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Improving Practice through Classroom Observation: Assessing Teaching and Learning.

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1 Improving Practice through Classroom Observation: Assessing Teaching and Learning

2 GOAL: Writing 4-12* To ensure that all students in grades 4-12 acquire the foundational skills needed for them to be proficient writers at the end of each grade level. *While this is a presentation designed for middle and high school grade levels, it is also suitable for students in grades 4 and 5.

3 Today’s Objectives 1.To recognize the 3 Instructional Shifts of Common Core 2.To practice using the “Look Fors” 3.To practice giving quality feedback based on observations and “Look Fors”

4 Agenda 3 Shifts of Common Core: ELA 3 shifts of Common Core: Math Look Fors: ELA Look Fors: Math Informal Observational Tool: ELA Video Practice Choosing Complex Text TNCore Text Complexity Form

5 Review of Instructional Shifts 1.Building knowledge through content- rich nonfiction 2.Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational 3.Regular practice with complex text and its academic language

6 Transitioning to Common Core requires specific instructional shifts with action: Support deep content understanding from deliberate analytical reading Develop strategies for reading content Shift One: Develop Content Knowledge Use annotations while reading Distinguish important vs. interesting WHILE reading Shift Two: Reading & Writing with Evidence Develop strategies for reading fluently and using metacognitive skills Engage in practice reading rigorous texts Shift Three: Regular practice with complex text

7 CCSS Math Instructional Shifts 1.Focus strongly where the Standards focus 2.Coherence: think across grades, and link to major work of the grades with equal intensity. 3.Rigor: in major work of the grade pursue: conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency application

8 CCSS Math Instructional Shifts – RIGOR Conceptual Understanding: 3.NF.1 Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b. Procedural Skill and Fluency: 5.NBT.5 Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm. Application: 7.NS.3 Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational numbers.

9 Turn and Talk LOOK FORS:  What do you look for when you observe a 6-12 English / Language Arts or Math classroom?  What tools/information do you have?  What tools/information do you need?

10 Purpose of the Walkthrough Tool  To provide concrete examples of what the CCSS looks like in 6-12 classrooms (ELA and Math)  Key points  Not all components will be observable during a brief walkthrough  Not designed for formal evaluation

11 What to look for in a Mathematics Classroom

12 What to look for in an English / Language Arts Classroom

13 Informal Observational Tool  From Achieve the Core (for ELA)  A two-page Power Point  Can be “saved as”  Can be filled-out quickly  Can be emailed to teacher being observed before you leave their classroom.  Immediate feedback for teacher

14 Informal Observational Tool PRACTICE TIME Watch the following video and practice using the Informal Observational Tool. VIDEO: g-about-textual-evidence

15 Informal Observational Tool Turn and talk with your elbow partner. Compare your video observations using the Informal Observational Tool.

16 Informal Observational Tool  List some advantages for using a tool such as the IOT:

17 Text Complexity  Be aware of the grade levels: at 6-12, complex text does not meet the lexiles of yesteryear.  Sources for complex text, in addition to the core reading program:  0/11/12/page/812/search-for-lessons-to-use-with-popular- stories-secondary-list-pg 0/11/12/page/812/search-for-lessons-to-use-with-popular- stories-secondary-list-pg   (TN Electronic Library)  (password: readandwrite)

18 Examining Text Complexity  The TNDOE has a series of videos on text complexity. Visit the website below for assistance: rricular_resources/text_complexity.aspx rricular_resources/text_complexity.aspx  Username: tneducation  Password: fastestimproving

19 Team Planning  How do you plan to gather the data you need from informal observations?  Who will conduct informal observations?  How often?  What instrument(s) will you use?  How will you obtain inner-rater reliability?  What will you do with the information?  Put your plans on large chart paper and be prepared to share.

20 In Conclusion  Our goal: To ensure that all students in grades 6-12 acquire the foundational skills needed for them to be proficient writers at the end of each grade level.  Our strategy: Equip all 6-12 teachers with the skills they need to deliver effective reading/writing instruction.

21 QUESTIONS ?  We hope that today's session has increased your understanding of the 3 shifts of Common Core and how to use the correlating Observational Tool to improve teacher performance.  The informal observation idea and the informal observational tool can be incorporated into your Title 1-School Improvement Plan. This two piece process can be used to improve academic programs in your school.

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