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Presented by Roger Ndicu CAP Implementation in Kenya.

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1 Presented by Roger Ndicu CAP Implementation in Kenya

2 Introduction (1) KMD is a public service in the Ministry of Environment, Water and Mineral Resources; KMD is responsible for the organization and operational management of meteorological services in Kenya; Generating Advisories, Alerts & Warnings is the business of KMD; Kenya Comprises of 47 Counties; Each County headed by a County Meteorological Officer or Meteorologist and; Each County has its own Disaster Management committee.

3 Introduction (2) CAP was introduced to KMD in 2012; CAP is currently not in use, however, implementation process going on; Challenges of implementation KMD is in the process of coming up with an integrated solution of Alerts production & dissemination; This integrated solution will also target CAP; A timeline of CAP implementation has already been drawn.

4 Aspects of Alert Message Structure CAPKMD Headline/Title Category Response Type Urgency Severity Certainty Message Description Instruction Area Description

5 Early Warning Systems Meteorological EWS Tsunami & Seismic EWS Flood EWS EWS in the Health Sector EWS in Agriculture & Food Security

6 NMC & RSMC Early Warning NMC Alert, Advisories & Warnings County Meteorological Officer(s) Local Disaster Management Committee Office of the President (Advisory Committee) ( For Hazards such as Floods, Heavy Rains, strong Winds and Waves) National TV & Radio Local Media Networks RANET Radio Station Red Cross NMC & SWFDP, RSMC-Nairobi

7 Website maintained by SWFDP team

8 Alerts & Warnings (Generated from SWFDP Forecast Products) HAZARD ALERTWARNING Heavy Rainfall > 30 mm > 50 mm Coastal Wave Heights > 1.5 meters > 2.0 meters Hot Conditions > 30 o C > 38 o C Cold Conditions < 10 o C < 5 o C Wind Speed > 20 Knots > 35 knots

9 For Example…17 th April 2013 County Meteorological Officer(s) of South Nyanza, Counties of Marsabit,, Meru, Tharaka- Nithi, Narok, Kajiado, Nakuru and Taita Taveta Office of the President (Advisory Committee) Warning ReportsRecipients Products from SWFDP

10 Flood Early Warning System Flood Warnings Busia County Meteorological Officer Disaster Management Committee ( Busia County ) Red Cross Office of the President (Advisory Committee) Bundalangi RANET FM Radio Station Local Media Networks ( For Floods in the Bundalang’i plains- Western Kenya) Flood Diagnostics & Forecasting Centre, FDFC-Nairobi

11 Alerts & Warnings (Generated from River Gauge Levels) ALERTWARNING River Gauge 4 to 5 meters > 5 meters Remarks Watch Above this point flooding can occur depending on strength of the dykes

12 Health Early Warning System Health Advisories County Met. Officer(s) Local Disaster Management Committee Red Cross Local Health Centers Ministry of Health Office of the President (Advisory Committee) National TV & Radio Local Media Networks RANET Radio Station Seasonal Forecaster, NMC-Nairobi Updates

13 Food & Agri. Early Warning System Food & Agriculture Advisories County Met. Officer(s) Local Disaster Management Committee Ministries in charge of Agriculture, Livestock, Arid lands…etc Agricultural Extension Officers Office of the President (Advisory Committee) Red Cross Seasonal Forecaster, NMC-Nairobi Updates National TV & Radio Local Media Networks RANET Radio Station

14 Tsunami & Marine Early Warning Tsunami Alert or Warning County Met. Officer(s) Local Disaster Management Committee Kenya Maritime Authority Kenya Ports Authority Security Agencies Beach Management Units Hotel Operators Red Cross Siren & Loudspeakers Office of the President (Advisory Committee) National TV/Radio Networks RANET Radio & Local Media National Tsunami Warning Centre, Nairobi

15 Why More Emphasis on FM Radio ?

16 Media Exposure ( based on population census, 2009 ) Radio74% Mobile Phones63% TV28% Computers3.6%

17 Alerts & Warnings thro’ RANET Radio Community based Radio Stations 4 operating in vulnerable population areas Effective in Alerts & Warnings dissemination To be part of the CAP community

18 Alerts thro’ Mobile Phone Networks “There is an on-going discussion on the capability to send warnings to individual mobile phones in pre-selected areas or zones of utmost concern. The CAP implementation process has renewed the interest”

19 Proposed Flow of Info thro’ CAP Flood Warning County Meteorological Officer(s) All Disaster Managers Tsunami Warning CAP All Responders Internet, RSS feeds…etc Office of the President (Advisory Committee) Mobile Phone Networks TV / Radio Networks Local Radio Stations Forecasting Centres, KMD, Nairobi Health Advisory Food & Agri Advisory

20 Concerns… Need to understand CAP fully Security of CAP Identifying partners/Recipients of Alerts Agreements with the Recipients Which Alert should be public & personal Integrate all Alerting systems Well thought out flow of Advisories & Warnings

21 Status of CAP Implementation STATUS Identifying EWS’s in KMD Consolidating all EWS Converting all Alerts and Warnings to the CAP standard format Develop an Alerts flow chart using CAP Develop a CAP community (KMD) Develop a CAP community (outside KMD) CAP Identifiers & Other Attributes Full CAP application

22 Way Forward… ActivityPeriod Complete translation of the KMD messages to the CAP Format May 2013 Complete list of possible CAP community affiliate in Kenya Sep 2013 CAP Identifiers & RegistrationDec 2013 CAP trial period for a number of hazards e.g. Floods, Tsunami, Waves 1 st half of 2014 Full implementation of CAP2 nd half of 2014

23 Thank You !

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