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Climate Sessions: 28 th Nov - 9 th Dec 4 sessions COP 11: 11 th session of the Conference of the PartiesCOP 11: 11 th session of the Conference of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Sessions: 28 th Nov - 9 th Dec 4 sessions COP 11: 11 th session of the Conference of the PartiesCOP 11: 11 th session of the Conference of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Sessions: 28 th Nov - 9 th Dec 4 sessions COP 11: 11 th session of the Conference of the PartiesCOP 11: 11 th session of the Conference of the Parties COP/MOP 1: Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties of the Kyoto ProtocolCOP/MOP 1: Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties of the Kyoto Protocol SBSTA 23 & SBI 23: 23 rd sessions of the two subsidiary bodiesSBSTA 23 & SBI 23: 23 rd sessions of the two subsidiary bodies

2 Inter-linkages Between the Two Conventions Article 2 stabilization level should be achieved within a time frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturallyArticle 2 stabilization level should be achieved within a time frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally In Article 4.1 all Parties commit themselves to protecting sinks and reservoirsIn Article 4.1 all Parties commit themselves to protecting sinks and reservoirs Article 4.8 pays attention to the specific needs of developing countries with areas with fragile ecosystemsArticle 4.8 pays attention to the specific needs of developing countries with areas with fragile ecosystems Kyoto Protocol Annex I countries to make use of the carbon uptake of forestsKyoto Protocol Annex I countries to make use of the carbon uptake of forests

3 Climate Change & Climate Change Actions Can Have Many Impacts on Biodiversity MitigationMitigation AdaptationAdaptation Conservation of biodiversity can also contributeConservation of biodiversity can also contribute

4 Good Awareness of the Biodiversity Implications Need to ensure that climate actions do not create additional pressures on biodiversityNeed to ensure that climate actions do not create additional pressures on biodiversity When avoidable, we should minimize such negative impactsWhen avoidable, we should minimize such negative impacts Aware of the fact of not always having the expertise or mandate to handle themAware of the fact of not always having the expertise or mandate to handle them

5 Climate and Biodiversity Communities Different languagesDifferent languages Different cultures and traditionsDifferent cultures and traditions

6 Adaptation as a Shared Concern Biodiversity considerations relevantBiodiversity considerations relevant Planned adaptation to protect biodiversityPlanned adaptation to protect biodiversity Biodiversity impacts of adaptation activities in other sectorsBiodiversity impacts of adaptation activities in other sectors

7 Topics of Climate Sessions 6 th synthesis report on developing countries national communications6 th synthesis report on developing countries national communications The SBSTA 5-year programme of work on adaptationThe SBSTA 5-year programme of work on adaptation Three funds established by COP 7 in 2001: LDF, SCCF and KPAFThree funds established by COP 7 in 2001: LDF, SCCF and KPAF Initiative “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in Developing Countries: Approaches to Stimulate Action”Initiative “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in Developing Countries: Approaches to Stimulate Action”

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