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8th Sakai Conference4-7 December 2007 Newport Beach Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University.

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Presentation on theme: "8th Sakai Conference4-7 December 2007 Newport Beach Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University."— Presentation transcript:

1 8th Sakai Conference4-7 December 2007 Newport Beach Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University

2 Presenters David Goodrum – Director – Academic and Faculty Services – University Information Technology Services Randy Newbrough – Assistant Director – Center for Teaching and Learning at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Kate Ellis – Instructional Technology Consultant and Developer – Teaching and Learning Centers at Indiana University-Bloomington 2Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University12/05/2007

3 Indiana University Two main campuses and six regional campuses Founded in 1820 Fall 2006 enrollment total: 97,959 students Faculty: 4,918 full-time, 2,114 part-time 12/05/2007Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University3

4 IU Bloomington 19 schools, colleges and divisions 362 degree programs Fall 2006 enrollment: 38,247 students Faculty: 1,891 full-time, 342 part-time 11 residence halls house approximately 9,800 undergraduate students Bloomington city population: 70,642 12/05/2007Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University4

5 IUPUI Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Partnership began in 1969 Over 200 academic program degrees Student enrollment of 30,000 2,152 Full-time faculty 924 Part-time faculty Urban campus Student housing for approximately 1,000 12/05/2007Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University5

6 Communities of Practice at IUPUI 2005-06: Communities of Practice Eight CoP’s presently active Application process $4,000 in Professional Development funds Camaraderie and support for teaching initiatives 12/05/2007Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University6

7 Faculty Thoughts 12/05/2007Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University7

8 CoP on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning of Instructional Technology Began in Fall 2006 with 10 faculty members Main interest was the effective use of Podcasting in the classroom Literature review done over the year iPods provided to each member of the CoP Faculty survey distributed late Spring 2007 Article written and under review 12/05/2007Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University8

9 CoP on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning of Instructional Technology Two CoP members who have used iPods in their teaching. 12/05/2007Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University9

10 12/05/2007Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University10 + IU Podcasting Initiatives

11 12/05/2007Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University11 Oncourse CL iTunes U Podcast Portal Sakai Implementation

12 Oncourse CL Podcast Tool 12/05/2007Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University12

13 iTunes U 12/05/2007Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University13

14 Podcast Portal 12/05/2007Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University14

15 iTunes U Pilot Survey Results 12/05/2007Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University15 How were podcasts used in your courses? Supplemental materials13/17 76% Recording lectures 4/17 23% Presenting guest speakers 1/17 6% Student presentations 1/17 6%

16 iTunes U Pilot Survey Results 12/05/2007Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University16 How useful do you think podcasting will be in adding to the overall effectiveness of your instruction? Very useful9/17 53% Useful5/17 29% No answer3/17 18% "I think it has the potential to significantly change the way I teach.” --pilot participant

17 Faculty Podcasting Program 12/05/2007Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University17 To encourage and support the effective uses All faculty, departments and units eligible Participants can request iPod(s) and related hardware Pedagogical and technical support

18 Learning Through the Small Screen Leslie Sharpe, AT&T 2006 Fellow The AT&T Fellows Program:

19 Learning Through the Small Screen Exam review materials - image identification Facilitate in-class discussions Art projects –Visual sequencing –Museum tour and project –Exhibition of “ locative art ” –Vodcasts of places –Meaningful walks AT&T Fellows Program video:

20 How can you participate? BOF: Now in the Sunset meeting room – Bring examples of academic podcasting – Possible points of discussion: What types of content are being podcast? Are there best practices emerging? Why would an instructor podcast rather than posting audio and video files online? Post to the Confluence wiki page: – 12/05/2007Podcasting Initiatives at Indiana University20

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