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Introduction to MiMOSA

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1 Introduction to MiMOSA

2 What is MiMOSA? IOM Global Information System
Biographic and Demographic Data Operational Activities Migrant Assistance for AVR and CT Medical Movement The Migrant Management Operational System Application is a tool for operations field staff to capture information required for migrant processing.

3 MiMOSA Interfaces Systems and Process Integration USRAP i-GATOR
PRISM Financials Migrant Statistics Dashboards Receiving Mission Interface (RMI) Loan Tracking System (US Promissory Notes) MiMOSA-WRAPS Interface (with RPC) CDC Interface (US Centre for Disease Control ) TAV Interface (US Domestic Travel Agent Interface) RA Interface (US Resettlement Agency Interface) USRAP

4 Objectives Streamline User Experience Tighten Information Security
User friendly screens Data entered in one place Standardized process across projects Tighten Information Security User Roles to manage information access Improved Data Validation Consolidation of Databases Enhance Reporting Rationalize number of reports within the system Standard Reporting approach across Activities and applications

5 Navigation Getting Started

6 Ask users to Click the bookmark on their browsers, or use the above URL. Switch over to the Confluence page for the wave.

7 Login & User-Codes User Code Username Password BE-01 jgodinez US-01
lseymour KE-01 mwambui JO-01 ggayao JO-00 The MiMOSA Team created the training curriculum so that all missions and all users would be able to use the same lecture, practical exercises, and test data for training. In order to do this, each user is assigned a unique “User-Code” based on the alpha country code for the Mission hyphen two digit number. Please write down your User Login and remember your password is the same as the User Code for each time you log in and out of the system. You must also remember your User-Code for all the practical exercises and we will talk about that a bit more. <Open Confluence Now with User Codes>

8 How do you know this is the Training Environment?
What do you imagine the MiMOSA Production environment looks like? The M logo is blue.

9 Main Menu ① Quick Search ② Main Navigation Functions ③ User Menu
1 2 3 4 ① Quick Search Allows the user to search for a Case, Case member or Movement – Default is Case Number search ② Main Navigation Functions These allow the user to quickly navigate to high level functions. (available functions are dependent upon the users role) ③ User Menu Contains user functions such as Log out, Update Profile etc. At the top of each page, you will find the Main Menu. <CLICK> 1. Quick Search allows you to quickly search for a Case, Individual <CLICK> 2. The main menu allows you to start the main functions of the system <CLICK> 3. The User menu allows you to logout and change your password <CLICK> 4. Current Location Let’s focus on Quick Search. ④ Current location Indicates the current location of the User

10 Quick Search Quick Search allows us to find A Migrant Case
A Case Member of a Migrant Case A Movement The Regular “Advanced” search is available from the quick search menu as well. Does everyone remember their country-user code? Now, let’s give it a try.

11 Quick Search (default)
CT-027 - User-Code Please type “CT-027” <CLICK> Then type “-” Then type your Country-User-code.

12 Quick Search (default)
CT-027-BE-01 Here is an example. The country User-Code is BE-01 Now press the ENTER key. The default search is for Migrant Cases. To find migrant cases, we use either the IOM Case number, the First, or the Second Reference number.

13 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 ① Page Name ② Functional Header information. This provides the user basic information relevant to the current function: Case Header when in Case Management Movement Header when in Movement ③ Second level Navigation Menu: Within certain major functions, a second level menu will be visible. This will contain additional functions that the user can perform based on the current state of the: Case Case Member or Movement ④ Expand/ Collapse indicators. These allow the user to expand or collapse sections of the page as required. ⑤ Info Tabs are used to group related information together and break it into a logical grouping. Active tab is coloured white If text colour is Blue, it means that that tab contains data ⑥ Mandatory field Indicator – the red asterisk indicates that this field is mandatory and the process cannot continue without this information 4

14 6 8 8 7 ① Page Name ② Functional Header information. This provides the user basic information relevant to the current function: Case Header when in Case Management Movement Header when in Movement ③ Second level Navigation Menu: Within certain major functions, a second level menu will be visible. This will contain additional functions that the user can perform based on the current state of the: Case Case Member or Movement ④ Expand/ Collapse indicators. These allow the user to expand or collapse sections of the page as required. ⑤ Info Tabs are used to group related information together and break it into a logical grouping. Active tab is coloured white If text colour is Blue, it means that that tab contains data ⑥ Mandatory field Indicator – the red asterisk indicates that this field is mandatory and the process cannot continue without this information

