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SCHEDULING: The core subjects of Integrated English, Math, Social Studies, and Science, will be presented by the following team teachers: Mr. Beckley:

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2 SCHEDULING: The core subjects of Integrated English, Math, Social Studies, and Science, will be presented by the following team teachers: Mr. Beckley: Science Mrs. Scheid/Mrs.Hughes: Social Studies Mrs. Barringer: Integrated English (IE) Mrs. Allen: Common Core Math Ms. Walter: Intervention Specialist **Advisory/Academic Assist will meet daily: 11:20-11:50 **The teachers meet Monday and Thursday as a team from 7:40-8:30. If you need to contact or meet with us, this is a good time!

3 Typical Student Day 1 st period- Unified Arts or Band/Choir 2 nd period – Core Class 3 rd period – Core Class 4 th period – Lunch 5 th period – Advisory/Academic Assist 6 th period – Core Class 7 th period – Core Class 8 th period – Unified Arts or Study Hall

4 Communication Tools for communication ◦ Weekly newsletter emailed each Monday ◦ Website ( ◦ PowerSchool – Please check weekly ◦ Email (teacher’s first name_last ◦ Call 740-657-4300

5 Schoology Learning Management System ◦ Combines email, blog, file sharing, and online learning into one integrated system. ◦ The URL for Schoology is ◦ Do not preface it with WWW or HTTP. ◦ Login for Schoology is first name_last name_19 ◦ The password is the student’s ID number.

6 Science class is divided into 4 units Unit 1: Scientific Process and Thinking Unit 2: Matter and Motion Unit 3: Rocks, Minerals and Soil Unit 4: Cells

7 Tools for success in science class Classroom notes Flashcards (given to students for almost all units) Website (additional resources and practice) No Penalty Quizzes (many test questions come from the quizzes) Practice Test (on science website) YouTube videos (student missed a lecture, it may be on YouTube)

8 Welcome to 6 th grade Social Studies Melissa Scheid – Jessica Hughes This year we will study various global themes and ancient civilizations. Our main objective is for students to learn about diverse cultures and places around the world. We will begin the year by studying: ☼ Geography focusing on the Eastern Hemisphere (Location, Place/Region, Human-Environment Interaction, Movement) ☼ Map Skills ☼ Landforms ☼ World Religion, Government, and Economics

9 We will also study ancient civilizations this year. ☼ Early Mesopotamia ☼ Ancient Egypt ☼ Ancient India ☼ Ancient China  Social Studies Warm Up  Terms to Know

10 Lisa Barringer –Integrated English Integrated English Units: The Shadow Club Mystery Survival (Touching Spirit Bear) Poetry Non-Fiction Text Individual Book Choice Project Student Interest Unit

11 Reading, Writing, and Grammar!!!! Reading  Whole class novel - (The Shadow Club)  Group novel - (based on interest/ability level)  Free-choice novel – (independent pace) Please encourage your child to read at least 20 minutes every evening. Writing ◦ Unit Focus - Personal Narrative ◦ Weekly Reading Responses IE Warm Up

12 CC Math 6 & Enriched CC Math 6 ◦ There are five critical areas of focus for math this year. ◦ They will be broken down into 16 units. Five Critical Areas (Common Core State Standards): 1. Ratios and Proportional Relationships  Equivalent rates, unit rate, converting measurement units, percent of quantities, real world focus. 2. The Number System  Multiplying and dividing rational numbers, visual modeling, distributive property, absolute value, graphing in all four quadrants of a coordinate plane, real world focus. 3. Expressions and Equations  Order of operations, exponents, distributive property, variables, equivalent expressions, parts of expressions, equations and inequalities, dependent and independent variable relationships, real world focus.

13 CC Math 6 & Enriched CC Math 6 4. Geometry Solving real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume. 5. Statistics and Probability Graphical displays, measures of center and spread, develop understanding of statistical variability, summarize and describe distributions.

14 Additional Math Information: -Weekly Reviews will be given every Monday and will be due every Friday. These will be graded (as a summative assessment), so please encourage your child to take them seriously! -Students will be given formative assessments near the middle and end of each unit. These will not count toward their final grade each quarter. -Students will then be given unit tests (as summative assessments) at the end of each unit. These will count toward their final grade each quarter.

15 Advisory/Academic Assist Schedule Monday – Academic Assist (Literacy Support Focus) Tuesday – Advisory (Wellness Focus) Wednesday – Academic Assist Thursday – Academic Assist Friday – Advisory (Fun Friday/Game Day) The Purpose of Advisory Days: ☺ Develop positive character traits and healthy mind and body ☺ Improve communications within peer groups and between students and staff ☺ Improve relationships by eliminating name calling, putdowns, and bullying and develop strategies to deal with stress and to make good decisions.



18 Homework Website – kley When a student is absent, he/she will be given the same number of days that were missed to turn in missing work. It is the student’s responsibility to find out the assignments missed during an absence. Checking with his/her teachers and the website and homework hotline is a great way to do this. We expect students to put forth their best effort on their homework assignments by completing them neatly and turning them in on time.

19 Braves Bucks Incentive program that encourages and rewards students for respectful behavior. Our goal is to develop responsibility, increase teaching and learning time, decrease disrespectful behavior and reward those who consistently follow school and classroom rules.

20 Conferences are Student Led Wednesday, October 10 th and Thursday, October 18 th From 4-7:30 Team Room Forms will be coming home late September to sign up for a conference.

21 Camp* Heartland Outdoor Environmental School Overnight experience Located in Morrow County May 29, 30, and 31 * Pending Olentangy Local School Board approval

22 Would you like to Volunteer? Effective January 2012, any and all adults serving as a parent chaperone must complete and provide BCI and FBI background check results prior to serving as a chaperone. BCI and FBI checks are good for 5 years. BCI and FBI check ($51)

23 The Giving Tree Opportunity to contribute to the classrooms Select a leaf, flower, or apple from the tree Send in this item with your child to the specified teacher Thank you so much for your support!!

24 Email Contact Information Rebecca Allen: Lisa Barringer: Rob Beckley: Melissa Scheid: Jeanie Walter:

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