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Powered by. The JACAMAR (fka. SDV) is... A stand-alone tool to structure and display data in Tree-Tables. An alternative for overwhelming standard spreadsheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Powered by. The JACAMAR (fka. SDV) is... A stand-alone tool to structure and display data in Tree-Tables. An alternative for overwhelming standard spreadsheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 powered by

2 The JACAMAR (fka. SDV) is... A stand-alone tool to structure and display data in Tree-Tables. An alternative for overwhelming standard spreadsheet applications –Add a level of confidence, workflow support and user friendliness –Multi-user accessible –Still document-based Office-tool approach –Still maintaining easy spreadsheet handling Acts like a full blown database, but does not need the maintenance overhead (no server) Everything is configurable –That is: Data model, view presentation and filter definition No offline programming required 2

3 Technical features Pure client application - data storage in multi-user-repository (LAN or cloud) In Memory Technics -Real time processing NoSQL Database - intuitive navigation language Multi-threading user interface Pure Java 3

4 Excel is the worst case for professional Information Management No central data storage concept (Where/What is the original?) No real time multi user access No user role / privileges concept Very poor user friendliness for bigger lists No support for structuring data cascades (trees) No process robustness at all (no format restrictions) No interoperability between similar lists (Much double work in different business areas to merge data) High failure potential 4

5 Design principles Absorb principles from relational databases –Distinction between background data tables and virtual rule-based computation of view content. Absorb principles from Office applications –No offline programming, everything is configurable at runtime –Document based process (Open – Edit – Save cycle) –Utilize client benefits: get best runtime performance All elements are loaded and finally connected at start-up; No reloading delays during working time –Interoperatibility with other office applications Direct clipboard-copy/paste; no separate import/export required. Additional “unique selling points” –Data display in tree structures –“Think with the User”: Content proposals wherever obvious –Alternative data storage concept: Integrated upload functionality to web based Content Management systems 5

6 Worldwide access by Web Based storage 6 The JACAMAR tool has built in support for - local file system storage and web based storage systems Enterprise network Europe domain North America domain Asia domain Web based CMS system Shared drives (restricted to domain borders)

7 User friendliness Handling very similar to well known spreadsheet applications Foldable tree structures Scalable data focus –Sub-sets of data (multiple purpose specific views) –Show sub-trees only at runtime (“Go Into a branch”) savable user defined Filters Intuitive element relation with Drag & Drop Intelligent content proposals 7

8 8 Multi user saving and update concept Client A Client CClient B Repository First Client opens session First Client edits and saves data (single user) Second Client opens session Client A edits again - but saves now a change record Client B checks regularly for updates and loads new change record Client B edits and saves the next change record. Client A recognizes the new change and loads it. A third client opens reads first the table data and after that the change records. One client closes. Other clients close also. The last one deletes the change records and updates the table file.

9 9 Katla GmbH Immermannstraße 28 39108 Magdeburg Deutschland T: +49 391 - 50 55 83 53 F: +49 391 - 50 54 99 69 E: jacamarsoftware @jacamarsoftware Kontakt

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