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Synthetic Environment (SE) Core SE Core OneSAF Integration Update

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1 Synthetic Environment (SE) Core SE Core OneSAF Integration Update
Mark Faulk

2 SE Core Mission Support the Training of our Warfighters by providing:
OneSAF Integration (OSI) into AVCATT and CCTT and the development of virtual OneSAF composition as the standard computer generated forces for the virtual domain. Database Virtual Environment Development (DVED) Development of a standard Terrain Database (TDB) generation process to create a non-proprietary, open format, image generator (IG) independent, Master TDB (MTDB) consumable by virtual simulations, within a total development time of 96 hours. The development of a Virtual Simulation Architecture (VSA) to provide a Common Virtual Environment (CVE) that links system and non-system simulations into a fully integrated and interoperable training capability. Development of Common Virtual Components (CVC) that will reduce redundancy, increase realism, and facilitate an integrated live, virtual, constructive training environment. (LVC TE) 2

3 SE Core Development Provide Common Solutions across the Virtual Domain
Employs Software Reuse to Meet Virtual Simulation Needs Fully merged into and developing within the OneSAF common baseline Ability to immediately leverage other OneSAF development Greatly reduced any future costs and delays post FY09 OneSAF is the Key Reuse Component for many solutions Scenario Generation Tool (SGT) CVC C4I CVC OneSAF Integration

4 OneSAF Integration Purpose
Provide OneSAF as SAF and CGF components in AVCATT and CCTT Virtual Training Systems Provide Additional OneSAF capabilities to AVCATT and CCTT systems Add AVCATT and CCTT required Capabilities to OneSAF

5 CCTT with OneSAF Integrated
GATEWAY HMMWV All/Most Components: -- New SNE Services C4I GATEWAY ERC Manned Module AAR ERC Legend Blue = Few or no modifications Red = New, OneSAF-based S/W ERC CCTT NETWORK – 100BaseFx Ethernet EDIMM HMI ERC DIMM CGF ERC SEOD Env Mgr OneSAF SimCore OneSAF MCT (SAF WS) ERC OC Workstations (OneSAF MCT) MCC MCT SORD

6 AVCATT with OneSAF Integrated
Helicopter Manned Module Helicopter Manned Module Helicopter Manned Module Helicopter Manned Module Helicopter Manned Module Helicopter Manned Module Helicopter Manned Module TOC AAR Controller AAR Stealth AAR Participant Simulated Radio ERC Simulated Radio AVCATT Gateway HLA Gateway DIS HLA DIS Simulated Radio BMC Controller BMC Participant BMC Stealth OneSAF MCT (SAF Operator) OneSAF MCT (Role Player) Real Time Data Logger Role Player Realtime Data Logger Role Player Role Player OneSAF SimCore Legend Blue = Few or no modifications Red = New, OneSAF-based S/W SORD

7 SE Core OSI Entities, Units, and Behaviors
Composed entities to meet the virtual domain Master Entity List (MEL) Created units to meet AVCATT and CCTT Added air formations based on existing AVCATT formations Enhancing or creating new OneSAF behaviors as required to meet AVCATT and CCTT training objectives

8 SE Core OSI Scenario Generation
Importing of PFPS Graphics Files Save/load Overlays – Separate from main scenario file Command From Simulator (CFS) update to specify mixed (Manned Simulator & SAF) units Setting Weather Parameters Initial Conditions Data File capability to save (export) scenario initial condition information for initialization of non-SAF CCTT subsystems Weather Checkpoint Interval Voice Radio Nets/Presets

9 SE Core OSI Aircraft Survivability Components
Missile Warning Receivers Updated model to account for angle of approach of the missile Primitive behavior to dispense flare and chaff Common Missile Warning System (CMWS) Laser and Radar Warning Receivers Prioritizes multiple threats Six rulesets triggered based on the highest priority threat Path Planning update to support Radar Avoidance RF and IR Jammers Extend the OneSAF Jammer model to allow modification of existing parameters during component generation Extend activate emissions primitive behavior to activate jammers capability. Identification Friend or Foe IFF to include DIS interoperability with AVCATT manned simulator

