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1 Overview of FAA / Industry ASAS Applications Randall Bone, MITRE October 6, 2003.

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1 1 Overview of FAA / Industry ASAS Applications Randall Bone, MITRE October 6, 2003

2 2 Outline  Safe Flight 21  ASAS Applications  Safe Flight 21 Domains –Surface –Terminal –Capstone –Flight Safety  Challenges & Closing Remarks  FAA Contacts

3 3 Acronyms  ADS-B – Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast  AOC – Airline Operation Center  ARTS – Automated Radar Terminal System  ASAS – Airborne Separation Assurance Systems  ASSA – Airport Surface Situational Awareness  ASDE-X – Airport Surface Detection Equipment Model X  ATC – Air Traffic Control  CDTI – Cockpit Display of Traffic Information  CEFR – CDTI Enhanced Flight Rules  CFIT – Controlled Flight Into Terrain  EFB – Electronic Flight Bag  ETMS – Enhanced Traffic Management System  FAA – Federal Aviation Administration  FAROA – Final Approach and Runway Occupancy Awareness  FIS-B – Flight Information Service - Broadcast  FMA – Final Monitor Aid  GPS – Global Positioning System  IFR – Instrument Flight Rules  MVA – Minimum Vectoring Altitude  OSED – Operational Service and Environment Description  R&D – Research and Development  SA – Situational Awareness  SF-21 – Safe Flight 21  STARS – Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System  STM – Surface Traffic Management  TFM – Traffic Flow Management  TIS-B – Traffic Information Service - Broadcast  UPS – United Parcel Service  VFR – Visual Flight Rules  VMC – Visual Meteorological Conditions  WAAS – Wide Area Augmentation System  WHJTC – William J. Hughes Technical Center (FAA)

4 4 Safe Flight 21 Program Overview –Expedite emerging technology (GPS, ADS-B, FIS-B, TIS-B) –Government and industry cooperation –Demonstrate 9 enhancements in test beds: Alaska, Louisville, Memphis… –Examine requirements and risks, build a little, test a little, deploy a little (transition to national airspace) Air-to-Air Improved Separation Standards Improved Low-Visibility Approaches Enhanced See and Avoid Enhanced Operations for En Route Air-to-Air Ground-to-Ground Improved Surface Navigation for the Pilot Enhanced Controller Management of Surface Traffic Air-to-Ground & Self-Contained Affordable Reduction of Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT) Surveillance Coverage in Non-Radar Airspace Ground-to-Air Weather and Other Data to the Cockpit         Current Focus 

5 5 Near-Term SF-21 ASAS Applications Enhancement ASAS Category ApplicationStatus Improved Terminal Operations in Low Visibility SA Enhanced Visual ApproachOperational Separation CDTI Enhanced Flight RulesInitial concept developed Enhanced See and Avoid SA Enhanced visual acquisition of other traffic for see and avoid Operational SA Conflict DetectionOperational Enhanced En Route Air-to- Air Operations SA Pilot situational awareness beyond visual range Operational Improved Surface Navigation for the Pilot SA Final approach and runway occupancy awareness (FAROA) Initial concept and standards developed SA Airport surface situational awareness (ASSA) Initial concept and standards developed  Applications chosen since had user interest, near term implementation potential, and existing, well defined concepts

6 6 RTCA / EUROCAE ASAS Standards Development (Package I)  Joint development of ASAS application descriptions and functional / performance requirements (joint standards) EUROCAE Unique ApplicationsCommon ApplicationsRTCA Unique Applications Enhanced Sequencing & Merging Operations Enhanced Traffic Situation Awareness on the Airport Surface CDTI Enhanced Flight Rules Enhanced Crossing & Passing Operations Enhanced Traffic Situation Awareness During Flight Operations Approach Spacing for Instrument Approaches (probe analysis) Enhanced Visual Acquisition for See & Avoid Independent Closely Spaced Parallel Approaches (probe analysis) Enhanced Successive Visual Approaches Airborne Conflict Management (probe analysis) In-Trail Procedure in Oceanic Airspace

7 7 Foundation For Broadcast Services Implementation Avionics & Standards Ground Infrastructure Automation Air Transport Avionics ACSS L-3 Communications Transponder XS-950 Commercial Transponder XS-950S/I Military Honeywell CAS 67A TCAS II Rockwell Collins TDR-94/94D Mode S Transponder TPR-901 Mode S Transponder Garmin AT LDPU Transponder Airframes Airbus (March 2003) Boeing (March 2004) Vehicles Trios (2003) Sensis (2002) General Aviation Avionics Garmin GTX-330 Mode S Transponder Garmin AT MX-20 Honeywell KT-73 Terminal CommonARTS (2004) STARS (2005) SATDS (2004/2005) EnRoute/Ocean MicroEARTS (2001) ERAM (2007/2008) ATOP (2006) Surface ASDE-X (August 2003) Flight Following (2002) Prototype UPS-AT GBT (1999) Sensis ASDE-X (1999) Production ASDE-X (2005/2006) Capstone (2004) Standalone Ground Stations (2005) Standards DO-272 User Requirements for Aerodrome Mapping: October 2001 ADS-B Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) Revision A: April 2002 Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) Minimum Operations Performance Standard (MOPS): June 2002 ADS-B 1090 MHz MOPS Rev A: April 2003 TIS-B MASPS: April 2003 ASA MASPS: ~ October 2003

