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Welcome to Brunel Class! [Welcome back for some of you!] Parent Curriculum Meeting Autumn 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Brunel Class! [Welcome back for some of you!] Parent Curriculum Meeting Autumn 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Brunel Class! [Welcome back for some of you!] Parent Curriculum Meeting Autumn 2012

2 Agenda Routines Subjects Important info [Homework, Spellings, etc.] Your questions

3 Routines Monday Mental Maths Test PE Spelling Groups Tuesday Spelling Groups Wednesday Homework in please! PE Thursday Spelling Groups Friday Mrs Whitlock teaching in the morning.

4 Groups Groups for Literacy, Numeracy, Science and Guided Reading to ensure progress. There is also a ‘Table Group’ or ‘Car Group’ – This is your team table! Special!!! Their names are on velcro and so the children know that they may move groups! Table prisms to remind children where they need to be!

5 Topic

6 Class Trip Monday 15 th October 9am – 3:15pm [traffic permitting!] Dressing up Artefacts Interactive displays Hypocaust Roman Wall

7 Literacy Roman myths Information texts about Roman life. Write and perform play scripts. Explanation texts on topics such as ‘How to build a Roman Road’ Reading books in everyday please!

8 Numeracy Mental and written methods of +, –, x and ÷ Problem solving Shape, space and measure Mental maths tests on a Monday!

9 Science Forces and movement – catapults Investigating materials

10 ICT New laptops! Key skills integrated throughout the curriculum.

11 PE Tag Rugby – Invasion Games Non-contact!

12 Music Rhythm Learning to read notation Playing tuned instruments

13 Art and DT Mosaics Pottery Aqueducts Chariots Shields Helmets Roman food

14 PSHE ‘Be the best you can be’ 21 st Century Olympic Legacy scheme of work.

15 RE Sacred Religious Books – Christianity and Judaism.

16 Behaviour High expectations! Class contract House points Star of the Week All positive, but obviously there are sanctions!

17 Homework Literacy or Numeracy work As well as… Rehearsing mental maths skills Rehearsing times tables [2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 6, 8, 7, 9] Spellings Reading Set on Friday and handed in the following Wednesday

18 School Council Elections – Friday 21 st September ! If your child wants to stand for election, then they need to produce: A poster A short speech – Mini hustings!

19 FPS Our aim is to raise money that can be used to enhance our children's learning and enjoyment whilst at Paulerspury School. AGM Thursday 27 th September 7:30pm [I believe…]

20 Your questions… You can ask these in private if you’d rather!

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