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Instructional Coaches
KATRINA December 10, 2012
SEASONAL PARTNERS Take sticky note Divide into 4 quadrants
Label for each season Find partners KATRINA Insert clip art for each season With each partner share one thing you will be doing over the holiday season.
Anything that would make this PL better? Would love copy of ppt.
Reflection Nov. IC Mtg. Anything that would make this PL better? Would love copy of ppt. LOVED the format with SMART board in the morning and IC Role defined in afternoon. I REALLY felt good leaving Friday having a clearer vision of what role I play on my campus. I enjoyed the pacing and the activities. This day was very beneficial to me…thank you!!! KATRINA Handout meeting dates for spring. Respond to feedback as needed.
Anything that would make this PL better?
Reflection Nov. IC Mtg. Anything that would make this PL better? Suggestion ~ I feel professional learning is not best learned on Fridays ~ especially Friday before a holiday. If we could schedule future meetings on another day of the week I feel we could take in the information more productively. KATRINA Handout meeting dates for spring. Respond to feedback as needed.
Anything that would make this PL better?
Reflection Nov. IC Mtg. Anything that would make this PL better? For us to have had the opportunity to go back and apply it immediately in our coaching ---holiday made it hard to do that. I feel like I could have absorbed the information better if the training was not at a holiday break time. Coming back to work today I felt lost looking at the material again to refresh myself. KATRINA
Anything that would make this PL better? No
Reflection Nov. IC Mtg. Anything that would make this PL better? No I was glad to have some more details about the coaching model we are implementing, and would like to continue having more discussion. I would love to have PLC time for our coaching group! KATRINA
How will this impact your coaching in the next month?
Reflection Nov. IC Mtg. How will this impact your coaching in the next month? It will help me focus my efforts with teachers…hopefully moving towards instructional coaching. Trying to focus on the reflection piece of coaching will be a goal for the next month. KATRINA
How will this impact your coaching in the next month?
Reflection Nov. IC Mtg. How will this impact your coaching in the next month? I would like to get into classrooms to see the SMART boards in action and look at how the teachers are using them so I can help them. The afternoon session heightened my awareness as to where I need to gradually “release” teachers. I am going to start doing a lot of self reflection on how I question my teachers when they come to me for help, making sure that I facilitate how they come up with the answers to their problems. KATRINA
How will this impact your coaching in the next month?
Reflection Nov. IC Mtg. How will this impact your coaching in the next month? I was able to identify areas of strength and weaknesses and will be able to build upon both areas. I am going to make a conscious effort to engage teachers in dialogue and really allow their voice to be heard. I think working on these two pieces first will open more doors to true instructional coaching. I am learning beneficial tools to help me become a better coach. KATRINA
How will this impact your coaching in the next month?
Reflection Nov. IC Mtg. How will this impact your coaching in the next month? I will use the Partnership Philosophy to better my instruction/communication with my teachers. I like the cards with definitions and examples we were given to use --- they will be very beneficial. Much clearer focus about my role I will meet with principal to discuss. KATRINA
How will this impact your coaching in the next month?
Reflection Nov. IC Mtg. How will this impact your coaching in the next month? This has already provided us with direction for guiding our upcoming PLC times and professional development sessions. Has already interested me in wanting to read Jim Knight’s book, Instructional Coaching. Now have short term goals set for next month. KATRINA
Reflection Nov. IC Mtg. How will this impact your coaching in the next month? I plan to model and co-teach with a different outcome approach --- the teacher and I will engage in more dialogue and set a plan of action for continued success. KATRINA
Content and Substance Revisit Big 4 and Partnership Principles
Provide overview of the coaching cycle Learn about Enroll and Identify (components of the coaching cycle) Set a coaching goal to complete prior to next meeting KATRINA The focus of today is to get into the first two components of the Coaching Cycle. But, we will do a little revisiting first. Here are our objectives for the day: You have several handouts that we will refer to as we go through the morning. These will all go into your Coaching Notebook. You also have a spiral booklet, “What Coaches Do,” which is designed for you to use for making notes and setting goals.
Providing focus to Instructional Coaching
Jim Knight (2007) Instructional Coaching Focusing on the BIG 4 is about Providing focus to Instructional Coaching Behavior Formative Assessment By considering how to manage by implementing KATRINA Review Big 4 by enhancing by improving Content Knowledge Direct Instruction
The BIG 4 Formative Assessment Behavior Direct Instruction
Content Knowledge Direct Instruction KATRINA You will recall that last time we asked you to brainstorm and list all of the things you had been doing. We have had those things put onto notecards. Take a look and see if there are any additional things you have been doing that are not listed. Call out anything that has been left off . (Someone scribe on the blank cards.) Post all cards and review what was shared. Add cards if they have anything to add since we last met. Each table takes a few cards. Use note cards from What do Coaches do and have them match the action to the appropriate part of the Big 4. Decide where on Big 4 poster the cards best fit and post. Discuss. (10 min.)
