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Presentation on theme: "WMO WMO INTEGRATED GLOBAL OBSERVING SYSTEM (WIGOS) REPORT TO EC-66 (Dr S. Barrell, Chair, ICG-WIGOS Prof B. Calpini, Co-chair) WMO; OBS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Outline  Key messages  Introduction to WIGOS Framework  Progress and achievements  Key challenges  From WIGOS Framework to Pre-operational Phase

3 Key messages  Engagement and confidence in WIGOS is growing  Considerable progress on WIGOS Framework  Challenges for WIGOS Pre-operational Phase  Resources, commitment and capacity  Sustainable solutions  Growing WIGOS through partnerships  Delivering value through WIGOS data  Readiness for Pre-operational phase  New approaches needed, such as  Regional WIGOS infrastructure  Partnerships and collaboration 3

4 World Weather Watch GOS GDPFS GTS WIGOS GCW GAW Hydro OS WIS GCOS Partners Co-sponsors WIGOS: A future observing framework for WMO

5 To oversee, guide and coordinate WIGOS To facilitate and support the operation of WIGOS To plan, implement and evolve WIGOS component systems To ensure supply of and access to WIGOS observations Management of WIGOS Implementation Collaboration with co- sponsors and partners Communications and outreach Quality Management Standards, interoperability & compatibility Operational Information Resource Capacity Development Design, planning and optimised evolution Data discovery, delivery & archival Observing system operation & maintenance WIGOS Framework: Key activity areas

6 WIGOS stakeholders – contributors (just some) 6

7 7 WIGOS stakeholder – beneficiaries (just some) Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity Development

8 WIGOS Framework Implementation  ICG-WIGOS-3  Strong RA and TC participation  Increased sense of 'WIGOS as an enabler'  Progress in all key areas, including standardisation  Technical Commissions  Uptake of WIGOS in work plans and teams  TC expert engagement in WIGOS Task Teams  Regional WIGOS Implementation Plans  RA II, IV, V, VI adopted, with RA I and III by late 2104  Regional/sub-regional workshops  Focus on strengthening observing systems, initially in RA I & III  Further in depth exploration of needs, priorities and plans

9 WIGOS Framework Implementation  WIGOS Regulatory Material  As per EC-64 request re formulation of Tech Regs  All TC's committed to tiered structure  Common-all WIGOS; common-space; common-in situ; specific  Tech Regs and Manual/s (to Cg17), Guide/s to follow  Process to approve WRM agreed with PTCs  Standardised Vocabularies  WMO leadership  Data framework and protocols  Further study required before Regulatory Material drafted  TCs review by 11 July 2014  PR distribution in September 2014

10 WIGOS Framework Implementation  WIGOS Quality Management  WIGOS Observation Quality Monitoring System  Proposed workshop on obs. data quality monitoring  Review Regulatory Material & practices for components and applications areas  Centennial stations  Raise awareness of existing long-term observations  Promote ongoing commitment & protection of stations  WMO Recognition via WIGOS  Draft criteria for selection, includes as minimum:  >100 years, basic metadata, no major changes or gaps in record  Commit to retain/maintain, WMO compliant, CIMO siting classification.

11 WIGOS Metadata Profile (progress)  Focus on semantic standard development  CIMO leadership, strong participation by all TCs  Full list of Metadata elements now included in WIGOS RM for review by PTCs  Metadata standard document to be ready for PR-review by September  Obligation for each Metadata element will depend on the observing system/ application:  All report 'mandatory'  Relevant 'conditional'  Selected 'optional' 11 Conditional Mandatory Optional WIGOS Framework Implementation All systems/applications Mandatory for certain systems / applications Useful complementary information

12 WIGOS Framework Implementation  Phased approach for implementation by Members  Phase I (2016) – mostly WMO No. 9, Vol. A and OSCAR-required elements  Phase II (2017-18) – more challenging for Members, but of rather immediate need e.g. quality of observations  Phase III (2019-20) – adds remaining elements of the standard  Next focus on technical implementation  Lead by CCl and CBS, development of Metadata Model and Metadata Exchange  Formalization of WIGOS Metadata as ISO Standard WIGOS Metadata Profile ( plans )

13 13 Space Architecture for Climate Monitoring WIGOS Framework Implementation

14  WIGOS Information Resource (WIR)  First time, all information relevant to WMO observations in one place  CBS leadership  Portal  Operational   Gaps being addressed  SORT (Standardization of Observations Reference Tool)  Broader WMO application  Delayed pending software solution WIGOS Framework Implementation

