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MARKET INTERFACE COMMITTEE OC and PCC Approval Items March 6-7, 2008 Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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Presentation on theme: "MARKET INTERFACE COMMITTEE OC and PCC Approval Items March 6-7, 2008 Albuquerque, New Mexico."— Presentation transcript:

1 MARKET INTERFACE COMMITTEE OC and PCC Approval Items March 6-7, 2008 Albuquerque, New Mexico

2 OC Approval Items Revisions to 3 WECC Business Practices Revisions to 8/7 WECC “Tier 1” Regional Reliability Standards

3 BUSINESS PRACTICES for APPROVAL ● Three revisions to WECC Business Practices  INT-BPS-001-2 --- Tagging Protocols  INT-BPS-009-1 --- Capacity Tag Functionality  INT-BPS-011-1 --- Ten Minute Recallable e-Tag Functionality for Reserves

4 INT-BPS-001-2 Tagging Protocols ● To identify electronic tagging protocols which are not explicitly addressed in NERC Reliability Standards or NAESB Business Practice Standards ● WR2 – Any Approval Entity who denies an e-tag request without proper justification, which results in a composite status of “denied”, shall take corrective action to assure that the schedule flows with an implemented e-tag. ● Current Business Practices uses the word “dead”

5 INT-BPS-009-1 Capacity Tag Functionality ● A Capacity e-tag is intended for use with On- Demand Spinning and Non-spinning Obligation/Resources products only. ● Added Generation Providing Entity to the applicability section and state the GPE is the responsible party for identifying the Energy Product Code. ● Modifies language dealing with adjustments of e- tag to facilitate energy delivery curtailments due to reliability constraints

6 INT-BPS-011-1 Ten-Minute Recallable e-Tag Functionality for Reserves ● E-tag as a means to identify Ten Minute Recallable Energy for Reserve products to all associated entities of the transaction and defines the use of Ten Minute Recallable Energy for Reserves as both an energy product and a reserve product. ● Added “Generation Providing Entity” to Applicability section. ● Change in WR1, “Normal” to “Recallable”; WR3, “Sink” to “Source” and “Load Serving Entity” to “Generation Providing Entity”.

7 WECC Regional Reliability Standards ● Revisions to WECC Regional Standards  VAR-002-WECC-1 -- AVR  VAR-501-WECC-1 -- PSS  BAL-002-WECC-1 -- Contingency Reserves  PRC-004-WECC-1 -- Relays/RAS Misoperation  IRO-006-WECC-1 -- Unscheduled Flow  FAC-501-WECC-1 -- Transmission Maintenance  TOP-007-WECC-1 -- System Operating Limits

8 Why so many WECC Reliability Standards being revised? ● Tier One Standards conditionally approved by NERC and FERC  Identified changes for permanent replacements  Replace RMS sanction table for enforcement  Develop adequate measures for each requirement  Add Violation Risk Factors  Add Violation Severity Levels  WECC committed to replacements within one year  FERC expects WECC to complete replacement standards “in about a year”

9 What happens if we’re not done “in about a year?” ● If we don’t have replacement standards by June 2008, WECC will need to explanation why  Possibly no serious consequences if:  Solid reason is provided  Plan for timely completion is provided ● Standards will not just “go away” if we vote NO  Existing Tier One standards will stay in effect  FERC may allow WECC to continue enforcement via RMS sanction table – UNLIKELY  More likely that WECC will be ordered to use the NERC sanction table for enforcement  FERC may impose high VRF/VSL

10 What happens if we’re not done “in about a year?” ● If we don’t have replacement standards by June 2008, WECC will need to explanation why  Possibly no serious consequences if:  Solid reason is provided  Plan for timely completion is provided ● Standards will not just “go away” if we vote NO  Existing Tier One standards will stay in effect  FERC may allow WECC to continue enforcement via RMS sanction table – UNLIKELY  More likely that WECC will be ordered to use the NERC sanction table for enforcement  FERC may impose high VRF/VSL

11 Actions Available to the Operating Committee ● Approve ● Amend  Per Step 7 of the Standards Development Process  Revisions posted for 10 days  Comments posted for 10 days and then re-vote ● Withdraw  WECC Board must approve  WECC Staff generate Standards Request  NERC Procedure for Withdrawal

12 VAR-002-WECC-1 Automatic Voltage Regulators ● To ensure that Automatic Voltage Regulators on synchronous generators and condensers shall be kept in service and controlling voltage to help maintain Bulk Electric System reliability. ● In the Western Interconnection, SOL for transmission paths assume that AVR are in service to control voltage to support the transfer capability. The requirements in VAR-002-WECC- 1 are to ensure that the generator provides the proper voltage support when generation and transmission outages occur.

