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Sexually Transmitted Infection/Reproductive Transmitted Infection (STI/RTI) Uttarakhand State AIDS Control Society on 26 th October, 2013.

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1 Sexually Transmitted Infection/Reproductive Transmitted Infection (STI/RTI) Uttarakhand State AIDS Control Society on 26 th October, 2013

2 Target Vs. Achievement 2013-14 SNDistrictUnitsTarget 2013-14Achievement 1DSRC2333801 12693 (38%) (April to September, 13) 2TI3716073 3682 (April to August, 13) 3NRHM20356335 25286 (April to September, 13) 4PSU6461- Total112670

3 Target V/s Achievement 2013-14 Indicators 2013-14 TargetAchievement (%) New DSRC 2 (CH Roorkee & CH Rishikesh) Public Sector Unit (PSU)12 -

4 Activities conducted from April to till date One time grant (Rs.1 Lac per DSRC) released for two new DSRC i.e. Combined Hospital, Roorkee and Combined Hospital, Rishikesh. Procurement of computer and other equipment done for 02 new DSRC. Procurement of consumables done for all DSRCs and distribution process is undergoing. Recruitment of two counselors in DSRC, Comb.Hospital, Roorkee and Rishikesh and also filled the vacant post of Counselor in DSRC, Purola and Champawat. Conducted Refresher Training of DSRC Doctors on 17 TH June, 2013.

5 Activities conducted from April to till date Conducted Refresher Training of DSRC Staff Nurses on 25 th June, 2013. Letter released to HIHT, Jolly Grant and Govt. Medical College, Haldwani for Supportive Supervision of all DSRCs. The process of opening Public Sector Unit (PSU)-3 in BHEL, Everest, TSI and Bhagwanpur, Haridwar. Conducted three days Induction Training of Medical Officers on 19 th to 21 st August and Staff Nurses/ANMs on 22 nd to 24 th August, 2013 by NRHM. Conducted Review Meeting of DSRCs Counselors on 26 th August, 2013.

6 Activities conducted from April to till date Conducted one day Training of Preferred Providers (UHC and TI NGO Haridwar and Pauri District) in the month of September, 2013. Supportive Supervision of Kotdwar and Haridwar done by Dr. S.D. Kandpal. Salary released to all Counselors of DSRCs from April to September, 2013 with Increment + Arrears.

7 Proposed Activities in September, 2013 Review Meeting of DSRC Counselors in the 2 nd Week of November, 2013. Refresher Training of Medical Officers and Lab Technician of DSRCs in the 3 rd Week of November, 2013.

8 Budget allocation V/s achievement 2013-14 (upto 25th October, 2013) SNComponent Cost Head Allocated Budget 2013-14 (lacs) Total Expenditure Total Withdraw 1 Establishment of new centers 3.000.882.88 2Salary of counselors34.3214.86 3Training10.050.680.72 4Procurement6.254.174.24 5 Sup. Supervision and review meeting (20000 per DSRC) 5,00 0.20 Total58.6220.79 22.89


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