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Geospatial Technologies Briefing PEMA Law Enforcement Briefing 22 March 2004 Jim Knudson, Director GT 717-346-1538.

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Presentation on theme: "Geospatial Technologies Briefing PEMA Law Enforcement Briefing 22 March 2004 Jim Knudson, Director GT 717-346-1538."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geospatial Technologies Briefing PEMA Law Enforcement Briefing 22 March 2004 Jim Knudson, Director GT 717-346-1538

2 PA Geospatial Technologies Real-Time Weather Digital Elevation Model (DEM) GIS Applications PA Geospatial Data Sharing Standards PAMAP Imagery GPS

3 Geospatial Discussion Geospatial Technologies Bureau Strategic Initiatives Enterprise Vision –Standards-Based Initiatives –Local/State Collaboration –Homeland Security Mission Geospatial Products –Digital Elevation Model –Imagery –Weather Data –HS GIS Data Architecture Coordination –Standards –Funding –Assets

4 OA/OIT/Geospatial Technologies Governor’s Office of Administration –Office for Information Technology Geospatial Technologies Bureau – created 20 October 2003 Jim Knudson – Director Also State GIS Coordinator Geology + Computer Science Degrees 17 years experience – DoD, GIS consulting, database expertise, application development, project management Homeland Security GIS Task Force Lead Coordinates 18 state agencies in GIS and geospatial technologies, more coming online Coordinates PA Homeland Security GIS strategies

5 Geospatial Guiding Principles Create data once, use it a bunch (local data sharing) Reduce overlap and duplication of efforts Provide Homeland Security/Incident Response support Create and communicate standards initiatives Provide leadership, coordination, and governance Maintain current knowledge of agency operations and business Develop an enterprise strategic plan Identify, prioritize, and build enterprise assets and resources (e.g. imagery, geocoding solution) Seek sustainable funding sources and achieve sustainability of operations Communication is critical to the mission

6 How Will We Help? Statewide geospatial strategy and vision Geospatial data sharing standards Imagery collection and dissemination Identification and creation of enterprise assets –Statewide Digital Elevation Model (DEM) –Standard imagery products –Statewide real-time weather data products –First Responder geospatial data architecture Homeland Security/Incident Response Geospatial Technologies Support Coordination of state standards and funding

7 Strategic Initiatives Work with counties and local governments collaboratively to share data Understand local government needs Help build sustainable geospatial capabilities in all local governments Identify and develop strategic assets to assist in data sharing Support public safety/emergency management/first responders

8 PA Geospatial Data Sharing Standards Framework layer data standards will allow horizontal data sharing across municipality and county boundaries, and vertically Version 1.0 Layer standards will consist of: –Roads-- Orthophotography –Parcels-- Elevation –Buildings-- Oth. Transportation –Boundaries-- Place Names –Streams

9 Statewide Digital Elevation Model (DEM) 3D Model of the earth’s surface Current statewide DEM is a 30 meter grid, with a vertical accuracy of +/- 5 meters New DEM will be 3 meter grid, statewide, with a vertical accuracy of +/- 1 meter Smaller grid sizes (100 new grids fit in one old grid), much higher vertical accuracy Much better for 3D GIS visualization and modeling, used in flood mapping, tactical scenarios for vantage points and planning First priority is to tie into PEMA, DMVA, PSP GIS systems, second is to provide to all state agencies and local governments ($3M) Will provide radar imagery as well as a surface elevation model with and without features (e.g. buildings, trees)

10 InterMap NextMAP USA Orthorectified Radar Image (ORI) Digital Surface Model (DSM) Digital Terrain Model (DTM)

11 2004 State Funded Imagery Program We have to own the imagery in perpetuity, from the very beginning, so that it can be shared across the Commonwealth USDA 1m CIR –Partnership with USDA to fly entire state in Summer 2004 (leaf- on), 1 meter pixel imagery resolution, color infrared imagery. Should have in-house by end of 2004 and on a shared server for everyone to access PAMAP Program, continuing –Additional counties will be flown in spring 2004, ramping up in spring 2005 to cover 1/3 of state. Standards are color or CIR imagery, 2’ pixels or better (2’ pixels: map scale of 1”=200’, prefer 1’ pixels: map scale of 1”=100’). Will allow counties to partner to increase mapping scale (1”=50’, etc.). Program goal is to have a standard set of imagery across the state, used to improve county and municipality GIS framework layers, shared with state.

12 PA Imagery Projects FY 2004 USDA 1 meter Color – PA 2004 Leaf-On (PA will get CIR) PAMAP Program 2004 (CIR) Leaf-Off

13 Statewide Weather Data Required for severe weather events, natural disasters, SARA facility toxic releases, terroristic WMD/CBRNE events, etc. Need for REAL-TIME weather data in PA to provide local conditions Enterprise license being pursued for web-based weather data, including real-time sensor network in PA, GIS data servers at PEMA and DMVA for inclusion in GIS applications and plume models. GIS data will be made available to all state agencies and potentially to county EMAs. Includes NOAA/NWS data in addition to real-time data for NEXRAD storm cells, composite radar imagery, satellite imagery, forecast data, current conditions, etc. Access by all governments in PA – state, county, municipal

14 AWS WeatherNet 369 Real-Time Sensors Deployed Currently

15 Centralized Geospatial Data Architecture CTC/ESF

16 Homeland Security GIS Task Force Multiple Initiatives –Critical Infrastructure GIS Layer Needs Identification and prioritization –Review of GIS systems and technologies for HS, Emergency Response, Public Safety –Identification of commonly desired capabilities and strategies for implementation –Evaluation of vendor products, e.g. Weather

17 Enterprise GT Coordination Communication, collaboration, cooperation, coordination –Federal agencies, state agencies, 67 counties, 2566 municipalities Standards definition, education Data stewardship for Commonwealth agencies GT Statewide asset requirements, strategy, and implementation Funding coordination, grants, funding strategies Capability and capacity building at all levels of the Commonwealth Issue and problem resolution

18 Summary GT Bureau and State GIS Coordinator is a resource Trying to build assets and capabilities for the entire Commonwealth HS GIS/Geospatial support for Commonwealth Standards ownership Building relationships with local governments Review and coordination of funding uses for imagery, GIS and geospatial technologies

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