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11 th Liaison meeting on designs - Overview and current status of the Cooperation Fund- 19 November 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "11 th Liaison meeting on designs - Overview and current status of the Cooperation Fund- 19 November 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 th Liaison meeting on designs - Overview and current status of the Cooperation Fund- 19 November 2012

2 European TM and Design Network There are three strategic initiatives: 2 CP and CF are part of Line of Action 6 “European Trade Mark and Design Network Programme”. These 2 Programmes are related to: CF: Key Initiative No. 27 CP: Key Initiative No. 28 * * * *

3 The CF is a major undertaking by any standards: - Total budget of € 50 million. - 314 individuals working on the Fund. - This is composed of a multitude of different experts, not all of whom work full time. - Approximately 450 man years now planned across the lifetime of the Fund. - 318 national project implementations until 2015 at EU Offices. - Will have a fundamental impact on Designs work A major undertaking

4 Intent to implement has grown over time - from 169 to 219, then 260 and finally to 318. Progress

5 Number of implementations per project based on intent to implement from July 2012 Progress = 169 intents = 219 intents = 260 intents = 318 intents

6 Snapshot Human Resources in the CF Roughly 100.000 man days / 220 days = 455 FTEs or man years until 2015. Total amount of counted names of persons currently involved in the CF. People 314 455 12 The Cooperation Fund is a major undertaking also in terms of involved Human Resources. Includes National Offices, Project Team Members at the OHIM, Contractors (also developers and QA team). 1 Includes all Human Resources involved in the Cooperation Fund from its start to its end in 2015. 2

7 Intent to implement has grown over time - from 169 to 219, then 260 and finally to 318. Progress

8 Effort: Now: Breakdown by source Baseline 5/6 - 318 intents to implement -

9 Overview and brief description of CF Projects - 1 - Image search by code or by use of an image recognition ability. 1.1.1 Search Image Free search of trade marks of all official Trademark Offices. 1.1.2 TMview Assist classification of goods and services, comparisons between different classification databases. 1.1.3 Euroclass Harmonisation of seniority information across different databases. 1.1.4 Seniority Common “Service charter” for National Offices. 1.2.5 Quality Standards Standardised user satisfaction survey tool. 1.2.7 User Satisfaction Survey Providing online information to the user on designs by creating a common database. 1.2.8 Designview Reach transparency and consistency on decisions related to oppositions. 1.2.9 Similarity Supporting examiners. 1.2.10 Cesto Completion of a standard. 2.13 XML Standards & Arch. Common E-Learning tool for SMEs. 3.20 E-Learning - Approval of Project Brief in October 2010, - Kick-off in January 2011 Projects overview Pack 1:

10 Overview and brief description of CF Projects - 2 - - Approval of Project Brief in April 2011, - Kick-off in September 2011 Projects overview Pack 2: Easy, consistent and efficient way to access the software developed under the Fund. 1.2.11 Common Gateway Harmonised forecasting methodology for Trademarks and designs. 1.2.6 Forecasting Extensive suite of e-tools representing the next step in business process management for the IP Offices of Europe. 2.14 Future Software Package Common tool for user assistance. 3.21 Call Centre Tool Database supporting enforcement of protection of intellectual property rights. 4.22 Enforcement Database Tool to support strategic enforcement decision makers in measuring, determining and targeting enforcement action. 4.23 Counterfeiting Tool

11 Launch Plan Planned go live November 2012 1.1.1 Search Image 1.2.5 Quality Standards 1.2.8 Designview 1.2.9 Similarity 1.2.10 Cesto 3.20 E-Learning 1.2.11 Common Gateway Planned go live in 2013 1.2.6 Forecasting * 1.2.7 User Satisfaction Survey 3.21 Call Centre Tool * 4.22 Enforcement Database * 4.23 Anti- Counterfeiting Tool * Already live 1.1.2 TMview 1.1.4 Seniority 1.1.3 Euroclass Planned go live in 2014 Planned go live in 2015 2.14 FSP e-Filing TM Finland 2.14 FSP Remainder * April 2013

