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Nataliya Dniprenko Head of the Public Relations Department Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine.

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Presentation on theme: "Nataliya Dniprenko Head of the Public Relations Department Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nataliya Dniprenko Head of the Public Relations Department Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine

2 Article 38 of the Constitution of Ukraine ‘Citizens have the right to take part in the management of state affairs…’

3 Government Action Programme “Ukrainian Breakthrough – for People, not for Politicians” State support of the civil society development should provide for: – entering into a fruitful dialogue with the government, NGOs and the public; – facilitate the activities of the civil society institutions; – timely and public response of the bodies of state power to the initiatives and appeals of the community; – adjusting the legislation on non-governmental organizations in accordance with the European norms. 1.1. Civil society

4 No.1035-p, 21.11.2007 `The Concept of promotion of civil society by the executive bodies of Ukraine’

5 All executive bodies prepare their annual calendar of activities to implement the Concept and publish them at the official web-sites

6 No. 1378, 5.10.2004 `Some issues of ensuring the participation of the community in forming and implementation of the public policy’

7 No. 976, 5.11.2008 `On approval of the Procedure of facilitating public examination of executive bodies’

8 There are 78 Civil Councils on the top level of executive bodies


10 The consultations are held in accordance with the recommendations of the European Commission “General principles and minimal standards of consultations” No. СОМ (2002) 277, 5.06.2002



13 Thank you for your attention!

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