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INTEGRATED SYSTEMS for STORAGE and HANDLING. Smart and Safe Handling for Smelters, Extruders and Metal dealers Italy.

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Presentation on theme: "INTEGRATED SYSTEMS for STORAGE and HANDLING. Smart and Safe Handling for Smelters, Extruders and Metal dealers Italy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Smart and Safe Handling for Smelters, Extruders and Metal dealers Italy

3 Automatic Warehouses + AGVs handling automation from CASTHOUSE to EXTRUSION PLANT

4 ALUMINIUM SCENARIO Main Products: Slabs & Plate; Coil Sheets Dies Profile Handling Solution: Automatic Warehouse AGVs Automatic Crane Subjects: A)Smelter; B)Extruder C)Metals dealers

5 DIFFICULTY ENVIROMENT Weight: more than 40 tons; Dimension: up to 15 m; Temperature: up to 500° C Mixed Path : out-door and in-door Such condition are unsafe and dangerous FOR THESE REASONS AGV IS THE IDEAL SOLUTION.

6 Which kind of application can find AGV for Smelters? In which way do you transport slab from Casthouse to Rolling Mill? AGV is a smart and safe SOLUTION

7 A) For Smelters and Rolling Mills handling of coils more than 40 tons as well as handling of scraps and slabs

8 Battery Charging System



11 Rolling Mill ENTRY

12 The AGVs in automatic way load the slabs at the loading stations of the CASTHOUSE and than transport them to the unloading stations into the ROLLING MILL where the slabs will be stored for the subsequent process for the coil manufacturing


14 Some Figures: Mixed Path lenght: 150 mt. Transport Speed WITH load unit: 15 mt/m Transport Speed WITHOUT load unit: 21mt/m 5 rolling slab every 2 hours Transportation rate is in total 2,5 slabs / hour from loading station in Cast House to unloading station in Rolling Mill area 1,2 cycles/hr

15 This Process is composed by: Special AGV ; Unloading Stations to drop the slabs; Complete automatic management system composed by: - Automatic battery charging stations; - Server and Client Control Stations automatically interfaced with the rest of the factory General Software and Interface Management.

16 AGV - Automatic Guided Vehicles are widely applied in any industrial field as they substitute at all effect the traditional forklifts

17 AGVs are not yet so common in the aluminium plants, in spite of the advantages offered by this system.

18 The Advantages given by automation are evident: more efficiency; labour reduction, the AGV work 24 hours seven days in the week; dramatic reduction of human errors; safety for the workers, machine and materials; full traceability of the materials; optimization of the inventory; flexibility: the AGV can work indoor and outdoor, and also in the dark; no pollution, neither with noise nor with gas.

19 Working principle According to the Customer data we will place along the paths the necessary REFERENCE POINTS that interchange signals with the devices on board of the various vehicles, so as they can recognize the paths.

20 How do the AGVs move? The vehicle functions by battery, and on the paths, according to the needs, will be placed one or more battery recharger. The vehicle feels their own battery level and automatically go to the energizer when it is necessary.

21 NAVIGATION SYSTEMS The AGV's are available with different guidance systems such as: Induction Guide for data transmission and / or power transmission Laser Guide

22 BY LASER The control systems use a rotating laser scan. The laser returns the distance of apposite reflecting object placed in the plant. Than, the AGV position and orientation are triangulated

23 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE The IT management of the system enables the connection to the Customers Host as well as the interface with other devices, such as scales, RFID, automatic doors and of course the remote assistance.

24 How are AGVs working for metal industry ? On the basing of following data: 1.The paths; 2.The material characteristics; 3.The material flow (i.e. the movements frequency)

25 INCREASE EFFICENTY in aluminium industry from CastHouse to FinishedProfile Integrated logistic solutions

26 AGV for COILS interfaced with automatic warehouse

27 example of Coils example of Coils flow

28 AGV working interfaced with automatic warehouse

29 B) For Extruders 1.handling of billets 2.handling of bulk profiles

30 As DimaSimma was developing specific solutions for the aluminium field: Automatic Warehouse and AGV for: SLAB & PLATE – COILS - SHEETS – DIES - PROFILE Before.........After

31 3. Handling of aluminium packet

32 4. AGV for transport of aluminium profiles from/to static shelving or automatic honeycomb warehouses

33 Integration

34 C) For metal dealers handling of sheets, of rolls, bundles and so on

35 Characteristics of the investment: AGV is adaptable for any type of product for any manufacturing organization, in any way and for any method of storage, fixed or automatic. AGV is usually implemented in the existing warehouse environments, without modifying the site

36 WHY AUTOMATION ? more efficiency; labour reduction, dramatic reduction of human errors; safety for the workers, machine and materials; full traceability of the materials; optimization of the inventory flexibility; the AGV can work indoor, outdoor, in the dark no pollution, neither with noise nor with gas

37 As a result, the investment results budget-friendly and quickly returned

38 The high efficiency given by integrated logistics can make the difference, not only in the reduction of costs, but also and especially in the improvement of the efficiency and of the service to the customer. LOGISTICS & SERVICE IMPROVEMENT make the difference

39 FUTURE in aluminium industry Integrated logistic solutions

40 ...Thanks! شكرا

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