12 CF 1.1.1 Search Image BX, IT, PT, UK FICPI, MARQUES CF 1.2.10 CESTO BG, PL, PT, SK INTA CF 1.2.11 Common Gateway DK, ES, GR GGE, PL, RO, SE EFPIA CF 1.2.5 Quality Standards DK, ES, HU, PT ECTA, INTA CF 1.2.6 Forecasting DK, ES, HU, PL, PT, UK CF 1.2.7 Satisfaction Survey BG, DE, DK, ES, HU, GRUR, INTA CF 1.2.8 Designview CZ, DE, DK, ES, GR OBI, UK APRAM, ECTA CF 1.2.9 Similarity BG, DE, ES, GR GGE, HU, PL, PT, ECTA CF 2.14 FSP AT, FI, IE, MT, PL, LV, SK, UK CNIPA CF 3.20 E-Learning BG, ES, RO, SI, SK INTA, MARQUES CF 3.21 Call Centre CY, DE, DK, PL ECTA CF 4.22 Enforcement DB ES, HU, RO, UK, AIM, APRAM, BUSEUR, UNION CF 4.23 Counterfeiting Tool ES FR, IT, PT, UK ECTA, INTA User Group National Associations: CNIPA, APRAM, IE, LV, MT, PL, SK, RO 24 National Offices and 11 User Associations participate in the CF Project Working Groups.

13 100%75%50%25% CESTO Similarity Seniority Gateway Search Image Quality TMview FSP E-Filing TM Finland Designview Progress - Overall Indicators- PT, HU, CZ, IE, SI, BX, BG In total 15 by Dec. incl. EE, LT, SE, SK, RO, MT, LV, FR Dec.: BG, Early 2013: SK,MT, LT, Target 110 QS by Dec. DK, ES, PT, HU,UK,FI,CZ, 7 NOs by Dec., (963.261 designs by mid-Nov.) GR OBI, PT, ES, BG, EE, 19 NO implementations so far, = 76% + OHIM & WIPO Nov.: AT, DE, Remaining (CY, IE, PL, GR) by Dec. E-filing pilot (FI) live Nov. Under development 3 NOs + OHIM by Dec. Dec: MT, PT, EE, OHIM Deployment Nov. in all offices, available in 22 languages Ready for implementation Nov: 6.000 terms available Ready for implementation Available in PT, LV, OHIM by Nov. 6.000 terms available GR OBI, GR GGE, CY, SI, = 53% LV, RO, PL, EE Dec.: LV, WIPO 24 NO implementations so far = 96% + OHIM, CH, HR, US Euroclass SK, BX = 100%

14 Development status

15 Testing and Go-Live Development Architecture, Design SRS Progress check of CF 2012 overview slide - Software development Go-Live 2012 - CESTO Similarity Seniority Gateway Search Image Quality TMview FSP E-Filing TM FI Designview 25%50%75%100%25%50%75%100%25%50%75%100%25%50%75%100% E-Learning Euroclass

16 Testing and Go-Live Development Architecture, Design SRS Progress check of CF 2012 overview slide - Software development Go-Live 2013 - Forecasting User Satisfaction Survey Common Call Centre Tool Enforcement Database Anti- Counterfeiting Tool 25%50%75%100%25%50%75%100%25%50%75%100%25%50%75%100% FSP E-Filing DS FSP Back-Office FSP Cancellation

17 Group 4 - Anti-counterfeiting and piracy - Group 3 - Classification & Figurative Search - Group 5 - Harmonised access to CF tools - Group 1 - Examination / Registration - Group 2 - Knowledge & quality - What difference will all this make? 1.1.1 Search Image 1.1.2 TMview 1.1.3 Euroclass 1.1.4 Seniority 1.2.5 Quality Standards 1.2.7 User Satisfaction Survey 1.2.8 Designview 1.2.9 Similarity 1.2.10 CESTO 4.22 Enforcement Database 4.23 Counterfeiting Tool 2.14 E-filing 3.20 E-Learning 3.21 Call Centre Tool 1.2.11 Common Gateway 1.2.6 Forecasting Benefits

18 National offices BUSINESSES, USERS Group 1 - Examination / Registration - 1.1.4 Seniority 1.2.10 CESTO 2.14 E-filing Improvement in quality in examination results and efficiency Increase in number of TM filings Reduction in number of calls, e-mails and complaints Reduction in refusals on Absolute Grounds and formalities Reduction in the number of oppositions Reduction in the number of cancellations Increase in number of filings (without intermediaries) Reduction of time spent for calls, e-mails and complaints Examination and registration tools Reduction of training cost due to ongoing best practice exchange Improving tempo and quality of work at Benefits