15 9 ① Page Name ② Functional Header information. This provides the user basic information relevant to the current function: Case Header when in Case Management Movement Header when in Movement ③ Second level Navigation Menu: Within certain major functions, a second level menu will be visible. This will contain additional functions that the user can perform based on the current state of the: Case Case Member or Movement ④ Expand/ Collapse indicators. These allow the user to expand or collapse sections of the page as required. ⑤ Info Tabs are used to group related information together and break it into a logical grouping. Active tab is coloured white If text colour is Blue, it means that that tab contains data ⑥ Mandatory field Indicator – the red asterisk indicates that this field is mandatory and the process cannot continue without this information 10

16 Quick Search (default)
CT-027 Now enter only the case number prefix and click enter

17 The system will display the list of all cases that start with CT-027
Can you now see how the User-Code indicates which cases belong to which users? The User-Code in the training test data is displayed in the 1st Reference Number and the Case Member It is really important for you to enter YOUR user-code during the practical exercises. Approximate Matches

18 Quick Search (again) AVR-001-User-Code
To recap, when you enter the Case Number in the Quick Search it will always default to the Migrant Case

19 Quick Search (Case Member)
CHEN When you enter one or more names in the Quick Search you must click “Case Member” for the system to search for the individual The default search is by migrant FAMILY NAME

20 Case Member Search Results
Family Name, First Name Middle Name The system will display a list of matching individuals Then you may select the Name of the Individual you wish to view – this will open the Case with the individuals details displayed

21 Quick Search (Case Member)
Family Name, First Name Middle Name CHEN, Fang User-Code To narrow the search for a case member you must enter the complete FAMILY NAME, First Name with a comma so the system can determine the name order for the search and then click Case Member in quick search Remember the default search is always by Case Number so if you click enter instead of Case Member what happens? The system will not find a match because CHEN is not entered as a case number in the 1st or 2nd Reference number or individual reference number.

22 The system will display the individual’s details ready for editing
The user is now able to view or edit the case member details To save changes to the individual, select the Save Case Member button If you wish to view/ edit the case level information, select the  icon beside the Case Level Information Text

23 Quick Search (Advanced)
You have searched for the migrant by case number and a case member name and you still can’t find what you are looking for, what do you do now? You go to Advanced Search. There are two ways to access the Advanced Search, either from Quick Search <click>


25 Or from the Main Menu > Case Management > Search Case or Search Individual which will display the list of search criteria you may enter to “filter” the results of your search

26 Advanced Search Case Search Radio buttons are used as another short cut to change the type of search. Once selected, they will expand or collapse the selected search criteria, where the user can enter the search parameters. The search button will by default search for records in the local database using the criteria entered

27 Action Buttons The button highlighted in Blue is known as the Default button. This is the action that will be performed if you press the Enter button on your keyboard. Action buttons are found at the bottom of pages or important sections.

28 Action Buttons Default actions are blue.
The button highlighted in Blue is known as the Default button. This is the action that will be performed if you press the Enter button on your keyboard. Default actions are blue. You can also Reset or Cancel your search.

29 Wildcard Advanced Search
Advanced search needs at least one search criteria You can use % for wildcard searches % Advanced search Can use wildcards:

30 Search Results (Case) IOM Case No. Activity Service 1st Ref No. 1st Ref Source PA Name Case Size Cross Ref Location Country Destination Country PF # Movement Status Departure Date Arrival Date 2nd Ref No. Registration Date The results can be sorted using any of the values returned by clicking on the column header of the value to sort and the sort order maybe in ascending or descending depending on user selection. Did you already notice that most of the hyperlinks in MiMOSA are in that nice blue?

31 Search Results (Case) ① Displays the number of pages of values returned and the page number the user is currently viewing. User should select a page number to navigate to another page. To view a record from the search results, user should click on the Hyperlinked value of the record. After viewing a Case from the search results, you may return to the search results by clicking on the Return to Search Results link at the top right of the page. This is only visible if a case is viewed from search results. The horizontal scroll bar maybe used to move left to right or right to left to view all the details of the case.

32 Search Results (Case) 1 2 2 2 2 2 ① Displays the number of pages of values returned and the page number the user is currently viewing. User should select a page number to navigate to another page. To view a record from the search results, user should click on the Hyperlinked value of the record. Did you notice the color? It is a key to the navigation throughout the application The horizontal scroll bar maybe used to move left to right or right to left to view all the details of the case.

33 3 ① return to the search results by clicking on the Return to Search Results link at the top right of the page. This is only visible if a case is viewed from search results. After viewing a Case from the search results, you may return to the search results by clicking on the Return to Search Results link at the top right of the page. This is only visible if a case is viewed from search results. 3

34 3 ① return to the search results by clicking on the Return to Search Results link at the top right of the page. This is only visible if a case is viewed from search results. 3 3

35 Search Results (Case) ① Displays the number of pages of values returned and the page number the user is currently viewing. User should select a page number to navigate to another page. To view a record from the search results, user should click on the Hyperlinked value of the record. After viewing a Case from the search results, you may return to the search results by clicking on the Return to Search Results link at the top right of the page. This is only visible if a case is viewed from search results. The horizontal scroll bar maybe used to move left to right or right to left to view all the details of the case.

