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Operational Programme I – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of Life Project part-financed by the European Union.

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Presentation on theme: "Operational Programme I – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of Life Project part-financed by the European Union."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operational Programme I – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of Life Project part-financed by the European Union European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Co-financing rate: 85% EU funds; 15% National Funds Investing in your future Developing a Research Manufacturing Strategy for Malta

2 Methodology Final Report Public Consultation Submission of Draft Action Plan Submission of Draft Generic Strategy; Group Stakeholder Consultations Conference Launch of the Research Manufacturing Strategy Statistical Analysis 2

3 3 Roadmap of the Strategy Situation Analysis PEST Benchmarking Competitor Analysis Situation Audit – Manufacturing Industry Critical Success Factors; Situation Audit – Research Manufacturing Landscape Generic Strategy Consolidated SWOT; Alternative Generic Strategy Options; Identified Niche Market Segments; Direction for Development; Methods for Development Actions Generic Recommendations; Proposed Short Term Initiatives; Targets and Deliverables

4 Critical SWOT 4 Strengths: High Intensity of Locally Esablished FDI Weaknesses: - Absence of an appropriate R&D Infrastructure and Workforce Opportunities: A focus on NanoTechnology, Materials and Production Technologies (NMP) Threats: Adverse International Economic Climate which is driving FDI to South East Asia and South America SWOT

5 Mission Statement 5 “To transform the Maltese Manufacturing Industry into a centre of excellence for research, development and testing facilities to strengthen the Manufacturing Base in Malta by investing in resources and competencies that position it at the forefront in selected high technology manufacturing niche markets whilst retaining flexibility to continuously adapt its focus to emerging technologies and applications”.

6 6 Strategic Objectives - Categories - Economic Strategic ObjectivesGozo Transversal ObjectivesFast Track Objectives Key Pillar Objectives Human Resource Objectives Finance Objectives Research Infrastructures Objectives Linkages Objectives

7 Overarching Economic Objectives 7 Current Performance Short Term 2011 – 2013 Medium Term 2013 – 2020 Long Term 2020 – 2030 %Unit% % R,D&T investment in Manufacturing as a % of GDP; 0.55% (all sectors)0.24%€15.75 million 0.48 %€ 31.5 million 1 %1 %€ 65 million Economic Value Added from R&D&1 in Manufacturing as a % of Manufacturing GDP N/A3.5%€ 13.3 million 11.2%€ 75 million 22.4%€ 150 million Employment in R&D Manufacturing as a % of Manufacturing Employment 0.33% (All R&D Employment as a % of total employmen) 1.5%3005%1,00010%2,000

8 Identifying the Technology Platforms Food Research on PAN Advanced Engineering Materials & Chemicals New Engineering Materials; Discovery of structure property relationships, reactive & process design New Production Technologies; Advanced Modeling; Testing & Prototyping Photovoltaics & Photonics New Photovoltaic Cells & Devices; Balance of System Components; Design & Testing of Systems; Nano-Medicine Nano-Technology based Diagnostics & Imaging; Targeted Delivery Multi-Tasked Medicines; Regenerative Medicines 8

9 Food Research on Preference, Acceptance & Needs - Overview PAN is based on a reverse engineering basis approach in which the total product development is modelled back through the chain from consumer to raw material.

10 Preference, Acceptance & Needs

11 PAN- Competitive Advantage Malta is characterised by an indigenous food and beverage industry; Benefits from a strong Tourism Industry that originates from multiple destinations Malta is strategically positioned at the heart of the Mediterranean; Has developed an international reputation for ICT; Could act as a catalyst for helping the indigenous industry to internationalise

12 Advanced Materials Chemicals Discovery of new Chemical Discovery of structure/property relationships; Testing & Characterisation; Production Technologies Engineering Materials Creation of New Materials; Testing & Prototyping Production Technologies Advanced ICT Applications for Modeling, Designs, Products, Production Systems and Processes ICT

13 Advanced Engineering Materials & Chemicals – Competitive Advantage The presence of well established and strong multi-national players that are operating in Malta in the fields of Plastics, Electronics and Medical Equipment Industries. Smaller set ups provide a backdrop against which new materials may be tested on products to be manufacturing in short production runs. Malta has developed an international reputation for its capabilities and competencies in Information and Communication Technology which forms an integral part of the research activities that would be required in support of advanced modelling activities.

14 Photovoltaic & Photonics ICT modeling of materials, components & production systems; Design & Development of Photovoltaic Materials, Cells & Devices Design & Development of Balance of System Components; Installation Design, Development & Testing

15 Photovoltaic & Photonics - Competitive Advantage - Malta is geographical located in a region with a high exposure to sunlight and sunshine; Small geographic size enables prospective researchers to test out the solutions in a micro-environment. The Renewables Sector is a key priority sector that has been identified in the National Research and Innovation Plan. Government has earmarked Gozo in its Vision 2015 as becoming a best practice ecological island.

16 Nano-Medicine - Key Areas - ICT Modeling Nanotechnology Based Diagnostics & Imaging Targeted Delivery Multi- Tasked Medicines Regenerative Medicines

17 Nano-Medicine - Rationale - Rationale: Nano-medicine is a relatively new terrain for Malta and competencies to be developed in the short term is very limited in this field. Given the major emphasis placed by the Europe’s Strategic Agenda on Nano-Technology, it is felt that Malta cannot ignore such developments & should therefore work hard to build & develop the required competencies over the long term. Nano-Medicine may provide the best opportunity for development in Malta given its relative strengths and overall strategy to develop it in a centre of excellence in the Health Manufacturing and Services Industries.

18 Nano Medicine - Unique Selling Proposition - Unique Selling Proposition Access to a strong Health Cluster consisting of state of the art Hospitals, Medical Equipment Manufacturers and Pharmaceutical Companies; Significant investment & commitment for the Development of a Biotechnology and Life Sciences Centre.

19 Technology Platforms vs Sectors. Electronics Pharmaceuticals Medical Equipment Renewable Energy Rubber & Plastics Food & Beverage Preference, Acceptance and Needs Project √ Advanced Engineering Materials √ √√√ Photovoltaics & Photonics √ Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals √√√√√√ Nano-Medicine √√

20 Direction for Development (i) Short Term 1 – 3 Yrs Product/ Process Innovation; Testing & Clinical Trials R&D in ICT Applications in Manufacturing Medium Term 5 – 15 years Backward Integration; Technology Transfer Partnerships; Greenfield Investments Exploitation of natural resources Long term 20 years Plus Emerging Technologies

21 Direction for Development (ii)

22 Methods of Development Government Investment General Science & Technology Education Science Popularisation Investment in Research Infrastructures Fundamental Research; Co-ordination of Public, Industry and Academia Collaboration EU Funding Reseach Infrastructures (Capacities Stream) European Research Council Nanoscience, Nanotechnologies,New Materials and Production Technologies (Cooperation Programme) Energy- Photovoltaics Strand – (Cooperation Programme) Joint Technology Initiatives Foreign Direct Investment Support Laboratories ( Greenfield and Brownfield Investment) Locally Integrated Laboratories International Interdependent Laboratories Local Indigenous Industry Pilot Testing SupportInnovative Start UpsJoint Research InitiativesHome Grown R&D Initiatives 22

23 Short Term Action Plan Quick Wins Product/ Process Innovation Activities; Test Bed Initiatives; Targeted Research Initiatives Investment in Long Term Infrastructures Development of Governance Structures; Revamping the Tertiary Education Sector; Development of a Virtual R&D Network; Feasibility studies for two R&D Parks.

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