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MW- Sonet project presentation J. Kasperiuniene Baltic education technology institute Szeged meeting, Hungary 2010/09/27.

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Presentation on theme: "MW- Sonet project presentation J. Kasperiuniene Baltic education technology institute Szeged meeting, Hungary 2010/09/27."— Presentation transcript:

1 MW- Sonet project presentation J. Kasperiuniene Baltic education technology institute Szeged meeting, Hungary 2010/09/27

2 Agenda 1. Welcome and partners presentations 2. MW- Sonet project in few sentences 3. Partners reports on works already done and the new challenges needs analysis study (EL); methodology and preparations to e- learning (DK + IS); development of training modules (LT); testing the courses (HU). 4. Lunch break 5. Partners reports on works already done and the new challenges (continuation) SNT – adaptation and improvements (BG) videoconference with BETI MW- Sonet community building (DK); discussions (ALL) practical trainings “How to use ELGG for partner networking” (ALL)

3 General information 1.Partners presentations; 2. Changes in partnership Contractor: Lithuanian University of Agriculture Partner: ICT Development, Bulgaria

4 MW- Sonet in one sentence ;-))) To transfer the BB model to project partner countries and to involve and stimulate women to become active participants of local community life, to become mentors for other rural women and all the rural community.


6 WPs WP1 – needs analysis study - DONE; WP2 – methodological preparation to e-learning courses transfer - DONE; WP3 – development of training modules – IN PROGRESS; WP4 – piloting e-learning courses – AFTER WP4 –We need to develop piloting plan; WP5 – adaptation and improvement of BB social networking tools – IN PROGRESS; –All the partners need to chose SNT; WP6 – MW- Sonet community – TOGETHER WITH WP5; –WP6 needs brainstorming – how to attract target participants to use new technologies (SNT)?

7 MW-Sonet WORK PLAN 7 200920102011 P0P1P2P3P4P5P6P7P8 101112123456789101112123456789 LT1LT2BGDKELHUISLT3TR ZUIBETIZUM Block 1 WP1 Needs analysis study ++P4+++ WP2 Methodological preparation to e- learning courses transfer ++P6+ WP3 Development of training modules P1++++ WP4 Piloting – implementation and trials ++++P5++ Block 2 WP5 Adaptation and improvements of Building Bridges social networking tools +P2+++++ WP6 MW-Sonet community +++P3+++++

8 Rodoula Makri WP1 – needs analysis study

9 Jolande Leinenbach + Ragnhildur Sigurðardóttir WP2 – Methodology for course transfer WP leader - Ragnhildur

10 Judita Kasperiuniene WP3 – Development of Training Modules

11 WP3 – development of training modules - 1 Works already done: 1.Planning the courses: LT (P0, P1, P7) – Agricultural issues; BG (P2) – Agro tourism; ICCS (EL) – Communication skills; HTA (P5) – Digital backpack; GU (TR) – Introduction to e-learning. 2. Translated, adapted, new materials added LT (P0, P1, P7) – Agricultural issues (1/3) BG (P2) – Agro tourism ; ICCS (EL) – Communication skills - ???; HTA (P5) – Digital backpack - translated; GU (TR) – Introduction to e-learning – translated, could be uploaded to the Moodle.

12 WP3 – development of training modules - 2 Works already done: 3. E-learning environment adaptations:

13 WP3 - results

14 WP3 – development of training modules Participant institutions: –P1 (Baltic Education Technology Institute) WP leader; – P2, P4, P5, P8 partners involved

15 Building Bridges e-learning courses in Moodle

16 WP4 - pilots


18 WP4 - results

19 WP5 – adaptation and improvement of BB social networking tools


21 WP5 - results R5 – Study “Internet tools for social networking”; R6 – Handbook “How to use social networking tools”

22 Building Bridges MENTORING HANDBOOK

23 WP5 - results


25 WP6 – MW- Sonet community


27 WP6 - results

28 Website



31 WP7 – Dissemination and valorization – ALL the PARTNERS –Start 10/2009; Finish 09/2011 –Aims: To increase awareness about the “to date” status of the MW-Sonet courses and other project results and about its ultimate objectives towards user groups and the rural community in the local regions involved, in the countries involved, and across Europe; To establish ways of communication with local, regional, national and international rural communities, with organizations of which take part in local and regional development and finally with the public that consist the end users of the providing services. The e- learning courses and other products developed in the project will be integrated into existing portals. The core partners are committed to exploit and disseminate the products at least five years after the end of the project. –WP leader - P0 (Institute of Agriculture Engineering, LT); –Results: R8 – proceedings of International Valorization Conference; R9 - leaflets and posters (in all project partner languages); R13 – sustainability and valorization plan. 31

32 Virtual meetings Suggestion- –Once a month; –Next date Dec. 14 (18, Friday); –Subject of the next virtual meeting Social networking. 32

33 Posters

34 WP8 – Coordination, management and monitoring – ALL the PARTNERS –Start 10/2009; Finish 09/2011 –Aims: Establishing working relationships among the partners; To manage project efficiency, ensure that the communication and collaboration in the partnership runs smoothly; to allocate the payments; To ensure that the works are carried out according to the contracts and that the project objectives and milestones are met. –WP leader - P1 (Baltic Education Technology Institute, LT); –Results: R10 – Interim and Final reports; R11 - Cost statement and project activities monitoring report; R15 – Audit. 34

35 WP9 – Evaluation and quality assurance– ALL the PARTNERS –Start 10/2009; Finish 09/2011 –Aims: Establishing working relationships among the partners; To manage project efficiency, ensure that the communication and collaboration in the partnership runs smoothly; to allocate the payments; To ensure that the works are carried out according to the contracts and that the project objectives and milestones are met. –WP leader - P0 (Institute of Agriculture Engineering, LT); –Results: R12 – Internal evaluation questionnaire and evaluation reports; R14 - External evaluation of products and activities. 35

36 Questions iijupo

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