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How to Request Technical Assistance Sera Morgan Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration HIV/AIDS Bureau Division.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Request Technical Assistance Sera Morgan Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration HIV/AIDS Bureau Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Request Technical Assistance Sera Morgan Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration HIV/AIDS Bureau Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs

2 What is Technical Assistance? A collaborative model of assistance and support designed to: Identify, select, or design evidence-based solutions to address problems, needs or goals Adopt or adapt knowledge to practice Effectively implement solutions customized to meet the needs of clients

3 Who pays for it? HAB National Technical Assistance Contract Part A grant funds Grantee training funds Other sources

4 1. Grantee or HAB advocated 2. Diagnostic 3. Follow-up to site visit 4. Short term management assistance 5. Peer-to-peer TA Types of On-site TA

5 Other Resources or Types of TA Reverse site visits Conference Calls with your PO, subject experts, or peers Websites: Conferences and meetings, e.g., The Ryan White All Grantees Meeting Tools from peer grantees

6 Who can request TA? The Grantee The Project Officer or other HAB official Other Federal officials such as the Grants Management Specialist or staff from the Office of Regional Operations

7 Common TA Subject Areas Data collection and reporting Management /payment of subcontractors Compliance with National Monitoring Standards or Ryan White legislation Needs Assessment work Program evaluation EIIHA Budget Planning Council issues, e,g, Bylaws, training, consumer involvement, committee productivity

8 How do we know when to request TA

9 To Request TA or Not to Request TA? These are the questions 1.What is the problem? Create problem statement 2.Are there tools available to help us address the problem? 3.Is the problem specific to one particular grantee? Or is it a common challenge that has been addressed by many other grantees? 4.What specific type of expertise is needed? 5.What specific outcomes are expected from TA? 6.Would on-site TA improve the outcomes? Or would conference call(s) work?

10 Step 1: With your PO 1.Create Problem Statement 2.Identify Type of TA needed 3.Identify the type of expertise needed and the ideal provider of TA (e.g., peer, consultant, HAB staff) 4.Identify measurable outcomes of the TA 5.Determine Timeframe – number of days on site, schedule of conference calls

11 Steps 2 – 6 2.PO submits formal TA request on behalf of grantee 3.Dates, consultants, methodology are set 4.Agenda is created, vetted, finalized 5.TA is delivered 6.Conference call debriefing

12 Steps 7 – 9 7.Grantee receives summary report with findings and recommendations or instructions 8.Grantee responds to report (e.g., corrective action plan) 9.PO monitors follow-up

13 Outcomes – A Must! Your Project Officer will document whether the technical assistance resulted in the needed change in your program Monitor your program to ensure that the change is sustained over time

14 HAB Wants You to Succeed If you need technical assistance, ask for it!

15 Contact Information Sera Morgan Project Officer Phone: 301-443-2621 Email:

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