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Presentation on theme: "> WHY IS E-SAFETY A PRIORITY? >> > HOW CAN RM HELP? >>"— Presentation transcript:


2 Why is e-safety a priority? New technologies –Mobile Internet; Social Networking; Multiple devices; complex networksSocial Networking The dangers and distractions are increasing –Undesirable activities (e.g. grooming, bullying, inappropriate web sites) –Keeping users on-task – you dont have eyes in the back of your head –The School gates are no longer a barrier to risks Every Child Matters –Head Teacher is responsible for student welfare –Education and Policies are paramount –Our technology supports and enables e-safety

3 How can RM help you? Awareness Detection Prevention RM SafetyNet Family Resolution


5 EPICT e-safety awareness module EPICT UK have devised a new module for their international CPD programme. The E-Safety module will offer teachers the opportunity to increase their knowledge of staying safe with technology whilst affording practical opportunities to apply this awareness within their school. Evidence generated within the school is presented to the centre by the individual teacher for the award of the Certificate.

6 TDA involvement The module has been developed in partnership with Durham and Warwickshire Education Services under guidance from the Teacher Development Authority in England (TDA). RM are a national provider of the module and are also involved in an TDA pilot for ITT

7 Benefits of module (1) Supporting Ofsted - the e-safety module helps ensure learners feel safe and adopt safe practices (Ofsted SEF Question 4b) (2) Supporting the Byron Review - the module helps support the recommendations of the Byron Review, specifically that action is taken in schools to ensure e-safety is mainstreamed throughout teaching practices. (3) Supporting Every Child Matters (and the DCFS cyber-bullying prevention guidelines) by helping schools ensure that they work with pupils and parents to make sure new communications technologies are used safely. (4) Flexible learning - the course is designed to make use of everyday teaching practice and to provide practical recognition for teachers' efforts in the classroom. It is therefore designed to be an inclusive element of teachers' classroom lessons and to complement their teaching. In order to ensure the course is as flexible as possible and fits in around teachers, it is delivered online, with the support of optional face-to-face elements. (5) Professional Development - developed by EPICT in partnership with the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA), this course will recognise teachers' e-safety skills and awareness. The module can also be used to build towards the European Pedagogical ICT Licence at Bronze, Silver or Gold level. It should be noted that completion of the full EPICT will contribute CATS points towards their Masters.

8 RM-an EPICT centre We have approached our various projects across the country and are using our education consultancy team to support the roll out The course is totally on-line and is firmly based in the teachers experience in the classroom


10 Types of tasks being submitted a) Delivery of a standard curriculum based lesson incorporating online technology and embedding esafety practice b) Dedicated E-Safety Awareness Session with Pupils c) Staff Development Session on E-Safeguarding, awareness and school practice d) Parents Session on E-Safeguarding – Includes awareness raising and school and home practice advice e) Governors/External Stakeholder Session on E-Safeguarding – Includes awareness raising and school and home practice advice f) Production of School reference and/or regulatory documentation in the area of esafety for a defined audience and addressing appropriate technology usage. The episode/s must be capable of producing sufficient breadth and depth of evidence and measurable results which the participant is able to document

11 What does a teacher needs to do? Submission Length The submission (excluding appendices) should be between 750 and 1000 words in length. Types of evidence In addition to the above report, accompanying evidence may include the following: Presentation Material or Screen shots Teaching Materials Transcripts (verbal, audio, visual) of the learning scenario Post implementation reviews including feedback from stakeholders School ESafety Documentation Action Plans School Improvement Documentation Operational Plans

12 Essential risk-management Education-specific Internet filtering trusted by thousands of schools Checks all web sites against filter rules, including: –IWF Child Abuse Images –Pornography and illegal or age-restricted activity –Drugs and substance abuse; Violence –Intolerance … and much more … Education-specific filtering Tried, tested and loved by thousands of education establishments Customisable and automatically updated Centralised and no need for equipment with RM SafetyNet Plus Come and see us in the demo area over lunch RM SafetyNet Family

13 Webmail for education –Access anywhere –No advertising –Suitable for all ages of user –Calendars Safety and Security –Banned word filtering –Create your own restriction lists –Anti-spam & Anti-virus

14 Acceptable Use Policy –Ensure all users have signed up to an AUP Internet Access Manager –Control access to websites RM Connector –Connect ultra mobile devices securely to the network

15 Moderated discussion forums –Teachers can reject or accept entries All uploaded content is filtered Report abuse to Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre (CEOP) Freedom combined with safety –Safe environment for sharing ideas Teachers provided with control –Filtered environment when needed

16 PC monitoring product that allows schools to: Identify risks Monitors PCs for unacceptable words, phrases or images Covers all applications: email, Bebo, MySpace, Word etc Record issues Takes a screenshot of any content indicating a problem or concern From swearing to bullying, racism or internet grooming Take action Alerts staff to type of violation and how serious it is Provide support to a victim of bullying, protect a vulnerable child or confront pupil misusing ICT

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