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CRUCIBLE HUMAN RESOURCES. IDENTIFYING THE NEED What is the Specific Task at hand? Tight links to the “SMART” goals Generally not “More of the Same”

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3 IDENTIFYING THE NEED What is the Specific Task at hand? Tight links to the “SMART” goals Generally not “More of the Same” Division of Labor / Fields of Responsibility The Key Question? What piece of the puzzle is missing?

4 BUILDING THE FRAMEWORK The Job Description Defining the field of play The Summary Essential Duties and Responsibilities Skills and Abilities Required Legal Aspects of a Job Description

5 BUILDING THE FRAMEWORK The Limits of a Job Description Defining the “What” but not the “How” Does my job description provide a full basis to evaluate my performance as an employee? The move to Goals and Objectives: “So That…”

6 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Defined Objectives Within a Specific Area Oriented toward a Common Goal Servant 2013: “People Matter to God, so They Matter to Us!”

7 A “SMART” GOAL: MIDDLE-SCHOOL MINISTRIES “SPECIFIC” As a ministry we will make personal contact with every active student upon their missing two consecutive weeks of Student Programming

8 A“SMART” GOAL: MIDDLE-SCHOOL MINISTRIES “MEASURABLE” The objective is measurable through the comparison of attendance records with call records, notes, and travel logs of specific visits

9 A “SMART” GOAL: MIDDLE-SCHOOL MINISTRIES “ACHIEVABLE” A Student Database with contact information and current attendance records A planned progression of contact from Small Group Leaders to the Coordinator of Middle-School Ministries

10 A “SMART” GOAL: MIDDLE-SCHOOL MINISTRIES “RELEVANT” Hospitality is central to our core value that “People Matter” Your name is known, your presence is missed, we care enough to call

11 A “SMART” GOAL: MIDDLE-SCHOOL MINISTRIES “TIME-SPECIFIC” The Director of Student Ministries will, on a quarterly and an annual basis, assess the ongoing achievement of this objective

12 DISCUSSION BREAK… Are there ministry objectives in your setting that would benefit from the establishment of “SMART” goals? Identify and discuss specific possibilities. What teams or individuals would need to be involved to make these goals a reality?

13 SUPPORTING, DEVELOPING & MANAGING PEOPLE Facilitating Achievement When an employee falls short, what is the first question to ask? Budget? Training? Oversight? Is the objective itself appropriate?

14 FINDING THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE TASK Hiring from within the Ministry Setting There are benefits! There are challenges as well! The search process is a pastoral task, as we help people live into their calling

15 THE INTERVIEW PROCESS ITSELF Posting the Position Work to communicate well A resume and three references Searching for technical ability: “Can they do the job?”

16 SEALING THE DEAL A change from “Can they?” to “Fit” Outlook on life and the Christian Faith Relationship with peers in life and in work Relationship with authority figures Long-term hopes and aspirations

17 WHEN IT COMES TIME TO PART WAYS… A Surprise = Failure as a Supervisor Loans and employees don’t go bad Do the hard work up front in the process Clear communication of expectations with ongoing feedback leads to a successful work environment

18 A THREE-STEP PROCESS A Formal meeting with the Supervisor Looking hard at our side of the equation We are looking for “pinch points” We are not looking to share the work, “fix” the employee, or provide pastoral counseling

19 THE SECOND ROUND IS MORE PRESCRIPTIVE Clear documentation of the deficiency A clearly defined plan for improvement Extending 30 to no more than 90 days Intermediate follow-ups scheduled Clear articulation that lack of improvement will lead to termination

20 SEVERING THE RELATIONSHIP At this point conversation has ceased… Communication is intended for the transmission of information Firm, Clear, Concise, Controlled and Immediate Written documentation of terms

21 CONCERNS SPECIFIC TO VOLUNTEERS The principles translate to Volunteers Identifying the specific need The Search Process Clear Expectations, Clear Terms, Clear Time Limits (no life sentences!) Evaluation, feedback, continuance

22 TABLE TIME Reflecting upon your ministry setting, what “Key Piece” is missing? Describe the parameters of the task How does fulfillment of the task link to the broader goals

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