10 SE Core OSI Command From Simulator (CFS)
Update OneSAF CFS framework to support CCTT CFS and AVCATT Tether Handle Manned Module joining/leaving during the scenario's execution Provide RWA follow-leader tether capability Update DIS interop to support CFS/Tether

11 SE Core OSI Sling Loads Make the following entities slingloadable from RWA: M998 Single Hook M998 Tandem Hook M1043 Single Hook M1043 Tandem Hook New slingloadable entity compositions: Crate 4500 lb / 7500 lb Pallet Ammo Small / Large MilVan M102 Twin Add DIS interoperability for slinging from manned simulator M577 M1114 M113A3 M1045 Single fuel blivet Six fuel blivet Fuel Drums Water Bucket AH-64 Fuselage

12 SE Core OSI Flight Mobility
FWA Mobility Model New Mobility Model based on AVCATT FWA model and re-architected for OneSAF RWA Mobility Model New Mobility Model based on AVCATT RWA model and re-architected for OneSAF Pilot updates Pilot updates to call nap-of-the-earth and contour/profile flight planning services added by ERC. Pilot updates to support CAS missions RWA internal loads

13 SE Core OSI Other Functionality
Paratroopers Close Air Support Fast IEDs – Magic bomb like Radio jammers ADA system specific messaging Missile mobility flyouts for AVCATT and CCTT missiles

14 SE Core OSI AH64D Systems SAL and RF Hellfire missiles Longbow Systems
AH64D Fire Control Radar Radio Frequency Interferometer Weapons Processor Longbow Configuration Editor Common Damage New Vulnerability Model and data set based on the AVCATT and CCTT systems CCTT takes precedence for ground AVCATT takes precedence for air & air  ground OneSAF values used where not provided by AVCATT/CCTT

15 SE Core OSI Other Components
Radars New radar component Radar modes (Search, Acquire, Track, Illuminate) to support the AVCATT system. Single-target-track and track-while-scan radar systems Degradation effects due to radar jamming Runtime reconfiguration of radar parameters Updated detection model for effects of chaff Fan beam visualization Lasers Added modes and codes to meet AVCATT Enabled line of sight check V-DIS Adding DIS interop translations to comply with V-DIS specification in support of the virtual simulation domain PDUs biased to the DIS draft standard IEEE X specification Common enumerations to meet virtual simulation domain

16 SE Core OSI Environment
CCTT, AVCATT, and OneSAF on same terrain using same terrain services Add CCTT relocatable objects Dynamic terrain and features from CCTT/AVCATT supported in OneSAF Smoke (battlefield, Tactical) and Dust Enhancements to OneSAF smoke modeling to meet current needs of CCTT and AVCATT Object placement services for virtual Support for the proper placement of CCTT/AVCATT dynamic terrain features during SG/runtime Common weather attributes for virtual Integration of ERC with current weather attribution in CCTT/AVCATT Cover and concealment services for virtual Refined cover algorithms, use of prepared fighting positions, and added concealment and hide functionality DVED Database Integration Testing of key databases now built by DVED and integrated into OneSAF

17 SE Core OSI Emphasis on Interoperability

18 SE Core Schedule Leading Up to GAT
Jan Feb Mar April May June July August Sept Build 5.2 Build 5.3 Build 5.4 Code Freeze Final Integration GAT Dry Run Aug 24 – Sep 11 AVCATT IPT2 May 4-8 5.2 Build Eval / Interop2 June 1-5 CCTT IPT2 April 21-23 5.1 Build Eval Feb 5.3 Build Eval August 3-7 GAT / Interop3 Aug 31 – Sep 18 DR Fixes DR Fixes DR Fixes DR Fixes DR Fixes DR Fixes, Retest & Deliver Sep OneSAF Common Baseline GAT Initial Go/NoGo Decision Aug 7 GAT TRR Aug 27 CCTT Scenarios Available to SECore Jun 24 18 18

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