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Top hats were made of beaver skins and worn in America and in Europe. Sometimes mountain men got attacked by Grizzly bears. 40 to 60 mountain men would.

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2 Top hats were made of beaver skins and worn in America and in Europe. Sometimes mountain men got attacked by Grizzly bears. 40 to 60 mountain men would travel together

3 Lewis took his dog named Seaman on his journey. In the Corps of Discovery Charles Floyd was the only person who died. John Colter got attacked by Blackfeet Indians and had to walk 200 miles back to Fort Raymond.


5 In 1801 Thomas Jefferson was elected for president. He had a powerful desire for exploring the wilderness so he bought a HUGE amount of land from France. This was called the Louisiana purchase.Jefferson chose his secretary, Meriwether Lewis to explore his purchase.

6 Lewis asked his friend William Clark to help him lead the expedition. President Jefferson wanted to find a water route across the continent.The two captains Lewis and Clark gathered 45 men for the trip. They named the group ‘’Corp of Discovery’’. One of the men had a wife and her name was Sacagawea. Sacagawea helped the Americans and the native American understand each other.

7 Strong men packed belongings and headed into the wilderness. It was rough for the men. They faced starvation, dehydration, burning heat, animal attacks, and unfriendly Indians. Many of these mountain men became legends just for exploring the wilderness.



10 Jim Bridger was a Famous mountain man who wondered the west looking for furs and other exciting things !!!!!!!

11 Bridger was following the Bear River in Utah to find where it emptied. When it ended, Bridger was standing on a sandy shore. He bent down scooped up a handful of water and took a sip. Very quickly he spat it out because the water was very salty.


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