism spectrum disorder… unable to complete the assessment in one day due to severe behavioral and/or emotional reactions that cannot be appropriately managed without an additional day of testing ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students
Other Type 2 Accommodations that fall into this category are only for students with disabilities who have unique needs that are not specifically addressed in the Accommodation Triangle. Not intended to provide additional supplemental aids not listed as allowable for students who fail to meet established eligibility criteria Standard accommodations Do not invalidate test results Nonstandard accommodations Invalidate what is being assessed Sharon ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Other Type 2 An Accommodation Request Form may be submitted to TEA if the student meets the following eligibility criteria. Routinely, independently, and effectively (if applicable) receives this accommodation during classroom instruction and testing, and Is unable to effectively use other accommodations or any allowable test administration procedures or materials (2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual) to address this need, and The district testing coordinator has been advised by a member of TEA’s Accommodations Task Force that the accommodation fits into the category of Other ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Remember… It is the responsibility of the campus to determine whether or not the student using an accommodation on a state assessment needs to complete the test in a separate setting to eliminate distractions to other students and to ensure the confidentiality of the test. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Accommodation Request Process Type 2 Accommodations
This training document is located on the Accommodations for Students with Disabilities webpage. Only Type 2 accommodations require the submission of an Accommodation Request Form to TEA. Step 1 Determination of student eligibility for Type 2 Accommodation Step 2 Completion and submission of the online ARF Step 3 TEA review and decision Step 4 Required communication within district ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Accommodation Request Process Type 2 Accommodations
When completing the online Accommodation Request Form remember… Be prepared to provide specific, detailed information about the reason the student needs the accommodation Work samples Other accommodations or allowable procedures and materials that have been tried unsuccessfully Evidence indicating requested accommodation is successful meeting student’s needs Specific characteristics/symptoms of student’s condition and level of severity ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Accommodation Request Process Type 2 Accommodations
DO NOT include confidential student information student’s first and last name Social Security number pages from an IEP medical documents ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Accommodation Request Process Type 2 Accommodations
The District Testing Coordinator is the primary contact person for schools when questions arise. Any educator may fill out the necessary information (depending on district policy); however, the district testing coordinator must “sign” the Accommodation Request Form in order for the request to be reviewed by TEA. The district/campus testing coordinator MUST ensure that the test administrator receives special training to administer an assessment with an approved accommodation if special guidelines accompany the approved request. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Accommodation Request Process Type 2 Accommodations
Do not submit an Accommodation Request Form if the student does not meet the specific eligibility criteria. Accommodation requests must be approved by TEA before a student can use the accommodation on a state assessment. Documentation in the appropriate paperwork should be “pending TEA approval.” ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Accommodation Request Process Type 2 Accommodations
Accommodation Request Forms must be received by TEA at least one week prior to testing. Late requests will NOT be processed unless circumstances involving the student change after the deadline. See the 2013–2014 Online Accommodation Request Submission Deadlines document also located on the Accommodations for Students with Disabilities website As stated in the TEA decision , the expiration date for all approved Type 2 accommodations is December 31st of the year the request was approved. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Please note that… The online Accommodation Request Form opens in January You may begin submitting 2014 requests at this time. ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students
TEA Contact Information and Resources Student Assessment Division assessment.studentswithdisabilitie Phone: (512) Student Assessment TETN Schedule ssessment/training/tetn-schedule/ Federal and State Education Policy (Special Education) aspx?id= Phone: (512) ARD Committee Resources for the Texas Assessment Program px?id=3314&menu_id=793 ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Education Service Center Region 11 Assessment Contacts
Special Education State Assessments Education Service Center Region 11 Assessment Contacts Renee Agent Coordinator Accountability, Assessment & Federal Programs Laura Carson Coordinator Teaching and Learning (817) Peggy DeMoss Assessment/School Improvement (STAAR, STAAR L, TELPAS, Assessment Accommodations) (817) Sharon Rutherford Special Education Assessments (STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate) (817) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment) Provided by ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
Notes for local district training
STAAR Accommodations for AI and VI students TEA 2011 Notes for local district training These slides may be used for training of local district personnel If any slide is amended or revised for use in local trainings, please change the footer at the bottom of the slide and indicate ESC Region 11 as the source Provided by _______ ISD (Source: ESC Region 11) ESC Region 11 (Source: TEA Student Assessment) ESC Region 11 Fort Worth, Texas (Source: TEA Student Assessment)
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