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How much could a chuck chuck if a chuck could chuck ?

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Presentation on theme: "How much could a chuck chuck if a chuck could chuck ?"— Presentation transcript:


2 How much could a chuck chuck if a chuck could chuck ?

3 Beavers gnaw on. Beavers gnawed on these trees.

4 Little Red Riding wore a red. hood

5 The mouse laughed so hard its whole body ! sh oo k The parrots their heads. I don’t know why. Do you? sh ook

6 or=blue+whale+movie+clip&cb=HJ&pg=GGmain&p2= %5EHJ%5Exdm003%5ES08330%5Eus&n=780b5eec&qi d=8238c9f943a74f3cafe4d3d23c1c8f08&ss=sub&pn= 1&st=bar&ptb=E895E320-DA23-4373-91DA- A3213658E0F8&tpr=&si=CKuun62M97sCFeJF7AodQE 4ARQ&vid=9pjI2XkmoL0 Blue WhaleBlue Whale://kids.nationalgeographic. com/kids/animals/creaturefeatur e/blue-whales/Slide 2Slide 2 The blue whale is the biggest animal on earth. It is ! u g e h

7 Sneaky e the short ŭ in and made it say. cu te Sneaky e takes things. He’s a ! croo k t k

8 L k in a and you can learn about anything! book Did you know alligators have about 75 teeth?

9 You can eggs in a pan. k c oo Yum! You can hot dogs on the grill. c ook You don’t have to us! coo k

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