36 Search Results (Case) 1 2 3 4 5 ① Displays the number of pages of values returned and the page number the user is currently viewing. User should select a page number to navigate to another page. To view a record from the search results, user should click on the Hyperlinked value of the record. After viewing a Case from the search results, you may return to the search results by clicking on the Return to Search Results link at the top right of the page. This is only visible if a case is viewed from search results. The horizontal scroll bar maybe used to move left to right or right to left to view all the details of the case.

37 Advanced Search Individual

38 Search Results (Individual)
Name Relation to PA Gender Marital Status Date of Birth Citizenship/ Nationality External/ Alien No. Activity List Service List Destination Country IOM Case Number Type of Migration Migration Type/ Classification Registration Date The results can be sorted using any of the values returned by clicking on the column header of the value to sort and the sort order maybe in ascending or descending depending on user selection.

39 Search Results (Individual)
The system will display the number of pages of values returned and the page number the user is currently viewing. User should select a page number to navigate to another page. To view a record from the search results, user should click on the Hyperlinked value of the record. For the case search results, the IOM case number is the Hyperlinked value and this will open the case in case management page. You may view the case, Individual or Movement from the search results by clicking on the Hyperlinked value. After viewing a case from the search results, you may return to the case results by clicking on the Return to Search Results link at the top right of the page. This is only visible if a case is viewed from search results. The horizontal scroll bar maybe used to move left to right or right to left to view all the details of the case.

40 Search Results (Movement)
PF Number Service Status Location Country Departure Date Destination Country Arrival Date Maximum Passengers Available Slots The results can be sorted using any of the values returned by clicking on the column header of the value to sort and the sort order maybe in ascending or descending depending on user selection.

41 Advanced Search Movement

42 Search Results (Movement)
① Displays the number of pages of values returned and the page number the user is currently viewing. User should select a page number to navigate to another page. To view a record from the search results, user should click on the Hyperlinked value of the record.

43 Search Results (Movement)
① Clicking on the Return to Search Results link at the top right of the page. This is only visible if a Movement is viewed from search results.

44 Mandatory Fields Mandatory fields are denoted by the red asterisk for values that are globally required for all migrants assisted by IOM. There are also mandatory field based on activity or programme specific requirements

45 Date Fields Global Date Format: DD-MMM-YYYY Samples: 01-DEC JAN-2009 To select a date from Date Picker: use the arrow keys  to select the correct month or use the month dropdown  list to select the month use the year dropdown  list to select the year

46 Date Fields To select a date from Date Picker:
use the arrow keys  to select the correct month or use the month dropdown  list to select the month use the year dropdown  list to select the year One helpful hint is to know when it is faster to user the date picker and when to type a type in the keyboard. Do you think a data picker calendar is faster for the Date of birth?

47 Remember Me The bookmark icon indicates data fields that will be remembered so you won’t have to type but simply open the book and see your list of most frequently used values.

48 Masked Values AA.NNNN A-Z 0-9 AA.NNNN.AANN.NN.NN.NNN
RT.0054 RT.____ AA.NNNN A-Z 0-9 RT.0045.PH The mask helps to ensure at least the format of the data is consistent even if the data may be incorrect AA.NNNN.AANN.NN.NN.NNN AA.NNNN.AANN.NN.NN.NNN

49 Managing Lists Lists are used throughout the application. Users can add, edit and delete items in a list and sort columns, depending upon the function and the users role Add will add the Address in the list and close the input fields. It should be noted that there will be no action if the user clicks on the [+]Add link when no values have been entered The input values for the List items will be displayed with an [+]Add link to indicate that multiple values can be added

50 Managing Lists [+]Add will display the input fields to add an additional Item to the list Edit will display the selected item in editable format Delete will display a warning to the user. If the user selects OK, the item will be deleted, if the user selects Cancel, the item will not be deleted

51 Managing Lists – Add Item
Ok will validate the data entry and if: valid: add data to the list invalid: display errors Cancel will hide the entry fields

52 Managing Lists Edit Item
System will highlight the list item that is being edited in blue Ok will validate the data entry and if: valid: add data to the list invalid: display errors Cancel will discard the changes hide the entry fields

53 Managing Lists – Delete Item
Ok will delete the item from the list Cancel will close the warning and the item will not be deleted

54 Unsaved Data Warning If the user navigates away from a page that contains unsaved data, the system will display a warning message

55 Informational Messages
Successful actions At the top of the page

56 Error Messages Errors and Rule Violations when performing actions
At the top of the page

57 Error Messages and Indicators
Tab Label is highlighted A generic message at the top of a section / tab A specific message below the field or fields in error 1 2 3 3

58 Q & A

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