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#DigitalAtlantic PIA Building – San Sebastian 13 March 2014 Colm Mc Colgan - ERNACT.

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1 #DigitalAtlantic PIA Building – San Sebastian 13 March 2014 Colm Mc Colgan - ERNACT

2 #DigitalAtlantic  Background to Digital Atlantic Project  Smart Specialisation  Platforms

3 #DigitalAtlantic Consultation Area Identify the future Digital Agenda needs of regions in the Atlantic Area

4 #DigitalAtlantic Benefits of ICTs in a Region SMEs  2.5 new jobs have been created by Internet for every 1 job destroyed  SMEs that embrace the Digital Economy grow at least 2 times faster  75% of value added by Internet is in traditional sectors (productivity growth)  It Improves labour productivity - 10% in services and 5% in manufacturing Economics  The ICT sector represents 5% of Europe’s GDP  But drives 20% of all productivity growth across sectors  It constitutes 25% of total private R&D investment  10% increase in broadband take-up results in 1.5% increase in GDP Markets  50% of the world’s population will be connected to the Internet by 2016

5 #DigitalAtlantic Foundation High Speed Broadband Cloud Computing R&D eInfrastructure Power Grid Transport KETS Living Labs Network Security Open Data Portals ICT for Traditional SMEs Digital Skills Web Entrepreneurship eGov Citizens Business Health Tourism Language Resources Cultural Assets Data Centres Utilities Infrastructure Smart Region Public Services Innovation & Research

6 #DigitalAtlantic 7 Months Structured Discussion On-Line Atlantic-wide Dissemination & Engagement Plan Deployers of e- service Public Authorities Developers (SMEs) Centres of Applied Research & Innovation Final Workshop : Final Atlantic Area Digital Agenda Workshop CPMR/ERNACT – 24/25 April Workshop 1 : e-public services in the Atlantic Area Derry/Donegal Jan Workshop 2 : Innovation Platforms and the Development of Atlantic Area Smart Specialisation Clusters San Sebastian/Cardiff Today Workshop 3 : Multimodal Transport & High Speed Broadband (Port Hubs) Cantabria/ERNACT April

7 #DigitalAtlantic Vertical or Horizontal ? Tourism Advanced Manufacturing Agro-Food Digital Agenda Healthcare Digital Agenda

8 #DigitalAtlantic Platform? Physical Political Technology Innovation Research

9 #DigitalAtlantic ICT 2014 - 2020 Smart Specialisation “Regions to base their development plans on areas in which they have comparative competitive advantage” Digital Agenda “Deliver sustainable economic and social benefits from a digital single market based on fast and ultra fast internet and interoperable applications”

10 #DigitalAtlantic Examples of Platforms Atlantic Strategy/CPMR Atlantic Programme (INTERREG 4B) Horizon 2020 Place- Based Innovation Plan

11 #DigitalAtlantic Innovation Platform  An environment (Place?) strong enough to provide an impetus to innovation  Geographic and/or Sectoral  Sufficient Potential  A competent Plan  Facilitates cooperation between innovation actors (PIA building, website)  Support (money, agreed objectives, public money)

12 #DigitalAtlantic Health Care Green Energy Digital Tech. TourismFood Manufac turing Educat - ion Business Services West Romania xxxx Vaster’land xxx San Seb’n xxxxx Olomouc xxx Donegal xxxx Derry xxxx Cantabria xxxxx

13 #DigitalAtlantic Main Features  Smart Specialisation priorities  Digital priorities  Share Project Ideas  Funding  Involve Tech companies & research organisations

14 #DigitalAtlantic Design Notions  Regions to socialise on the topic  Icons, pictures of people, region coat of arms, organisation logos  Short conversations  New events messaged  Structured – model links between a region’s economic sectors and action plans, organisations, project ideas and funding

15 #DigitalAtlantic

16 #DigitalAtlantic Territorial Innovation

17 #DigitalAtlantic Digital Priorities

18 #DigitalAtlantic



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