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C-P LUS P ROJECT W ORLD - CLASS C LUSTERS IN C ENTRAL E UROPE PP4: Campus 02 Status on Multilingual Register 16th April 2012 Prague, Czech Republic.

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Presentation on theme: "C-P LUS P ROJECT W ORLD - CLASS C LUSTERS IN C ENTRAL E UROPE PP4: Campus 02 Status on Multilingual Register 16th April 2012 Prague, Czech Republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 C-P LUS P ROJECT W ORLD - CLASS C LUSTERS IN C ENTRAL E UROPE PP4: Campus 02 Status on Multilingual Register 16th April 2012 Prague, Czech Republic

2 R ECAP : R EQUIREMENTS FROM J AN. 19 TH (I) Project partner description (1 p / PP) Cluster management & region (1 p / cluster or region) Innovation leaders (1 p / leader = 3 pp / cluster) field of activity operative headquarters website number of employees year of foundation “special characteristic“ a short statement regarding a topic of C-PLUS interest such as innovation, collaboration, etc. best practices

3 R ECAP : R EQUIREMENTS FROM J AN. 19 TH (II) Text length of each page should not exceed 1800 characters without spaces or 2000 characters including whitespaces Short company statement: up to 100 characters without spaces Graphics: 1 logo / page 1-2 photos / page all images and logos in printable quality I3SME example register attached

4 C ONTENTS PP1/PP2 (I) Entire material received Length restrictions met Company profiles consistent with specification Comments on graphical material: Logos of footwear and packaging cluster (pending designer feedback Apr. 13th 3pm) Better resolution: logo Castellani Comments on textual material: Company slogans: too general or not in C-PLUS focus (Bottazzi, CBR, Tacchificio) Company profiles: what makes them innovation leaders? CBR seems okay

5 C ONTENTS PP1/PP2 (II) F.lli Fico, Filippini, Tacchificio have, at least, briefly mentioned innovation and r&d Remaining profiles say little about the innovation behaviour (do the firms collaborate, do they force knowledge exchange?)

6 C ONTENTS PP3 (I) Majority of material received  Missing: data on 3 companies Length restrictions predominantly met  Company profiles not entirely consistent with specification  Comments on graphical material: Better resolution: logo oabb, logo and image Unitechnik (pending designer feedback Apr. 13th 3pm) Comments on textual material: Exceeding text length: profi.metal cluster Exceeding slogan length: all 3 profiles, but perfect in content Suggestion: 100 character extraction and re- formation of the statements as “normal” text

7 C ONTENTS PP3 (II) Missing company activity and “special characteristic”: in all 3 cases

8 C ONTENTS PP4 (I) Entire material received Length restrictions predominantly met  Company profiles consistent with specification Comments on graphical material: Better resolution: image Convergent (pending designer feedback Apr. 13th 3pm) Comments on textual material: Exceeding text length: GW St. Pölten, M&R Exceeding slogan length: 4 out of 6, but perfect in content Company activity and “special characteristic”: too much text (GW St. Pölten, M&R, PLS)

9 C ONTENTS PP5 (I) Almost half of the material received  Missing: data on 5 companies; Thermal cluster image Length restrictions met halfway through  Company profiles not entirely consistent with specification  Comments on graphical material: Received graphics (pending designer feedback Apr. 13th 3pm) Comments on textual material: Exceeding text length: Thermal cluster, Büki Exceeding slogan length: Kehida Missing company activity and “special characteristic”: in both cases

10 C ONTENTS PP5 (II) Company slogans: both too general or not in C-PLUS focus Company profiles: what makes them innovation leaders? profiles say little about the innovation behaviour (do the firms collaborate, do they force knowledge exchange?)

11 C ONTENTS PP6 (I) Entire material received Length restrictions predominantly met  Company profiles not entirely consistent with specification  Comments on graphical material: Better resolution: logo Invea, picture SovaNet Suggestion: an alternative image from Adva ICT (original image is overlong and only a snippet might be included) as well as CVVI Comments on textual material: Exceeding text length: furniture cluster, SovaNet (simply eliminate last sentence) Exceeding slogan length: DDL

12 C ONTENTS PP6 (II) Missing company activity: Adva ICT, Unis Missing short “special characteristic”: all 6 profiles C-PLUS slogans: Nadop, Adva ICT, Unis are missing Remaining ones do not contain a C-PLUS statement Company profiles: what makes them innovation leaders? Invea seems okay SovaNet, at least, briefly mentioned knowledge and technology transfer through e.g. trend monitoring, conference participation Remaining profiles say little about the innovation behaviour (do the firms collaborate, do they force knowledge exchange, what make them innovation leaders?)

13 C ONTENTS PP7/8 (I) Majority of material received  Missing: description PP8, company 6, images of FEWE, HVAC and ECO Length restrictions predominantly met  Company profiles not entirely consistent with specification  Comments on graphical material: Better resolution: entire graphics (pending designer feedback Apr. 13th 3pm for some) Comments on textual material: Exceeding text length: FEWE Missing slogan, activity, employee number, “special characteristic”: in all 5 cases

14 C ONTENTS PP7/8 (II) Company profiles: what makes them innovation leaders? FEWE and SPEC coalitions, sustainable development and using contacts for meeting customer requirements, at least, briefly mentioned Remaining profiles say little about the innovation behaviour (do the firms collaborate, do they force knowledge exchange, what make them innovation leaders?)


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