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CBS-MG-5/Doc 4/ APPENDIX EC Action Group for an Enhanced WMO January 24-25, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "CBS-MG-5/Doc 4/ APPENDIX EC Action Group for an Enhanced WMO January 24-25, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 CBS-MG-5/Doc 4/ APPENDIX EC Action Group for an Enhanced WMO January 24-25, 2005

2 Action Group Members J.J. Kelly (chair) A.M.H Isa M.D. Everell A.D. Moura (unable to participate) D. Rogers N. Gordon, president of CAeM B. Stewart, president of CHy

3 Terms of Reference from Res. 7, EC 56 Identify and prioritize opportunities for making WMO more Proactive Responsive Relevant Through changes in its mode of operation Identify specific actions required by WMO –Can be implemented as soon as possible –Report to EC 57 action implementation status, and propose further actions to be taken

4 Why take action now…? Evolving international and national contexts Broad recognition of need for change, including new President wishing to lead improvements, and SG introducing significant changes to Secretariat Survey of EC members – strong desire and expectation for improvements to operation of EC Relevant – WMO is already relevant but must organize to highlight and enhance our unique role (e.g., Tsunami) – risk of becoming less relevant and lacking recognition for key roles Responsive – discussion, decisions and mobilization of WMO resources to respond to world situations need to be streamlined, better managed Proactive – WMO can’t wait for disasters to consider appropriate responses to situations or societal needs

5 HOW?…2 WAYS… 1. Build an agile organization through leadership –Develop an issue oriented/integrated approach Organize and track performance around cross-cutting issues Address how WMO can mobilize its programs, commissions, regional associations, relationships with other organizations, etc., to bear on key issues and societal need –Take into account and act on WMO vision Define and clarify unique role of WMO now and in future Review progress towards long-term objectives Adjust management approach to meet vision

6 HOW?....2 nd way 2. Provide good governance –Make timely/effective decisions need mechanisms, communication evaluate and manage risk associated with decisions –Monitor performance and adjust plans need performance measures –Use resources efficiently need strong budget/admin/audit system –Respond to Members’ concerns need good communication mechanisms need to link program resources to Members’ needs

7 Mandate for Action Congress and EC have requested change….their proposals for improvement still await implementation This Group focused on –Prerequisites for action –Four specific actions for immediate implementation to improve the EC 57 session –Further actions which will facilitate more responsiveness, proactiveness and ensure relevance

8 Prerequisites for Action The President and vice Presidents must embrace and lead the necessary changes in EC The SG must support, nurture and be actively engaged in the changes through a culture of change in the Secretariat All EC members and participants must recognise that things will need to operate differently and they will need to act differently

9 Proposed Actions for EC 57 Session 1.Organize session for better governance 2.Organize EC to be more productive 3.Schedule discussion of key cross-cutting issues within the first week of the EC session 4.Resulting actions need to be owned by specific entities for follow-up and reporting

10 Proposed Actions for EC 57 Session 1.Organize session for better governance President to reinforce to EC members their governance role as individual experts to review and provide guidance on programs, budget, personnel, regional reports, awards, etc. SG to prepare handout for EC members clarifying governance roles of key WMO bodies Secretariat and constituent bodies must provide complete but concise reports focusing on what was intended to be achieved, what was actually achieved, reasons for gaps, risks, and guidance sought Chairs should ensure that discussion is focused on items where major problems or strategic decisions are involved –Discuss resource allotment and other issues, applying tools such as cost/benefit and risk assessment –Consider approaches such as crosscut and integration as means of bringing organization to issues –EC should address key issues and strategies early in the session (see point 3)

11 Proposed Actions for EC 57 Session cont. 2.Organize EC to be more productive –Active discussion of a few cross-cutting issues –Identify other topics for future meetings (e.g., Disaster Mitigation, GEOSS, Water, Sustainability, Data Management/ Tele- communication, Earth Science and Environmental monitoring roles of members, Globalization ) –Identify key decisions to make by the end of the session –Improve documentation format Revise document format to include executive summary. EC discussion/decision preceded only by executive summary. Body of report (with information but no decisions) to be included for the record. (We understand that there are already draft examples of this.) Based on experience, adopt new format for other bodies Complete documents available early (at least 48 hours)

12 Proposed Actions for EC 57 Session cont. 2.Organize EC to be more productive cont –Limit time for presentation of documents No reading of document text No presentation at all for purely information documents –Limit time for interventions –Combine reports and structure session to eliminate duplication –Structure subjects to better integrate and enable links to performance measures and long-term plan –Improve conduct of session (chairing, interventions, time management, etc.) SG should provide support – chairing guidelines, training, etc. –Reintroduce coffee breaks Useful for resolving polarizing issues but time discipline needed

13 Proposed Actions for EC 57 Session cont. 3.Schedule discussion of key cross-cutting issues within the first week of the EC session –Secretariat and President to identify issues and structure discussion –Prior to EC, members should receive a summary of issues/options and proposed approaches –Provide an opportunity for TC and RA Presidents to address cross-cutting topics as relates to their responsibilities

14 Proposed Actions for EC 57 Session cont. 4.Resulting actions need to be owned by specific entities for follow-up and reporting. –SG to prepare survey form prior to EC 57 for use in evaluation of participants’ satisfaction with the session, with the changes, and to solicit suggestions for further change

15 Further Actions Further improve documentation and streamline decision processes for future EC sessions, based on experiences at EC 57 and the formal evaluation Establish mechanisms for less calendar driven and more issue driven interaction of the EC –Active EC involvement and consultation between EC sessions should improve the governance role of EC and provide better support and guidance to the President and SG –Consider formal changes to intersessional role of EC to be proposed to next Congress Review the number, composition, purpose and mode of operation of EC groups; use sunset clauses Pursue appropriate integration within WMO Pursue strategic alliances with UN bodies and other entities –e.g., explore links to IHP/Water – WMO niche? Enhance the communication strategy to raise the visibility of WMO and services provided by its Members

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