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6 th RARS IG-Meeting 25 th - 26 th,Oct/2012 (EXETER - UK) INPE/INMET Brazilian Institute for Space Research National Institute of Meteorology Sérgio de.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th RARS IG-Meeting 25 th - 26 th,Oct/2012 (EXETER - UK) INPE/INMET Brazilian Institute for Space Research National Institute of Meteorology Sérgio de."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th RARS IG-Meeting 25 th - 26 th,Oct/2012 (EXETER - UK) INPE/INMET Brazilian Institute for Space Research National Institute of Meteorology Sérgio de Paula Pereira (INPE)

2 Receiving Sites in Brazil - Cachoeira Paulista (INPE) NOAA 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 METOp ready - Cuiabá (INPE) NOAA 15, 17, 18, and 19 METOp: processing system in transit - Brasília (INMET) NOAA 17, 18, and 19 - Natal (INPE) NOAA 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19) New NOAA/METOp Station packed for shipping - Fortaleza (Funceme) NOAA 15, 17, 18, and 19 (Station failed since end-2010) no definite date yet to resume operation

3 HRPT Stations Operational since : Expected/ planned tart-up Satellite INPE - Cach. Paulista INPE - Cuiabá INMET - Brasília INPE - (Natal) FUNCEME – Fortaleza SIVAM – Manaus… INPE - Boa Vista …… CHM (Navy) – Natal… 2006 Sept - 2007 Oct – 2007 Jan-2011 Oct-2010 early 2012 Failed since end-2010 2012/2013 suspended NOAA-15, 16,17,18,19 NOAA- 15, 17,18,19 NOAA- 17,18,19 NOAA-15, 16,17,18,19 NOAA- 15, 17,18,19 Negotiation pending

4 Station METOP Readiness X-RARS (IASI) NPP Readiness Cachoeira Paulista METOp ready20122013 (third quarter) Cuiaba METOp ready (station in transit) 2012 / early 2013 2013 (second quarter) Brasilia (planned for early 2013) - (No plans yet) Fortaleza(No plans yet) Natal/INPE (Station purchased) 2013 (first quarter) (No plans yet) Manaus ( negotiation pending) METOp hardware in place pending software module (tbd) NPP hardware in place pending software module Boa Vista(suspended) SOUTH AMERICA RARS – BRAZIL (Exeter IG Meeting – Oct-2012)

5 TIMELINESS (Set-Oct-2012) Level-1c BUFR files generated by INPE/Cachoeira Paulista Proc.Center (data coming from INPE-Cuiaba, INMET-Brasilia, CPTEC-Cachoeira Paulista; and INPE-NATAL). From Cach. Paulista: 92% within 30 min (25% within 20 min; 75% above) 8% above 30 min From Cuiaba: 90% within 30 min (10% within 20 min; 90% above) 10 % above 30 Min From INMET: (Processing system being updated in Cachoeira Paulista) From NATAL: 90% within 30 min (10% within 20 min; 90% above) 10 % above 30 Min

6 AAPP VERSION Cuiaba - INPE: 7.3 (latest) Cachoeira Paulista - INPE: 7.3 (latest) Brasilia-INMET: 7.3 (latest) - processing computer being shipped from INPE NATAL – INPE : 7.3 (latest) FUNCEME: 6.8 Present efforts (7.3): OPS-LRS; XERCES, IFFTW libraries being installed for subsequent testing

7 RARS data on GTS Washington Node GTS FOCAL Point: INMET - Brasília Responsible person: Mr. Jose Mauro Rezende Since Oct,10th, 2008 standard RARS files being sent to final destination node in Washington (RTH KWBC)






13 Extension of the South American RARS to Central America Venezuela thought as a possible alternative: Image Processing Center (CPDI) of the “Instituto de Ingenieria in Caracas Mr. Freddy Flores, Chief of CPDI INPE would like to count on help from the WMO Space Program in contacting data provider in Venezuela

14 RARS EXTENSION TO ADVANCED SOUNDING MISSIONS INPE Preliminary Tests with AIRS High-spectral sounding data: (version 1.1 downloaded; not tested yet) RT-STPS: version 4.1 IMAPP- AIRS: version 5.2.1 AIRS_TO_BUFR: version 1.0 (installed and tested in jul-2009) (version 1.1 downloaded; not tested yet) CADU Files>>RT-STPS package>> pds Level 0 Files >>>>> IMAPP-AIRS package>>> Level 1b Files>>> AIRS_To_BUFR package

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