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New Emerging Ingredients SSW 2008. Ingredients with Potential Energy Heart Health and Bone Health Antioxidants Protect against UV radiation Cognitive.

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Presentation on theme: "New Emerging Ingredients SSW 2008. Ingredients with Potential Energy Heart Health and Bone Health Antioxidants Protect against UV radiation Cognitive."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Emerging Ingredients SSW 2008

2 Ingredients with Potential Energy Heart Health and Bone Health Antioxidants Protect against UV radiation Cognitive Ability Digestive Health Lactose Intolerance Immune Support Health Applications for Young and Old Age-related nutrition targets needs of Infants, children, young and maturing adults, and aging seniors

3 Page 3 Application Examples Probiotic BC30

4 Natural Vitamin K2 Cardio Health Healthy Bones Geleijnse et al., Journal of Nutrition (2004) When consuming daily 45 μg dietary K2 you have: 50% reduction of arterial calcification 50% reduction of cardiovascular death 25% reduction of all cause mortality as compared to low intake of dietary K2!

5 Natural Vitamin K2 Natural Vitamin K2 Cardio Health Healthy Bones Prevention of arterial calcification by vitamin K2 in a rat model Model: 4 rats (♂) Diet: warfarin + vitamin K1 Treatment duration: 4 weeks Measurement: calcification by von Kossa Model: 4 rats (♂) Diet: warfarin + vitamin K2 Treatment duration: 4 weeks Measurement: calcification by von Kossa

6 New Grape Seed Extract Change in blood pressure (Lu et al., 2007) Lower Blood Pressure “ mmHq p = 0.003 p < 0.05 DiastolicSystolic

7 8 Sardines PorkBeef Olive oil Poultry BroccoliButter Safflower oil Cheese 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Coenzyme Q10 content in food [Source: Kamei et al., Internat. J. Vit. Nutr. Res. 56 (1986) 57-63, "The Distribution and Content of Ubiquinone in Foods"] mg/100gr

8 Lycopene : an antioxidant-rich carotenoid found in tomatoes and other fruits CAP approved from FDA as natural color fewer allergic reactions compared with insect-derived additives At least three artificial red dyes have adverse affects on children’s behaviors. --- McCann et. al.; Lancet Early Online Publication 2007 Strong clinical support for health benefits Qualified health claim against prostate cancer Clinical support for UV protection – beauty from within Evidence of reduced blood pressure Reduction of oxidative stress The Color of Health The Color of Health

9 PHOSPATIDYL SERINE Cognitive Function

10 Collagen Breakdown UV Protection Collagen and elastin degenerate with age, setting the stage for the appearance of wrinkles, creases, folds, and furrows. Illustration by Renée Gordon. Source: National Institute on Aging.

11 inhibiting inflammation, as well as cellular and DNA damage caused by excess free radicals (oxidative stress) preferentially absorbing the harmful UV rays, including UVA! nourishing and strengthening collagen and elastin bonds Nutrients Can Protect the Skin by:

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