13 VAR-501-WECC-1 Power System Stabilizers ● To ensure that Power System Stabilizers (PSS) on synchronous generators shall be kept in service. ● In the Western Interconnection, SOL for transmission paths assume that PSS are in service to enhance system damping. The requirements in VAR-501-WECC-1 are to ensure that the generator provides the proper damping to maintain system stability when generation and transmission outages occur.

14 BAL-002-WECC-1 Contingency Reserves You’ll hear all about BAL-002 in about 5 minutes – Patience!!

15 PRC-004-WECC-1 Protection System and Remedial Action Scheme Misoperation ● To ensure all transmission and generation Protection System and Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) Misoperations are analyzed and/or mitigated ● More robust requirements for review and analysis of all relay and RAS operations, and ● Timely actions that must be taken to ensure that Misoperations of those elements are not repeated.

16 IRO-006-WECC-1 Qualified Path Unscheduled Flow Relief ● Mitigation of transmission overloads due to unscheduled flow on Qualified Transfer Paths ● Reliability Coordinator required to approve or deny request for congestion relief  If the RC approves the congestion relief webSAS automatically issues Tag adjustments

17 IRO-006-WECC-1 Qualified Path Unscheduled Flow Relief ● Mitigation of transmission overloads due to unscheduled flow on Qualified Transfer Paths ● Reliability Coordinator required to approve or deny request for congestion relief  If the RC approves the congestion relief webSAS automatically issues Tag adjustments

18 FAC-501-WECC-1 Transmission Maintenance ● To ensure the Transmission Owner of a transmission path identified in the table titled Major WECC Transfer Paths including associated facilities has a Transmission Maintenance and Inspection Plan (TMIP); and performs and documents maintenance and inspection activities in accordance with the TMIP. ● The NERC standards do not have any maintenance and test requirements for components such as breakers, reactive devices, transformers and the associated transmission line.

19 TOP-007-WECC-1 System Operating Limits ● When actual flows on Major WECC Transfer Paths exceed System Operating Limits (SOL), their associated schedules and actual flows are not exceeded for longer than a specified time. ● Refine R1 to remove the requirement to return a path to within its limit in 20 minute for SOLs based upon Transient Stability and Voltage Stability. ● Refine R2 to limit the compliance period for the Net Scheduled Interchange to the realtime schedules for the next hour.

20 TOP-007-WECC-1 System Operating Limits ● When actual flows on Major WECC Transfer Paths exceed System Operating Limits (SOL), their associated schedules and actual flows are not exceeded for longer than a specified time. ● Refine R1 to remove the requirement to return a path to within its limit in 20 minute for SOLs based upon Transient Stability and Voltage Stability. ● Refine R2 to limit the compliance period for the Net Scheduled Interchange to the realtime schedules for the next hour.

21 PCC Approval Items ● TPL-001, 002, 003, 004-WECC-1-CR System Performance Criteria ● Performance Category Upgrade Request for Imperial Valley - Miguel 500kV Line and Imperial Valley - Central 500 kV Line ● 2007 Annual Study Report ● 2008 Modeling and Validation Work Group Budget Proposal

22 TPL-001, 002, 003, 004-WECC-1-CR System Performance Criteria System simulations and assessments needed periodically to ensure that reliable systems are developed that meet performance requirements with sufficient lead time and to be modified or upgraded as necessary to meet present and future needs Removes requirements in the current NERC/WECC Planning Criteria contained in the NERC Reliability Standards. This regional criteria is to continue the existing WECC planning performance criteria and to define Common Corridor.

23 Performance Category Upgrade Request Performance Category Upgrade Request for Imperial Valley - Miguel 500kV Line and Imperial Valley - Central 500 kV Line The report presents the seven step process for petitioning for a performance category upgrade request for the double-line outage. SDGE requests that the RPEWG approve the proposed route for the performance category upgrade to Category D with cascading allowed.

24 2007 WECC Annual Study Program The Annual Study Program is conducted to provide base cases for WECC members and staff to use and to provide an ongoing reliability and risk assessment of the Western Interconnected electric system as it exists and as planned over the next ten years. To achieve this goal, eleven new power flow base cases were compiled and forty-one disturbances were simulated.

25 2008 Modeling and Validation Work Group Budget Proposal The requested items prioritized in the following order: ● Composite load model acceptance tests in PSLF program ● Load model system impact studies* ● Review of generator model data in WECC database ● Composite load model acceptance tests in PSS/E program ● Load Model Data Tool ● Validating SVC models


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