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HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW SHAKESPEARE?. These are some facts from Shakespeare’s life. Are they True or False: 1. W. Shakespeare was born in the 17th century.

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2 These are some facts from Shakespeare’s life. Are they True or False: 1. W. Shakespeare was born in the 17th century. 2. William got a good education in London. 3. William married at the age 18, his wife was elder him. 4. He had three children. 5. His wife Anne Hathaway loved theatre very much. 6. Shakespeare was an important member of a well-known acting company. 7. W. Shakespeare died in London and was buried in Westminster Abbey.

3 KEYS: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F Shakespeare’s birthplace in Henley Street

4 William Shakespeare wrote at least 37 plays. He wrote tragedies, comedies and historical plays.

5 Divide his plays into tragedies and comedies: “The Comedy of Errors” “Macbeth” “Romeo and Juliet” “Twelfth Night” “Othello” “Julius Caesar” “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” “King Lear” “Much Ado about Nothing” Antony and Cleopatra” “All’s Well that Ends Well” “The Merry Wives of Windsor”

6 KEYS: Comedies: “The Comedy of Errors” “All’s Well that ends Well” “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” “Much Ado about Nothing” “Twelfth Night” “The Merry Wives of Windsor” Tragedies: “Othello” “King Lear” “Macbeth” “Romeo and Juliet” “Julius Caesar’ “Antony and Cleopatra”

7 Famous Shakespeare’s plays:

8 Famous Shakespeare’s phrases Can you translate them: 1.“To be or not to be” 2.“The beginning at the end” 3.“All is well that ends well” 4.“There’s the rub” 5.“All the world’s a stage”

9 Перевод : 1. Быть ли не быть, вот в чем вопрос. 2. Начало конца. 3. Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается. 4. Вот чем загвоздка. 5. Весь мир театр.

10 Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets. They are very popular and loved by people all over the world. All of them were translated into different languages. Сонет 147: Любовь – недуг. Моя душа больна Томительной, неутолимой жаждой. Того же яда требует она, Который отравил ее однажды. Мой разум – врач любовь мою лечил. Она отвергла травы и коренья, И бедный лекарь выбился из сил И нас покинул, потеряв терпение. Отныне мой недуг неизлечим, Душа ни в чем покоя не находит, Покинутые разумом моим, И чувства и слова по воле бродят. И долго мне, лишенному ума, Казался раем ад, а светом – тьма !

11 The Globe Theatre

12 36 or 37 Shakespeare’s were performed in the Globe Theatre. During the performance King Henry VIII the theatre burnt down and was rebuilt in 1614.

13 The Globe Theatre nowdays

14 William Shakespeare, the greatest playwright the world have ever known, died of fever, ironically on the same date of his birthday, April 23, 1616.

15 Thank you! Teacher Masenko S.A.

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