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LEONARDO DA VINCI - Transfer of Innovation 01/11/2012-31/10/2014 AGREEMENT NUMBER - LLP-LDV-TOI-12-AT-0011 PROJECT NUMBER - 2012-1-AT1-LEO05-06976 T-EST.

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Presentation on theme: "LEONARDO DA VINCI - Transfer of Innovation 01/11/2012-31/10/2014 AGREEMENT NUMBER - LLP-LDV-TOI-12-AT-0011 PROJECT NUMBER - 2012-1-AT1-LEO05-06976 T-EST."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEONARDO DA VINCI - Transfer of Innovation 01/11/2012-31/10/2014 AGREEMENT NUMBER - LLP-LDV-TOI-12-AT-0011 PROJECT NUMBER - 2012-1-AT1-LEO05-06976 T-EST Transfer of Employment Support Tools for People with Disabilities Implementation Coaches Workshop 05.- 06.06.2014, Izmir, TR Next steps This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

2 Overview Contact person Bulgarian partner: Andrean Lazarov Workpackage 7: Implementation period – Feedback to the Toolkit – Support and exchange plattform – Support visits from Austria – Contacting 5- 10 PwD, 20 companies, integrate 10 social service providers in the process Start February 2013 – ends in June 2014 TR: starts June 2014 – ends September 2014

3 Starting with Employment Support activities according to the concept provided in the toolkit in BG, RO and TR – Feb-Apr 2014 Permanent supervision for transfer activities by AT through electronic communication and support visits in BG, RO and TR for 2 days – May 2014 Finalisation of the implementation phase – 30 May 2014 Evaluation of the SE process – 1-15 June 2014 Report by each partner country (EN) – 20 June 2014 Preparation of 2 case studies per country – 30 June 2014 Feedback on possible revision of the toolkit (if required) – Jun 2014 Activities in RO, BG:

4 N 31 Implementation feedback tool N 32 Support coaching visits N 33 Support and exchange platform Expected results WP 7:

5 Documentation of implementation Find on T-EST blog in TR – Application PwD – Employer data template – Progress reporting template Evaluation feedback tool – reporting system to BG for finalisation of the overall report

6 Internal exchange platform Application form: – Support and exchange platform – Forum, Blog, internal area at the webpage  -Planning support visits -Participation exploitation seminars, meetings, etc.

7 Needs?Questions?Worries? What kind of information do you need? How to intense the contact (Skype? Forum? Mail?)? Open questions from your side? Worries: – How to solve problems?

8 Contact: Michaela Meier ( Christine Pilz ( Bahnhofgürtel 77/5, 8020 Graz, Austria

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