8 8 Architecture Building Blocks Surface Radar ADS-B Multilateration Control Tower Ramp Tower/AOC Surface Vehicles TIS-B Data Link Surveillance Source Moving Maps Traffic Taxi Clearance CDTI Heads Up Display Ramp Taxi Terminal Automation Fusion Surface Devices Terminal Radar Surface Vehicles TFM ETMS

9 9 Surface (Memphis, TN – Test Bed)

10 10 Surface Moving Map Approaching implementation Standards / certification guidance in place Map database building (78 to date; 160 by 2005) First aircraft certification anticipated in 10/03 on Boeing 777 EFB Next step: ADS-B (for ASSA & FAROA) Cockpit / Vehicle Intervention Provides “Last Line of Defense” in Solving Runway Incursion Problem © Boeing

11 11 Vehicle Tracking ADS-B provides means to track vehicles and display to controllers via ASDE-X or pilots (for ASSA & FAROA) Advisory Circular for industry standards under development Demonstration completed Early stages of equipping at Memphis, Louisville, & Dallas- Fort Worth Cockpit / Vehicle Intervention Provides “Last Line of Defense” in Solving Runway Incursion Problem

12 12 Surface Traffic Management (STM) Leveraging FAA Investment in ASDE-X. Will Enable New Range of Tactical / Strategic Surface Management Applications SF-21 focus on development of new STM tools leveraging new ASDE-X surface data (e.g., arrival / departure schedule tool) Provide Airlines / Service Operations Center displays in several airports Development of “data distribution” specification Define requirements for interoperability of STM data between Airlines / Tower / Flow Control First ASDE-X installation due 10/03 Prototyped at Memphis

13 13 Terminal (Louisville, KY – Test Bed)

14 14 Enhanced Situational Awareness  UPS equipping with AT2000 CDTI and conducting enhanced situational awareness with 757 / 767 fleet (total of 107 aircraft) –Includes conflict detection, situational awareness flight, see and avoid, enhanced visual approach  Metrics being collected and measured against baseline  Next steps: –Implement call sign use in traffic advisory procedure –UPS plans to seek approval for CDTI Enhanced Flight Rules (CEFR) in FY04 CEFR Shows Potential Airline Operating Cost Savings at 31 Benchmark Airports AT2000

15 15 ADS-B to Air Traffic Control  ADS-B currently being integrated into terminal automation systems –ADS-B use and depiction of equipage currently being defined  STARS demo performed at Memphis showed ADS-B can perform “PRM-like” function on Final Monitor Aid (FMA) display  Integration Schedule On Contract FY04 FY06 ADS-B Could Eliminate Need for PRM Systems and Enable PRM-like Capability at Wider Range of Airports

16 16 Capstone

17 17 Capstone Services  ADS-B (air-to-air) – Provides “enhanced see and avoid”  ADS-B (air-to-ground) – Enables ATC services via Anchorage Center (1/2001)  TIS-B (ground-to-air) * – Completes traffic picture  FIS-B (weather uplink) – Provides weather awareness  CFIT (onboard avionics) –Provides low cost terrain avoidance  Flight Dispatch Services –Provides flight monitoring and asset management services * Future services

18 18 Flight Safety

19 19 Flight Safety Applications - General Aviation Focus ADS-B and broadcast services Transition of Capstone effort to lower US Capstone based avionics Flight dispatch, weather, & traffic services Dual strategy to implement broadcast services (TIS-B and FIS-B) –Small airport infrastructure »Establish test beds »Establish pockets of implementation (Prescott, AZ/SATSLabs/East Coast) –Leverage ASDE-X infrastructure (add broadcast services) Stimulating “self equipage” State sponsored cost shares Broadcast Services Coverage 59 ASDE-X Sites Directly Addresses Three Main Culprits of GA Accidents: Mid Airs, Weather, CFIT

20 20 Future Challenges  User buy-in / affordability / cost benefit  Solving human factors issues (pilots & controllers), e.g., interfaces, mixed equipage operations  Global interoperability and harmonization of standards and procedures  Longer term- Acceptance of changing roles & responsibilities for pilots and controllers

21 21 Closing Remarks  Over past 4 years ADS-B foundation put in place –Avionics & Standards…Ground Infrastructure…Automation  Service Portfolio –Radar like services…Enhanced Situational Awareness…Surface Management…FIS-B…TIS-B  Interest in other “user pull” pockets to solve specific needs / services

22 22 For Further Information Contact…  Surface –Surface Moving Maps Tom Prevost - –Vehicle Tracking Robert Smith -  Terminal –John Marksteiner -  Capstone –Jim Hebert -  Flight Safety –Jim McDaniel -  Standards, International, & Automation –Gene Wong -

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