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Grundtvig learning partnership project „ „ EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVES ON RAISING SOCIAL COMPETENCIES OF OFFENDERS” This project has been funded with support.

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Presentation on theme: "Grundtvig learning partnership project „ „ EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVES ON RAISING SOCIAL COMPETENCIES OF OFFENDERS” This project has been funded with support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grundtvig learning partnership project „ „ EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVES ON RAISING SOCIAL COMPETENCIES OF OFFENDERS” This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


3 Team Coordinator Assessment Number of participants: 6 Focus on 4 themes: 1) Communication among the partners 2) Activities 3) Mobilty 4) Involvement of local Community

4 1) Communications among the partners All the coordinators shared informations with partners All the groups shared informations via e-mail Group meetings were made weekly or close to the deadlines.

5 2) Activities The only two activities which should be improved are ‘’Study/Research’’ and ‘’On Field Work’’

6 The main problems to cope with for the team. Item/Grade of problem LowMediumHighVery high a) Lack of time 2400 b) Lack of human resources 1500 c) Lack of competencies 5010 d) Problems in coordination 4110 e) Financial problems 2310 f) Administrative problems 5100 Maybe the only problems for the team were ‘’Lack of time and human resources’’ and ‘’Financial problems’’

7 3) Mobility What grade of difficulty will your group face in order to accomplish the programmed mobility activities? Most of the groups answered the group would have had no problems in facing the mobilty activities. ABOUT THE INDIVIDUAL PROBLEMS THE GROUP COULD FACE:

8 Problems in mobility There were no real problems in mobility Item/Grade of problem LowMediumHighVery high a) Lack of time 3210 b) Lack of human resources 4020 c) Lack of competencies 6000 d) Problems in coordination 4200 e) Financial problems 6000 f) Administrative problems 4020

9 Preparatory activities for mobility

10 4) Involvement of local Community In this part of the questionnaire the focus was on the organizations of each country, involved in the making of this project.

11 Commitment for each institution OrganizationsNo CommitmentLow Commitment High Commitment Very High Commitment Local government 0060 Other similar organizations 0420 Research Institutes/Universities 4020 Organizations of third sector 1500 Enterprises 5100

12 The local government and other similar organizations were the most involved. In particular they gave their contribution to the ‘’implementation of the activities’’ and to the ‘’organization of events’’.

13 Satisfaction Assessment Number of participants: 15 It concerned general informations about the meeting in Spain and the satisfaction about some aspects of the meeting Section 1: General informations about the meeting Section 2: Satisfaction of participants

14 1) General informations about the meeting The first part of the questionnaire investigated the intensity of the activities presented during the meeting

15 The highest intensity was for ‘’Educational trips’’, ‘’Social/Cultural activities’’ and ‘’On desk study/Research’’ We should have improved the intensity of ‘’Laboratory activities’’ and ‘’On field work’’

16 2) Satisfaction of Participants This part of the questionnaire focused on the satisfaction upon: Project Coordinator Meeting Coordinator Team Leader

17 The satisfaction, in this case, is pretty high for all the items, apart from the ‘’Involvement of the groups’’ and the ‘’Trasparency on aims’’

18 Regarding the Madrid Meeting Coordinator, almost all the participants were fully satisfied with ‘’Logistics’’, ‘’Group Involvement’’, ‘’Key partnership relations development’ and‘’Materials provided’’

19 The results of this schedule didn’t show any critic points regarding the team leaders

20 Summary Team Coordinator: More Study/Research and on field work Main problems for the group: Lack of time and human resources/ Financial problems To improve: On field work Involvement of the groups by developing open dialogue Trasparency on aims

21 Team coordinator: Perfect comunications among the partners No real problems for the group No problems in mobility Good preparation for mobility High involvement of Local Government and Organizations Satisfaction: Educational trips, Social/cultural activities, On desk study/research Satisfaction with the Project Coordinator High Satisfaction with the Team Leaders High Satisfaction with the Madrid Meeting Organization

22 Thank you Ministry of Justice PRAP Campania

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