19 National offices BUSINESSES, USERS Increase in number of filings Avoided cost to develop and run own survey Savings in consultant costs to carry out survey Efficiency gains - reduced time spent on obtaining info from OHIM + IP offices Knowledge management and quality tools Group 2 - Knowledge & quality - 1.2.5 Quality Standards 3.20 E-Learning 3.21 Call Centre Tool Avoided costs of developing own call centre solution Reduction of training cost due to ongoing best practice exchange Reduction of training cost of users due to instructive, self- guiding tools Increase in customer satisfaction - ease of access and transparency of processes Benefits

20 National officesBUSINESSES, USERS TM and design searching tools Group 3 - Classification & Figurative Search - 1.1.1 Search Image 1.1.2 TMview 1.2.8 Designview Savings in future due to TM searches in national databases free of charge Time savings due to simplified and fast search mechanism Savings in marketing campaigns due to "self- selling" tools Increase in number of filings Reduction in the number of oppositions 1.1.3 Euroclass Improvement of examination quality and resource redeployment Reduction in refusals on Absolute Grounds and formalities Improving tempo and quality of work Benefits

21 National officesBUSINESSES, END USERS Increase in number of filings Reduction of revenue lost due to piracy and counterfeiting Anti-counterfeiting tools Group 4 - Anti-counterfeiting and piracy - 4.22 Enforcement Database 4.23 Counterfeiting Tool Reduction in the number of legal actions Benefits

22 OSIMBUSINESSES, END USERS Increase in number of TM filings Avoided cost of “look and feel” adaptations of individual applications Avoided cost of “label translations” for individual applications Reduction of time spent for calls, e-mails and complaints Accessing tools Reduction in examiner training cost due to ongoing best practice exchange Group 5 - Harmonised access to CF tools - 1.2.11 Common Gateway Improving tempo and quality of work at OSIM Benefits


24 Overview planned and completed implementations Progress = implementation promised in 2012 = implementation promised in 2013 = Implementation completed 1.1.1 SEARCH IMAGE 1.1.4 SENIORITY 1.2.10 CESTO 1.2.11 GATEWAY 1.2.5 QUALITY 1.2.6 FORECASTING 1.2.7 SATISF SURVEY 1.2.8 DESIGNVIEW 1.2.9 SIMILARITY 2.14 FSP 2.14 FSP REMAINDER 3.20 E-LEARNING 3.21 CALL CENTER 4.22 ENFORCEMENT DB 4.23 COUNTERFEIT 1.1.2 TMVIEW 1.1.3 EUROCLASS Grand Total IMPLEMENTED PROMISE 2012PROMISE 2013 AT 2013 2012 2013 2012IMPLEM6122 BG IMPLEM20132012 2013IMPLEM 2014 IMPLEM 14443 BX 2012IMPLEM 2012 2014 2013 IMPLEM 11322 CY 2014 20132012 2013 20152013 2012IMPLEM13154 CZ 2013IMPLEM 2012 2013 2014 20132014IMPLEM 11322 DE 2012 2013 2012IMPLEM7121 DK 2012 20132012 201320122014 2013 2012 IMPLEM 13224 EE 2012 201320122013 2014 IMPLEM 11251 ES 2013 2012 2013 20122013 IMPLEM 2013 IMPLEM 13333 FI 20132012 20132014201320122013 IMPLEM 10232 FR 2014201220142012 2014 IMPLEM 12221 GR 2013201220132012 20132012 2013201420132012 20132012IMPLEM16155 GR OBI 2012 2013 903 HU 2013IMPLEM201320122013 IMPLEM 12322 IE 2013IMPLEM20142012 2013 20142013 2014 2012IMPLEM14232 IT 2014 20122014 20132015 2014IMPLEM 9211 LT 20132012 2013 2014 IMPLEM 9223 LV 20142012 2013 2012 2013 IMPLEM201215163 MT 2012 20132012 2013 20142013 IMPLEM 16244 PL 2014201320142012 2013 2014 2013 2014 2012IMPLEM16134 PT 2012IMPLEM2012 2013 2012 2013 IMPLEM 14352 RO 2014201220132012 2013 2014IMPLEM2014 IMPLEM201214243 SE 2012 2013 2014 IMPLEM 822 SI 2013IMPLEM20132012 201420122013 IMPLEM20132014 IMPLEM 17433 SK 2013 2012 20132014IMPLEM2013 IMPLEM 15354 UK 20132012 2013 2014 IMPLEM 13223 Total 2118162618111922181518 1019 25 318548264


26 Information: (+ 34) 965 139 100 (switchboard) (+ 34) 965 139 400 (e-business technical incidents) (+ 34) 965 131 344 (main fax) twitter/oamitweets youtube/oamitubes

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