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ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 20031 ADS-B Safety Analysis (ASA & GSA) Bob Darby EUROCONTROL ADS Programme ASAS Thematic Network Second Workshop 6-8.

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1 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 20031 ADS-B Safety Analysis (ASA & GSA) Bob Darby EUROCONTROL ADS Programme ASAS Thematic Network Second Workshop 6-8 October 2003

2 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 20032 OUTLINE  Background  Current work  analysis processes  comments on the methods, not the results  Wider context & Conclusions  Safety is only part of SPR / IA  Requirements Focus Group  Longer term  Points of Contact

3 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 20033 BACKGROUND

4 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 20034 Safety Work History  1999-2000: Stage 0  Initial Safety Study - brief look high level workshops  2000-2001: Stage 1  Operational Hazard Analysis (OHA) based on “Case Studies”  Difficulty - not detailed enough definition of the applications

5 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 20035 Safety Work History  2002:  Package I proposed at Rome  CARE-ASAS / EUROCONTROL development of Package I  EUROCAE WG51 & RTCA SC-186  Common applications review & proposal  Common methodology proposal - ED78A / DO-264  Guidelines for Approval of the Provision and Use of Air Traffic Services supported by Data Communications  In parallel:  Stage 2A Safety Contract launched  At the time (Jan 2002) the aim was to  Use EUROCONTROL Safety Assessment Methods (SAM)  Use ED78A as a means of compliance with the SAM  Aim has changed as ESARR4 developed and use of ED78A has proceeded, to establish an effective methodology. Differences/complementarity handled as an outcome.

6 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 20036 CURRENT WORK

7 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 20037 Stage 2A Safety Contract  Coordinated with CBA and Architecture work  Assessment of some ADS-enabled ASA and GSA applications defined in the Package I OSED - including ADS-B in a mixed surveillance environment  For each Package I application  OHA: building on the results of the ADS Programme Stage 1 OHA  ASOR: allocation to elements / domains within the architecture  from ASOR options: safety requirements for the ADS-B element based on the specific enabling infrastructure.  PSSA for one application, using a specific architecture  Issues:  Methodology and Software tools equally important as the results

8 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 20038 Logical Flow Case StudiesOHA STAGE 1 (Draft) OSEDs OHA Functional Architecture ASOR Specific Implementation PSSA STAGE 2A ASFA Ground Surveillance Architecture Methods & Tools inc database Assessments - architecture guidance RESULTS CBA

9 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 20039 Applications assessed Ground Surveillance Applications (GSA) ATC surveillance in en-route airspace ATC surveillance in terminal areas ATC Surveillance in non-radar area Airport Surface Surveillance Surface Traffic Awareness application Runway Incursion application Airborne Surveillance Applications (ASA) Enhanced traffic situational awareness on the airport surface Surface Traffic Awareness application Runway Incursion application Enhanced successive visual approaches Sequencing and merging applications

10 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 200310 OHA process

11 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 200311 OHA output (example) From “Enhanced Successive Visual Approach” OHA is summarised in a diagram. Details in several tables: OH summary table, that refers to Candidate safety requirements lists environmental procedural technical Recommendations list Causes list Supported by detailed OH tables

12 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 200312 OHA - comments on process  Exhaustive & detailed...  … time-consuming to develop and to review  Mature process, used (with slight variations) by many European projects, NUP, MFF, …  Needs tool support to ensure  consistency between diagrams and tables  traceability and accurate cross-referencing between all tables  database is being developed  Derived from application model in OSED  Changes to OSED may mean complete rework of OHA

13 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 200313 ASOR process  Follows on from OHA  traceability essential  Objective: identify  responsible domains/elements (ATC, aircraft, crew,…)  system failure relationships  mitigation means strategy  Key processes:  Building the fault tree  stop when the safety requirement can be exclusively met in a domain  Allocation of safety requirements  several options

14 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 200314 ASOR - comments on process  Relatively new process - learning as we proceed  More complex for surveillance than for communications  No single correct answer - tradeoffs will occur  Trees give the understanding - tables give the detail  Tools for traceability and consistency essential

15 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 200315 PSSA  Specific to a particular implementation  Assess if the proposed architecture is safe for its intended purpose  ASOR has already mapped safety requirements to the domain  Now look at the architecture within the domain: i.e. main functional (and physical) components  EUROCONTROL study example: Toulouse airport  Package I applications:  Airport Surface Surveillance  Enhanced traffic situational awareness on the airport surface  Surface Traffic Awareness application  Runway Incursion application  Just starting this phase of the study

16 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 200316 Overall Comments  Learning about the processes as we use them going from the generic to the specific  Status  OHA: mature but effort intensive  ASOR: developing well  PSSA: just started but relatively straightforward  Overall: large effort  Tool support essential, especially when iterating and reworking  Complementary approach to identify critical areas would pay dividends  OSED is critical - clarity and accuracy of application modelling is vital

17 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 200317 WIDER CONTEXT & CONCLUSIONS

18 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 200318 Safety is only part of the process OSED Operational Service & Environment Definition OSA Operational Safety Assessment OHA & ASOR OPA Operational Performance Assessment Identify & allocate performance requirements IA Interoperability Assessment SPR Safety & Performance Requirements Interop Document

19 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 200319 Preparation for RFG/3  Joint EUROCONTROL, FAA, EUROCAE, RTCA “Requirements Focus Group”  1st-4th December 2003, Washington DC  OSEDs: OSED Harmonisation Group  First complete PI OSED due out soon  Safety: EUROCONTROL, NUP, MFF, …  Convergence on the methods  More coordination and consensus needed - EC can help?  SPR & IA as a whole  ad-hoc SPR/IA group working since July  aiming at common approach for Europe and USA; extend world-wide?

20 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 200320 Longer term considerations  Operational expertise to validate the analysis conclusions  Complementary methods could be of value  for greater efficiency overall  for confirming results  Coordination with Safety Unit, SRC and EASA

21 ASAS TN 2nd Workshop 6-8 October 200321 POINTS OF CONTACT  EUROCONTROL ADS Programme  visit the ADS Programme website :   STNA & Sofréavia  who have carried out the detailed work and developed in a practical form the processes described today  RFG colleagues  discussions in preparation of material for RFG/3

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