15  WIGOS Information Resource (WIR)  OSCAR (Observing System Capability Analysis and Review)  OSCAR/Requirements and OSCAR/Space updated & enhanced in 2013  Partnership with MeteoSuisse for OSCAR platform via MOU  Phase 1 (2015): Migrate OSCAR/Requirements; develop OSCAR/Surface; develop critical review module  Phase 2 (2017): Migrate OSCAR/Space; extend OSCAR/Surface; integrate both in critical review WIGOS Framework Implementation

16  Outreach and capacity development  National WIGOS projects  RA I: Tanzania, Uganda, Republic of Congo, Cote d'Ivoire  Side event "WIGOS Implementation in RA I", Thurs 26 June  Proposed WIGOS AWS Regional Conferences  Building on CIMO proposal  Lifecycle, network management and integration of AWSs  Hosting offer and resources welcome  Need to focus outreach on senior managers of observing systems test footer 16 WIGOS Framework Implementation

17  Standardization, lead by CIMO  Development of WMO and WMO/ISO obs. standards  Improve standardisation, interoperability, traceability of surface-based remote sensed observations  Vision for WIGOS 2040  'Vision for the GOS in 2025' approved by EC-61  Start now, through CBS, to scope future vision for WIGOS 2040 by Cg18  Major drivers  Lead time for satellite program development  Planning for large scale, long term (eg cross-regional and oceanic) observing systems test footer 17 WIGOS Framework Implementation

18 WIGOS Framework – Challenges  Sustainability of observing networks/systems  Working together across domains, regions, platforms  Need donors to take a lifecycle approach to investment  Plan-install-train-operate-maintain-sustain-renew  Reaching out to partners  Integration of non-NMHS observations in WIGOS  Registration & correct details for compliant stations  Issuing station identifiers – numbers are available  Access to WIS for quality/quantity monitoring  WIGOS data issues  Time for some new approaches

19 WIGOS – central role of NMHS in WIGOS  Building national partnerships  Data sharing and exchange via WIS  Strengthen national observing systems  More observations  Drive spectrum policy & management  Leadership by NMHS on WMO, GFCS, SDS & other priorities  WIGOS and WIS key enablers 19 NMHS Partner e.g. GAW, GCW Partner e.g. DRR, media WIGOS WMO, GFCS Partner e.g. All App. areas Partner e.g. Hydro, oceans. WMO Member Partner e.g. All App. areas

20 WIGOS Data – Observations are only one part of the value chain Problem Need Verify Evaluate Assess Apply Inform Decide Observe Monitor Collect Transmit Access Share Process Integrate Model DATA VALUE CHAIN

21 WIGOS Data – Observations are only one part of the value chain Problem Need Verify Evaluate Assess Apply Inform Decide Observe Monitor Collect Transmit Access Share Process Integrate Model DATA VALUE CHAIN WIGOS WIS DPFS PWS  SDS CBS/WWW view

22 WIGOS Data issues  Data management  Access, storage, archival, publish, governance, etc  CBS with CCl  WIGOS Data guidance  Non-NMHS sources  Access & exchange  Commercial data  ICG-WIGOS  WIGOS Data framework  WIGOS Pre- operational Phase 22 Need Evaluate Apply Observe Share Process DATA VALUE CHAIN DATA FRAMEWORK

23 WIGOS Priorities for 2016-19 Financial period (WIGOS Pre-operational Phase)  Development of standards, guidance and training material, including the Guide to WIGOS  Implementation of WIGOS at regional and national levels  Capacity development, especially RA I, III, V and LDCs  Implementation of the Regional Basic Observing Networks  Establishment of WIGOS regional centres and other WIGOS working structures and relationships as needed  Integration of relevant observational components  More and better observations 23

24 WIGOS Priorities for 2016-19 Financial period (WIGOS Pre-operational Phase)  Comprehensive uptake of WMO and WMO/ISO WIGOS standards  Operational implementation of WIGOS metadata  Development and implementation of the WIGOS data quality monitoring system  WIGOS data framework  Development and transition to operational status of the WIGOS Information Resource (WIR)  Portal, OSCAR, SORT 24

25 Key messages  Engagement and confidence in WIGOS is growing  Considerable progress on WIGOS Framework  Challenges for WIGOS Pre-operational Phase  Resources, commitment and capacity  Sustainable solutions  Growing WIGOS through partnerships  Delivering value through WIGOS data  Readiness for Pre-operational phase  New approaches needed, such as  Regional WIGOS infrastructure  Partnerships and collaboration 25

26 Thank you for your attention  

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