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Advantages of Visual Aids The primary advantage is clarity. If you are citing statistics, showing how something works, or demonstrating a technique, a visual aid will make your information more vivid to your audience. Another advantage of visual aids is Interest. The interest generated by visual images is so strong that visual aids are now used routinely in many areas, not just speechmaking. Another advantage of visual aids is retention. Visual images often stay with us longer than verbal ones. When used well, visual aids can enhance almost every aspect of a speech. One recent study showed that an average speaker who uses visual aids will come across as better prepared, more credible, and more professional than a dynamic speaker who does not use visual aids.
Bringing the object of you talk to class can be an excellent way to clarify your ideas and give them dramatic impact. If the item you want to discuss is too large, too small, or unavailable, you may be able to work with a model. Photographs In the absence of an object or a model, you may be able to use photographs. Photographs will not work in a speech, however, unless you have access to oversize enlargements. Copy services can now convert photographs (or slides) into transparencies that can be used with an overhead projector. Drawing Diagrams, sketches, and other kinds of drawings are superb alternatives to photographs.
Graphs Graphs are a good way to simplify and clarify statistics. Audiences often have trouble grasping a complex series of numbers. You can ease their difficulty by using graphs to show statistical trends and patterns. Charts Charts are particularly useful for summarizing large blocks of information. The speaker can use color to emphasize the different levels as the chart. Charts are also valuable for presenting the steps of a process. Charts can be used to present information your audience may want to write down.
Slides and Videotapes Slides and videotapes can be extremely effective as visual aids. If you are talking about the principles of architecture, what could be better than showing slides of buildings that demonstrate those principles? When used with care, slides and videotapes can also be employed in classroom speeches. If you decide to employ videotape in one of your speeches, practice with the monitor and playback equipment so you can use if flawlessly during the speech. As with any other kind of visual aid, videotapes are only effective when they are carefully prepared and skillfully integrated into the speech. Computer-Generated Graphics If you own a personal computer or have access to a computer center on campus, you may be able to create computer-generated graphics for your speeches. Computer-generated graphics allow you to have dramatic, professional-looking visual aids regardless of you artistic talent.
Computer-Generated Graphics
If you own a personal computer or have access to a computer center on campus, you may be able to create computer-generated graphics for your speeches. Computer-generated graphics allow you to have dramatic, professional-looking visual aids regardless of you artistic talent. Creating the graphic, is only the first step in making it suitable for use in a speech. When used in classroom speeches, computer-generated graphics are usually presented on transparencies that can be shown with an overhead projector. Transparencies Photographs, slides, and computer-generated graphics can be converted to transparencies, which can be shown with an overhead projector. You can also use transparencies to present drawings, graphs, and charts. Transparencies are inexpensive, easy to create, and produce a strong visual image. This is why they are one of the most widely used methods of presenting visual aids.
Transparencies are made of clear acetate and are the same size as a regular sheet of paper.
You can use them to create visual aids in one of two ways. The first is to draw or write directly on the transparency with a special felt-tipped pen. The second is to take a photograph, drawing, graph, or chart to a copy service, where you can have it copied onto a transparency. Transparencies can present pitfalls for the unwary. Unless you are a very experienced speaker, trying to write or draw on a transparency while you are speaking is an almost certain recipe for disaster. Prepare you transparencies well in advance and make sure any writing is large enough to be seen from the back of the room. In addition, check you overhead projector ahead of time to make sure it is working and that you know how to operate it. Arrange to practice with the projector when you rehearse the speech. This will help ensure that your transparencies are well coordinated with the rest of your presentation.
The Speaker Sometimes you can use your own body as a visual aid - by showing how to perform sign language for the deaf, by demonstrating the skills of modern dance, by doing magic tricks, and so forth. Doing a demonstration well requires special practice to coordinate your actions with your words and to control the timing of your speech.
Avoid Using the Chalkboard for Visual Aids Many students have marred an otherwise fine speech by turning their backs on the audience to use the chalkboard Even if you visual aid is put on the chalkboard ahead of time, it seldom is as vivid or as neat as one composed on poster board, on a flip chart, or on a transparency. There are, however, some speaking situations in which use of the chalkboard is essential. If you ever need to do this, make sure your writing is clear and large enough for all to read. Prepare Visual Aids in Advance No matter what visual aids you plan to use, prepare them well ahead of time. Audiences respond much more favorably to speakers who have obviously put a great deal of thought and effort into their visual aids. Visual aids are effective only if they are integrated smoothly with the rest of the speech. If you lose your place, drop your aids, or otherwise stumble around when presenting them, you will distract you audience and shatter you concentration.
Make Sure Visual Aids Are large Enough
A visual aid is useless if nobody can see it. Beginning speakers in particular tend to use visual aids that are too small. When you choose or make a visual aid, keep in mind the size of your classroom. Be sure the aid is big enough to be seen easily by everyone in the room. Display Visual Aids Where Listeners Can See Them Check the classroom ahead of time to decide exactly where you will display your visual aid. Once you have set up the aid in the best location, don’t undo all your preparation by standing where your audience can’t see the aid without wrenching their necks. Stand to one side of the aid, and point with the arm nearest it. If possible, use a pencil, a ruler, or some other pointer. Avoid Passing Visual Aids Among the Audience Once visual aids get into the hands of your listeners, you are in trouble. At least three people will be paying more attention to the aid than to you.
Nor do you solve this problem by preparing a handout for every member of the audience.
They are likely to spend a good part of the speech looking over the handout at their own pace, rather than listening to you. Every once in a while, of course, you will want listeners to have copies of some material to take home. When such a situation arises, keep the copies until after you’ve finished talking and can distribute them without creating a distraction. Keeping control of your visual aids is essential to keeping control of your speech. Display Visual Aids Only while Discussing Them Whenever an aid is visible,at least some people will spend their time looking at it rather than listening to you. If you are using an object or a model, keep it out of sight until you are ready to discuss it. When you finish your discussion, place the object or model back out of sight.
Talk to Your Audience, Not to Your Visual Aid
When explaining a visual aid, it is easy to break eye contact with your audience and speak to the aid. If you keep your eyes fixed on your visual aid, you may lose your audience. By keeping eye contact with your listeners, you will also pick up feedback about how the visual aid and your explanation of it are coming across. Explain Visual Aids clearly and Concisely Visual aids don’t explain themselves. Like statistics, they need to be translated and related to the audience. Beginning speakers often rush over their visual aids without explaining them clearly and concisely. A visual aid can be of enormous benefit - but only if the viewer knows what to look for and why. Be sure to adapt your visual aid to your audience. A visual aid is only as useful as the explanation that goes with it.
Practice with Your Visual Aids
Rehearse with your equipment to be sure you can set up the visual aid with a minimum of fuss. Run through the entire speech several times, practicing the handling of the aids, the gestures you will make, the timing of each move. If necessary, practice removing the visual aid when you are finished with it. In using visual aids, as in other aspects of speechmaking, there is no substitute for the Boy Scout motto - “Be prepared.” SUMMARY Visual aids can be of great help to you as a speaker. Listeners find a speaker’s message more interesting, grasp it more easily, and retain it longer when it is presented visually as well as verbally. There are many kinds of visual aids from object to graphs and slides and videotapes. No matter what kind of visual aid you choose, it will be effective only if you prepare it carefully and present it skillfully. Talk to the audience, not to the aid, and explain the aid clearly and concisely. Practice with your visual aids, so they fit into your speech smoothly and expertly.
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