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York District Incremental Technology Proposal By the PTC Technology Team (PTCTT) YD ADC Tim Guerrette PTC ACC Jacob Moorman.

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Presentation on theme: "York District Incremental Technology Proposal By the PTC Technology Team (PTCTT) YD ADC Tim Guerrette PTC ACC Jacob Moorman."— Presentation transcript:

1 York District Incremental Technology Proposal By the PTC Technology Team (PTCTT) YD ADC Tim Guerrette PTC ACC Jacob Moorman

2 York District York District is composed of units in York County, Maine which includes the Kennebunks, the Berwicks, Biddeford/Saco, Sanford, and neighboring areas. Broadband internet service is unavailable in some areas, resulting in an “analog gap” which must be kept informed using offline methods while we continue to drive adoption of increasingly capable digital solutions.


4 The Power of Many The Pine Tree Council Technology Team is Volunteer Led, Professionally Guided. 1 Asst. Council Commissioner 1 Staff Advisor 4 Asst. District Commissioners Broader technology resource pool

5 Who can help me? YD Tech Contacts ADC for Technology, York District Tim Guerrette, ACC for Technology, Pine Tree Council Jacob Moorman, Staff Advisor Matt Randall,

6 Lean and Agile Lean Eliminate waste Amplify learning Decide as late as possible Deliver as fast as possible Empower the team Build integrity in See the whole Agile Produce a working product early, then release regular incremental improvements adapting for new needs and improving the user experience (UX) Ensure sustainable and sustained development through communication and time-boxed development “Sprints”

7 Typical Change Execution Requests originate from a PTC Volunteer or Professional (over 200 have participated!) Tech Team evaluates against established governance Work is scheduled in half-month Sprints Change is prototyped, peer reviewed and beta-tested, then rolled to production

8 Where do requests come from? Email: Voicemail: 207-200-3456 Direct email to ACC, ADC, or staff advisor Direct interaction via PTC’s PLC, Commissioner meetings, Roundtable, event team meetings, or Tech Team’s Muster events User panels

9 Our 2014 Objective: Improved UX Events: Info delivery, promotion, registration, confirmations, receipts, reminders, surveys Leverage data warehousing and analytics, ex: website menu choices were made based on 6 months of search and click path data Empower the volunteer to do less ‘busy work’: document sharing, e-signatures, targeted communications, increased awareness of available resources

10 Thanks for guidance! Denis Hamann, Council Commissioner Team Tony Fleurent, Council Training Team Owen Maguire, Council Professional Staff (all) Rick Raynes, Sherry Lord, Leo DeLima and the PTC University of Scouting Team Stephen Houser and Dana Ryder Council Advancement Team, Council Marketing Team Paul Bock, Council Camping Team Reps from P308, P311 And many more…

11 What drives Tech decisionmaking? Consideration given to all stakeholders ACC reports to Council Commissioner dotted line to Council Scout Executive. ADCs report to ACC, dotted line to District Commissioners. Tech Team has established operating practices Key 3 advise on specific governance requirements (e.g. Marketing, ToS, etc.) Metrics/Analytics and industry best practices drive implementation


13 Change Model (Council Approved) Content creators should have the ability to post information for delivery (examples: Activities, Advancement, Commissioners) Selected parties coordinate promotions (examples: Key 3, Marketing, Roundtable) Council-wide Technology Team maintains platforms and provides support/execution assistance as needed

14 Initial Access Grant Access to be granted for content management under PTC’s Online Services Terms of Use Agreement (expected February 2014): Activities Chair Training Chair Roundtable Commissioners Key 3 PTC Tech Team

15 Information Delivery These steps are required for all events: 1.Create event PDF, add to document repo 2.Create calendar entry, link to event PDF 3.If prereg is needed, create reg flow, add URL to calendar entry 4.Update PDF for calendar link, reg URL 5.Print PDF for distribution at Roundtable

16 Promotion These steps are used selectively as appropriate: 1.Create a Post on the website, link to files 2.Post to the Facebook Page, link to files 3.Post to the mailing list, link to files 4.Promote verbally at Roundtable 5.Submit for inclusion in PTC’s Pine Spills

17 Platforms YD website moves to YD website backed by WordPress PDF document repo part of our WordPress YD Facebook Page remains as-is YD leverages Council-wide Google Calendar YD mailing list moves to Google Groups Additional services as per the PTCTT standard offering

18 Key Website Notes Cothemed to PTC’s theme per Marketing Team guidance Uses modern minimalist themeing and achieves responsive, mobile-friendly display Validated vs BSA’s Brand Identity Guide Ensures canonical PDF documents exist to cover our Analog Gap and retain our history

19 Key Mailing List Notes Existing list is managed by Jacob Moorman via SourceForge infrastructure he maintains Move to Google Group aligns list to a platform the Tech Team can support as a team The need for manual subscription/unsubscribe management will be eliminated District has option of moving to moderated list Easy web integration of subscribes, archives, submissions

20 Incremental Improvements New work accepted via feedback paths Work is selected for twice-monthly sprints PTCTT manages projects and staffs workload Improvements are extended to all service consumers (Council, Districts, groups) Regular consults with peers in other Councils

21 Proposed Timeline Time TargetInitiative 2/14Terms of Use finalized by PTC (currently pending Legal signoff) ASAPAccess issued under ToU to those on the needs list ASAPWorkflow documentation provided to those on the needs list 2/14-3/ launches, redirects there 2/14-3-14Google Group deployed to replace Mailing List, subscriptions migrated, users notified, autoresponder deployed at Mailing List address 3/14Training session (if needed).


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