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3rd Plenary MeetingRA-2/MWR Cross-Cal & Val Team, ESRIN 12/09/01 Third Plenary ENVISAT RADAR ALTIMETRY CROSS-CALIBRATION and VALIDATION TEAM Meeting Jérôme.

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Presentation on theme: "3rd Plenary MeetingRA-2/MWR Cross-Cal & Val Team, ESRIN 12/09/01 Third Plenary ENVISAT RADAR ALTIMETRY CROSS-CALIBRATION and VALIDATION TEAM Meeting Jérôme."— Presentation transcript:

1 3rd Plenary MeetingRA-2/MWR Cross-Cal & Val Team, ESRIN 12/09/01 Third Plenary ENVISAT RADAR ALTIMETRY CROSS-CALIBRATION and VALIDATION TEAM Meeting Jérôme Benveniste ENVISAT RA-2/MWR Cross-Calibration and Validation Team Coordinator European Space Agency, Earth Observation Applications Department ESRIN, Via Galileo Galilei, I-00044, Frascati (RM), Italy, (e-mail:

2 3rd Plenary MeetingRA-2/MWR Cross-Cal & Val Team, ESRIN 12/09/01 Objectives of the Meeting Review the minutes of last meeting –Review the actions Verify and freeze data requirements Review plan version 1.0 and freeze before end of year Assess readiness of the CCVTeam –Questions from Members? –Close open issues –plan for the ones still open

3 3rd Plenary MeetingRA-2/MWR Cross-Cal & Val Team, ESRIN 12/09/01 Agenda Introduction and Objectives of the Meeting (JB) Review of the minutes of the CCVT second plenary meeting, 14/12/2000 – closing of actions ENVISAT Mission Status (JB) ERS-2 RA/MWR Mission and Data (PF/AM) –ERS-2 Radar Altimeter Performance (AM) –ERS-2 MWR Health Status (PF/CETP) Data requirement, circulation and rehearsal (LR) MWR Calibration and Validation subgroup status (PF) Level 2 Products and Algorithms Verification subgroup status (MM) Review of the CCVT consolidated Plan (ALL) RA-2/MWR Products Handbook (JB) Readiness of each Member (ALL) Identification of remaining issues/actions (JB+ALL) Outlook, Schedule, date of the next meeting (JB) AOB


5 3rd Plenary MeetingRA-2/MWR Cross-Cal & Val Team, ESRIN 12/09/01 CCVTeam Actions ACTION 7.1: B.Chapron to submit Data requirement). ACTION 7.2: ALL to endorse the statements on the required consistencies of corrections ACTION 7.3: Every CCVT member using OPR and WAP to send to JB the standard recipe actually applied to the product ACTION 7.4: JB to produce a specification for "standard" OPR and WAP data ACTION 7.5: PC, BC, JB (+ALL) further develop the error formalism ACTION 7.6: ALL to endorse (or discuss) Accuracy Objectives ACTION 7.7: ALL to Sign a Statement of Work

6 3rd Plenary MeetingRA-2/MWR Cross-Cal & Val Team, ESRIN 12/09/01 RA-2/MWR Product Tree

7 3rd Plenary MeetingRA-2/MWR Cross-Cal & Val Team, ESRIN 12/09/01 ENVISAT Mission Status –Satellite in storage at Kourou »Ready for Launch Campaign –Ground Segment Reviews this month »Delta GS Readiness Review –Nominal Launch date is 01/12/2001 »Envisat is next passenger on Ariane 5 –Next key date is end September - Arianespace publish test results

8 3rd Plenary MeetingRA-2/MWR Cross-Cal & Val Team, ESRIN 12/09/01 Schedule ---- use page 90 of PLAN v1.0

9 3rd Plenary MeetingRA-2/MWR Cross-Cal & Val Team, ESRIN 12/09/01 Conclusion Review of Actions Data requirements frozen Next steps: –Review version 1.0 of the Plan –Establish and sign Statement of Work Schedule Meetings –Date and place of the next meeting »After Launch (L+2m and/or L+3m)

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