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A presentation by Petutschnig and Ropatsch. Main Topics General Things (Ropatsch) Departements + Subjects + Workshop (Petutschnig)

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Presentation on theme: "A presentation by Petutschnig and Ropatsch. Main Topics General Things (Ropatsch) Departements + Subjects + Workshop (Petutschnig)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A presentation by Petutschnig and Ropatsch

2 Main Topics General Things (Ropatsch) Departements + Subjects + Workshop (Petutschnig)

3 General Things ~ 1200 pupils + ~ 125 teachers Building is separated in HTL and Grammar School One of the most modern schools in Austria Main Entrance

4 Many classes got a projector and a sound system Entrance hall with 2 Canteens (offering warm food at lunch time) School has a large network with online- servers and wlan-access The Aula

5 Our class with projector

6 Workshops Are located in a different building Workshops for all departments are there There is also a chill out area with a couch, a flat screen etc. Workshop Building

7 Chillout Area

8 Sports 2 gymnasiums + fitness room Outside area with football field There is also a basket- and a beach volleyball court

9 Sportsground football field basketball + beach volleyball court

10 Visit of the Sicilian last may

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