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The Work of WHO in the South-East Asia Region Member countries made steady progress in health development Health development WHO focused on country.

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2 The Work of WHO in the South-East Asia Region


4 Member countries made steady progress in health development Health development WHO focused on country capacity building

5 Communicable Diseases

6 Global targets for case detection and treatment success achieved Tuberculosis

7 85% treatment success 70% case detection

8 Tuberculosis / HIV 1.3 million people suffered from co-infection of TB and HIV

9 Tuberculosis / HIV Management of multidrug resistant TB and TB / HIV co-infection improved

10 Leprosy prevalence declined Leprosy

11 Post-elimination strategy developed and its implementation promoted Leprosy

12 Filariasis The Region accounted for 82% of the global Mass Drug Administration (MDA)

13 Filariasis Sri Lanka achieved Lymphatic Filariasis elimination

14 Diagnosis, treatment & case management improved Kala-azar Collaboration among affected countries strengthened

15 Diarrhoeal & Respiratory diseases Responsible for 48% of 3 million under-5 deaths annually

16 Dengue and Chikungunya Continued as major public health problems

17 Dengue and Chikungunya Situation worsened as a consequence of climate change

18 Avian Influenza 42% of global human cases reported in the Region

19 Avian Influenza High level task forces and coordinating bodies on Avian Influenza control formed

20 Avian Influenza 7 countries had national influenza centres linked to global network

21 Avian Influenza South-East Asia / Western Pacific Biregional Influenza Laboratory Network established

22 HIV / AIDS 3.6 million HIV infections in the Region

23 HIV / AIDS US$ 1 billion mobilized from Global Fund for the Region

24 International Health Regulations Intensified actions taken to build country core capacity

25 Public Health Emergencies More than 2 000 health workers trained

26 Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Table-top exercises conducted

27 Polio eradication Polio eradication is an unfinished agenda in the Region

28 Measles Measles continued to decline

29 Measles Lab network expanded

30 Vaccine development Manufacturers identified for seasonal influenza vaccine

31 Noncommunicable diseases 44% of the total disease burden 54% of the total deaths in our Region

32 Noncommunicable diseases Integrated prevention and control strategy is being developed

33 Tobacco control Tobacco kills more than a million people annually in South-East Asia

34 Several tobacco surveys conducted Tobacco control Regional strategy prepared for evidence-based tobacco control programme

35 Mental health Village-based workers trained for mental health work

36 Mental health Mental health promotion as a part of general health promotion strategy encouraged

37 Family and Community health Member countries on track to achieve MDG to reduce under-5 mortality

38 Maternal mortality MDG relating to maternal mortality reduction difficult to achieve More operation-based research is needed

39 Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) IMCI expanded and contributed to reducing child mortality

40 Maternal & Child Health Human resource development for maternal and newborn care accelerated

41 Maternal & Child Health Essential newborn and postnatal care integrated into primary health care

42 Reproductive health Guidelines on preventing and managing reproductive tract infections pilot-tested

43 Reproductive health Attempts made to eliminate congenital syphilis

44 Adolescent health Efforts continued to increase sensitivity to their health needs

45 Adolescent health National standards for quality services promoted

46 Sustainable Development and Healthy Environments Access to safe water supply increased

47 Water safety Water safety plans reviewed and updated

48 Sanitation 900 million people lack access to proper sanitation

49 Sanitation Ecology-based approach to sanitation conceived and pilot-tested

50 Natural disasters More than half of global deaths due to natural disasters occur in the Region

51 Natural disasters Floods and cyclones killed tens of thousands and affected millions last year

52 Natural disasters South-East Asia Regional Health Emergency Fund (SEARHEF) established and functional

53 Natural disasters SEARHEF released within hours following cyclone Nargis in Myanmar

54 Natural disasters Funds used for relief operations after floods in Sri Lanka

55 Food safety Surveillance in the Region was weak Public awareness of food hygiene was limited

56 Food safety Countries improved regulations to ensure food safety Enforcement of food safety standards was more effective

57 Climate change is a formidable challenge with long-term health implications Climate change

58 Regional framework for action to protect human health from climate change prepared Climate change

59 Health Systems Development

60 HSD challenges Development of human resources for health is the main challenge

61 Public health education Education programmes developed to support disease prevention and control strategies Public health workforce development continued

62 Public health education Intercountry cooperation promoted through South-East Asia Public Health Education Institutions Network

63 Task Force formed on Avian Influenza research Health research

64 Social and behavioural research in AI control launched in Indonesia Health research

65 Regional meeting on The Role of Education in Rational Use of Medicines held Essential medicines

66 Information management Generic format and guidelines for data collection and management disseminated

67 Regional repository of WHO information made available online Information management

68 Workforce development Regional meeting on community-based health workers and volunteers held

69 Resource mobilization 183 agreements concluded with 45 donors and partners

70 Resource mobilization 33% increase in voluntary contributions over the planned target

71 Global Management System (GSM) SEARO and WRO staff participating in GSM workshops GSM to be functional in the Region by 2009

72 Programme budget More than 70% of expenditure during the past biennium was funded from voluntary contributions

73 Country Collaboration Country focus and country-specific approach strengthened

74 Country Collaboration Efforts scaled up to strengthen country capacity for sustainable health development

75 Country Collaboration Coordination with other stakeholders to be further strengthened

76 Country Collaboration Collaboration with health ministries will be further enhanced


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