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SSE system Management and Evaluation System, based on the obtained results.

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1 SSE system Management and Evaluation System, based on the obtained results

2 Summary  The SSE monitors the progress of a project in terms of both its budget and its logical framework matrix.  This simple and intuitive web-based application can be used by a group of users (Team Leaders, Key Experts, Beneficiaries, Consortia, monitoring experts, etc), each of which can hold differentroles (review, addition/ modification/ deletion of data, just reading, etc.).  All information is stored in a central database available over the internet, and can additionally be used locally or from a single workstation.  The monitoring of activities in SSE can be combined with automatic SMSs or emails early alerts.  The actors may communicate through the internet, by mail, SMS, Skype Google Apps, smartphone.

3 The data  We recommend SSE to be used with the support of MD2I, which developed the software. The Project Director will be responsible for entering the initial information into the system, after stating:  - The logical framework - The impact indicators - The objectively verifiable (activity) indicators.  After this, a small training session will be provided to the users. The different roles and users for the management of SSE will be outlined at this stage.  The Team is usually responsible for entering the initial values and the values sought for the activities, the budgets and impact indicators.  The expected results appear on a map with the corresponding actor if it is the case (as the beneficiary Non state actor – NSA).

4 The results Degree to which the overall and specific objectives and the results have been achieved according to the status of their respective indicators. Graphic demonstration for each result, available both to review on-screen or in an excel or pdf extract. SSE can be linked to the budget following-up software SARA, developed by MD2I in 32 countries.

5 Structure of the software Developing the automatic e-mail warning system to meet the delays. Developing the warning sytems to obtain the expected results. Gathering the data on the spot and organizing the updating process when the user is web connected. Entering the data, in a collaborative way. Data Analysis for the Reports and the Geographic information system GIS.

6 The results obtained This is a sustainable system in the long term. The obtained results are very easy to read. The user knows the achievements compared to the expected results. He can make a business plan, which is regularly updated at several time scales: each week, year or more. The users reach different information levels according to their reponsability in the project.

7 The main statements The follow-up of the project is along 3 axes: Indicators Activities Budgets (via SARA)  SSE gives the obtained results compared to the purpose, at each result level.  The activities may have one of these three status: ongoing, achieved or cancelled.

8 Customizing the main statements  The reports are customized by MD2I. We only need the lay out of the required statement with the expected data for inserting the new output in SSE.  MD2I is able to customize automaticaly tasks to inform the actors about the activities and the results obtained at each level. For example: automatic mailing to the actors concerned each time a result change status; automatic mailing of the operations planned to end soon (the next week, month …) Automatic mailing of the operations too late. ….

9 The main reports There are seven main reports : 1. The business plan, by period of time; 2. The statute of the activities : ongoing, achieved, not achieved, cancelled; 3. The results obtained and the corresponding forecasts according to the logical framework. 4. The actual value of the indicators compared to the initial value and with the purpose; 5. The follow-up of the budget; 6. What is done, compared xith the budget and the actual expenditures; 7. A Map of the project results (GIS)

10 Advantages of using SSE  The users have different roles (to add new entries, to delete, to modifying information, just as reader)  All the tasks are done collaboratively and decentrally.  All information are summarized and available in a central DB reached on the internet, through a local network or standalone.  The system is linked to A geagraphic Information System (GIS) And/or the SARA software (budget follow-up).  There are customized warnings (SMS or e-mail).  The Objectively verifiable indicators may be explained, if needed by joined documents.

11 The price of SSE Normal basic price: 3.600 Euros for a project (financial agreement) including * a link with SARA, but a SARA license to be obtained separately; * current parameters (Logical framework, General accounts,budget, current reports. * mapping the NSA and the expected results; Using our web server (if the client dont have one) : 360 Euros /year. Support and maintenance after the first year (free) : according to the asked services.

12 MD2I in 34 countries

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