The Partnership Principles
The Partnership Philosophy Jim Knight (2007) Instructional Coaching Is about equality The principles behind instructional coaching reciprocity recognizing experiencing respecting encouraging engaging in encouraging enacting choice praxis KATRINA Now, to revisit the Partnership Principles. Remember, you were given a ring with a card for each principle at the last training. I hope you have placed that somewhere so that it is easily accessible and you refer to it often. These principles should be come “how we do things.” You were asked to practice at least one Partnership Principle before we came back together today. Take a few minutes to think about your experience. Record it on your Notetaking sheet. You also have a handout which describes each principle for your reference. Hand out Partnership Principles Notetaking form Individually, record your actions for at least one principle. (2 min.) Now, you are going to share this with two partners. Take your notetaking page. If you hear something that you want to remember or try, make notes. First, find your WINTER partner and share . (3 min) Find your SUMMER partner and share (3 min) Large group – share out an idea from someone else that you recorded. (10 min) voice reflection dialogue
Enroll Identify Explain Mediate Model Observe Explore Refine & Support Coaching Cycle DENISE Now we are going to move into learning about the Coaching Cycle. You will recall this graphic from our last meeting which shows that the steps to coaching are truly a cycle. To get a great overview from Jim Knight, please take your Impact book. I ask that you take about 5 minutes to read this independently and then we will reflect. You will use the WHAT’S THE GIST reading strategy… Read p “The Components of Coaching” now. Reflect: What’s the gist? Reading strategy: 10 words or less talk with your FALL partner about what the gist of this part is. Look for video---Denise (12 min.)
Goal To establish a coaching partnership with a teacher.
Enroll Goal To establish a coaching partnership with a teacher. DENISE The first step in Instructional Coaching is to ENROLL teachers to work with you. Content: Enroll goal Process: Review what we learned about listening. Find SPRING partner and brainstorm ways to get teachers interested in working with IC, including something you have already used. (3-4 min) Now find another set of partners to combine with and 4 groups share out to create a list for entire group. Someone scribe on chart. Share one at a time by group and exhaust the lists. (5 min) To learn what Jim Knight has to say about ENROLL, please read p “Enroll” from your Impact book. (5-6 min)
Enroll Coaching Actions One-to-one interviews
Large group presentations Small group presentations Principal referral Workshops Informal conversations KATRINA Content: These are the 6 most effective coaching actions according to Jim Knight, as you have just read. Process: Look at our list of ways you have enrolled teachers. Do you see where those fit into some of these actions? In the next activities, we will learn more about these 6 actions. You will be dividing into 3 groups. (DIANE explain the groups) Katrina – piece first (divide up into the 3 groups first for table work) Then rotation of 2 groups Rotation: Make 3 groups with coaches intentionally. Gifted groups (Names in sacks already that have formed teams.) 1, 6 One-to-one interviews & informal conversations Denise 4 Principal referral/confidentiality Katrina 2, 3, 5 Diane (H/O from Katrina about how adults learn) Katrina --Closure: At end of day, we will be goal setting and this may be one piece you want to focus on.
Enroll…Principal Referral
ICs are to support ALL teachers, not just struggling ones ICs should NOT be perceived as administrators or superior to teachers KATRINA Let’s talk about Principal Referral first. You have probably been working with some struggling teachers. You must be very careful how you are perceived by teachers, not only those you have been asked to work with. While you are in a great position to help struggling teachers become more successful, you should not be judgmental or evaluative in any way. You are viewed as a great asset by your principal. They trust you, they need your input and opinions as they make instructional decisions for the campus. If you are not meeting regularly with your principal, you need to initiate setting those meetings up. Share with a partner at your table a time when your principal asked you to help a particular teacher. How did you maintain an appropriate relationship w/o being evaluative?
Enroll…Principal Referral
“The IC should be the right-hand person of the principal when it comes to instructional leadership in schools, but the principal must remain the instructional leader.” -Jim Knight KATRINA Discuss this quote with a different partner at your table.
Enroll…Principal Referral
“No matter how effective an IC is, the principal’s voice is ultimately the voice that is most important to teachers. For that reason, coaches must understand fully what their principal’s vision is for school improvement.” Jim Knight KATRINA You have all developed great working relationships with your principals. How do you support your principal with regard to instructional leadership? What actions do you take to understand and stay in sync with your principal’s vision? Katrina --Closure: At end of day, we will be goal setting and this may be one piece you want to focus on.
Enroll Coaching Actions One-to-one interviews
Large group presentations Small group presentations Principal referral Workshops Informal conversations KATRINA Now Denise and Diane will work with you on the other 5 coaching actions to enroll teachers. DENISE AND DIANE – GROUP ROTATION…..
Identify A Goal Teacher and coach will identify a compelling, specific, and measureable goal for coaching interactions. ---We work very hard, but sometimes just not on the right thing. Impact book p Read silently & text coding as you read. Codes are posted on chart. Denise will provide these. Share out whole group. Share teacher tools for viewing videos. Watch one video clip of a teacher in action. Denise & Diane provide them with observational protocol as they act out coach/teacher interaction after watching the video. Share with Summer partner Insert video-link
GOAL Current Reality STEPS
Help teachers get a clear picture of the current reality. Identify a goal. KEY---ID a measureable goal. ID a strategy Teachers need to know where they are and know their goal. Expect creative tension to get from one to another.
Identify B What went well? What surprised you? What did you learn?
Tell me more about… What will happen if…? What change would you like to see in your students? Review what was acted out. Post SMART goal voc. Give IC tools and samples of goals. IC set goals and discuss action steps and share. Closure: To reinforce the importance of setting goals and identifying action steps to get there, let’s look at this video clip. Cleaning snow off wrong car video
Instructional Coach Goal
Review the steps for ENROLL and IDENTIFY Set coaching goals for ENROLL and IDENTIFY to be completed by Jan. 25 Determine action steps and record Share your goals and actions steps Coaches should use What Coaches Do booklets to review and set 2 goals. Sharing out – SUMMER Partners Share ENROLL goal and action steps with each other Share IDENTIFY goal and action steps with each other
REFLECTION FEEL THINK DO Complete the Reflection Sheet
5 min. independently (someone run a copy and return)
Each day provides its own gifts.
- Marcus Aurelius Roman Emperor Working with each of you has been a gift to each of us and we hope that your holidays bring many joyous days full of gifts of family, friends, and relaxation! See you at Diane’s house at 4:00 for a holiday celebration.
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