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+ Women In Technology Uganda Inspire. Teach. Create https://witug.org| Phone: +256782861382 | VisionMission.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Women In Technology Uganda Inspire. Teach. Create https://witug.org| Phone: +256782861382 | VisionMission."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Women In Technology Uganda Inspire. Teach. Create https://witug.org| Phone: +256782861382 | Email: | VisionMission support women’s local capacity building and skills development in Technology and Business in Uganda by offering a collaborative environment for training, mentorship, and knowledge sharing in order to drive economic development in the region. Founded : 2011, Registered non profit in 2012

2 + CODE GIRLS aimed at equipping and teaching young girls aged 5-18, 18- 25 with innovation skills, how to be creative, imagine, build and share exciting mobile and web applications that they will create from the training. These applications will include; Mobile, web, desktop applications, robotics Informal – Programming and business training since Girls in ICT day April 2013 in Ugandan schools and the tech hub using languages like Ruby on Rails, Django, Python, PHP among others Mobile Application Developing on the Android Platform, window Platform, OS Platform Web design and Development in using Html, Java, Javascript, CSS, CMS

3 + WHO Young women ages 7-12 (PRI), 13-18 (SS), 19-25 (U) OUTCOMES: -Social Development through Apps like Nakazade, Sindika, roadconexion - Employment -Girls taking more interest in formal ICT classes (less absenteeism) -Young Girls taking up science courses –higher educ -Ability to create an application

4 + Challenges Turning the program into more than just an after class, Schools authorities not seeing value (possible solution- natcom) Creating Manuals that are world class- too much info available Costs of running the program Not enough skilled people Trainers

5 + Partnering Getting program into formal school system Joint creation of standardized training Manuals Partnering=Credibility (recognition and easier entry into schools) Cost sharing- supporting activities Creation of joint activities like Technical expertise Joint introduction to other African countries ie Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi………..

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