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T YPES OF C HARACTERS AND C HARACTERIZATION IN D RAMA Reading 3.10 – identify and describe the function of dialogue, scene designs, soliloquies, asides,

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Presentation on theme: "T YPES OF C HARACTERS AND C HARACTERIZATION IN D RAMA Reading 3.10 – identify and describe the function of dialogue, scene designs, soliloquies, asides,"— Presentation transcript:

1 T YPES OF C HARACTERS AND C HARACTERIZATION IN D RAMA Reading 3.10 – identify and describe the function of dialogue, scene designs, soliloquies, asides, and character foils in dramatic literature.

2 T YPES OF C HARACTERS Round Character: has many personality traits, like a real person. Flat Character: is one-dimensional, embodying only a single personality trait. Shakespeare’s plays often include flat characters who provide comic relief. Dramatic Foil: a character who highlights another character’s traits by providing a contrast. Parallel: a character whose traits are very similar to another character. Catalyst: a character that causes major change or conflict, especially one is not affected by the consequences of his/her actions

3 T YPES OF C HARACTERIZATION Dialogue: a conversation between two characters Monologue: a speech by one character Soliloquy: a speech in which a character is alone on stage and expresses thoughts aloud Aside: words spoken by a character on stage, but not meant to be heard by other characters on stage

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