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Klik om het opmaakprofiel van de modelondertitel te bewerken 9/2/10 Update Electronic certification.

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Presentation on theme: "Klik om het opmaakprofiel van de modelondertitel te bewerken 9/2/10 Update Electronic certification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Klik om het opmaakprofiel van de modelondertitel te bewerken 9/2/10 Update Electronic certification

2 9/2/10 Electronic certification workshop May 2009, Workshop in Ottawa, NAPPO, CFIA Attended by 12 countries, IPPC, WCO 60 – 70 participants What is electronic? What is already done? How to proceed?

3 9/2/10 Definition Electronic phytosanitary certification is the secure and authentic transmission of phytosanitary certification data, including the certifying statement, from the NPPO of the exporting country to the NPPO of the importing country by electronic means.

4 Electronic certification | 20 November 2009 Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Electronic certification | 20 November 2009 Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality 44 2. ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE 1. Certification proces (inspection, testing) 4. RECEIPT OF CERTIFICATE 3. SENDING CERTIFICATE DATA 5. Import procedures (inspection, release) IMPORTING COUNTRY 3. CERTIFICATE EXPORTING COUNTRY DATA

5 9/2/10 Conclusions A lot of different systems already in place in different countries Most of them are not electronic systems within the definition Need for a kind of standard, in stead of bilateral agreements

6 9/2/10 Elements of standard Language: XML Format: ISPM 12 leading, XML scheme UN/CEFACT Standardized items (ISO codes, botanical names, quantities) Security Authenicity

7 9/2/10 Proceed after workshop 2009 Two WG were set up Check the XML scheme Business requirements Inventory was made But no further progress Similar experience after workshop in NL 2006 Discussions in CPM5, progress needed

8 9/2/10 Pilots Pilots are going on all over the world or will start The Netherlands started pilot with Kenya End of this year electronic certificates with roses Experience is input for discussions Pilots may diverge now already

9 9/2/10 TC to discuss how we can make progress Progress before CPM6

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