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 Find all possible antiderivatives of.  If you are a female junior, you could work with NASA scientists for a week this summer. 

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1  Find all possible antiderivatives of

2  If you are a female junior, you could work with NASA scientists for a week this summer. 


4 Section 4.3

5  At a critical point, c, of a continuous function, f: 1. If f’ changes from positive to negative at c, then f has a local maximum at c. 2. If f’ changes from negative to positive at c, then f has a local minimum at c. 3. If f’ does not change sign at c, then f has no local extreme value at c.

6  At a left endpoint, a, of a continuous function, f: 1. If f’ a, then f has a local maximum value at a. 2. If f’>0 for x>a, then f has a local minimum value at a.

7  At a right endpoint, b, of a continuous function, f: 1. If f’<0 for x<b, then f has a local minimum value at b. 2. If f’>0 for x<b, then f has a local maximum value at b.

8  The graph of a differentiable function y=f(x) is:  concave up if y’ is increasing (if y’’>0)  concave down if y’ is decreasing (if y’’<0)

9  A point where the graph of a function has a tangent line and where the concavity changes is a point of inflection.  Also called an inflection point.  Points of inflection can occur (but do not always occur) where y’’=0 or where y’’ fails to exist. ◦ The sign of y’’ must change around the point.

10  Use analytic methods to find the intervals on which the function is (a) increasing, (b) decreasing, (c) concave up, (d) concave down. Then find any (e) local extreme values, and (f) inflection points.

11  Read Section 4.3 (pages 194-203)  Page 204 Exercises #7-27 odd  Page 203 Exercises #1-5 odd, 29-41 odd  Read Section 4.4 (pages 206-213)

12  Find all inflection points of


14  Points of inflection can occur (but do not always occur) where y’’=0 or where y’’ fails to exist. ◦ The sign of y’’ must change around the point.

15  If f’(c)=0 and f’’(c)<0, then f has a local maximum at x=c.  If f’(c)=0 and f’’(c)>0, then f has a local minimum at x=c.


17  Read Section 4.3 (pages 194-203)  Page 204 Exercises #7-27 odd  Page 203 Exercises #1-5 odd, 29-41 odd  Read Section 4.4 (pages 206-213)  Quiz on 4.1-4.3 on Tuesday

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